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APSC 101 Final Notes

Risk Management

Chapter 11, 18 Sections 18.1-18.3

Risk Factors

  • Severity: Maximum harm that could come from an incident

  • Likelihood: The probability of a harm causing accident

  • Hazard: Capacity to cause harm (in terms of safety)

  • Risk = Severity x Likelihood

What is Risk?

  • Possibility of harm occurring, determined from severity and likelihood.

Risk Sources:

  • Preventable

    • Risks that teams can manage and control

  • Strategic

    • Risks knowingly taken for potential rewards

  • External

    • Outside of the teams control, must be considered

Risk Types:

  • Safety

    • Related to health and wellbeing of people and environment

  • Technical

    • Design and manufacture, ensuring the solution works as intended

  • Project Management

    • Completion of project on time and with budget

  • Operational

    • Decision making on the operation and use of the device

Risk Categorization Table

  • Horizontal categories: Risk Sources (external, preventable, strategic)

  • Vertical categories: Risk Types (safety, technical… etc)

Use of Risk Categorization Table:

  • Documents and captures important risks

  • Focuses on different risk sources and categories

Risk Management Approaches:

  1. Avoid

    • Change what you are doing to remove the risk entirely

    • Ex. Stopping the project, changing ideas

  2. Mitigate

    • Try to minimize likelihood, severity or both

    • Ex. Changing certain aspects of your design

  3. Transfer

    • Pass the risk to someone else

    • Ex. Insurance

  4. Accept

    • Be willing to live with the consequences of your risk

    • Ex. Doing nothing

Risk Matrix

  • A tool for quantifying risk based on the product of likelihood and severity.

  • Vertical column: Likelihood increasing

  • Horizontal column: Severity increasing

Risk Analysis Chart

Team Development

Sections 17.2 and 17.4 ("Managing Conflict").

Tuckman’s Stages Chart

  • Team Completion and Team Relationship

Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development

  1. Forming

    • Everyone is polite, tries to contribute, minimizing controversy

    • Not well coordinated: strengths of team aren’t well utilized

  2. Storming

    • More willingness to speak, however tension and disagreements are created

    • Quantity and quality of work decreases

  3. Norming

    • Good Norming:

      • Mutual understanding of roles, goals and standards.

    • Bad Norming:

      • Dysfunctional, worried about awkwardness instead of resolving issues

  4. Performing:

    • Strong group identity, healthy and supportive relationships, high value work

When does conflict occur?

  • Throughout all stages.

  • Forming: avoiding conflict

  • Storming: conflict in the open, stressful

  • Performing: dealing with conflict quickly and smoothly

  • Conflict ensures all opinions and voices are heard.

Transitioning through stages:

  1. F→S

    • Time spent working together, leadership

  2. S → N

    • Open Communication, real friendships, desire to improve

  3. N → P

    • Willingness to face conflict

    • Valuing team relationships and accomplishments

  4. Bad Norming → Good Norming

    • Courage to speak up against unfairness

Conflict Management Chart

  • Co-operativeness

    • Seeking to meet the other parties goals

  • Assertiveness

    • Seeking to meet our goals

Vertical: Assertiveness Horizontal: Co-Operativeness

Conflict Management Styles

  1. Avoiding

    • Ignoring the conflict, removing yourself from the situation

    • No one gets what they want

  2. Accommodating

    • Being flexible to give up what you want for others

  3. Competing

    • Pushing to achieve what you want, even if it upsets the others

    • Quick

  4. Compromising

    • Meeting the other party in the middle

    • Both get what they want

    • Quick

  5. Collaborating

    • Taking the time to listen and work together to come up with a solution everyone likes

    • Takes time and effort

Engineering Drawings

Sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3.


  • View used to represent a 3d object in a 2d space

Perspective Projection

  • Realistic perspective where closer features are larger, further are smaller

Principal View Projection

  • View from main sides: top, front, end

Multiview Orthographic

  • Multiple principle projection views

Pictorial Drawings

  • Look 3d but use parallel lines

  • Starting line is typically 30 degrees to 45 degrees to the horizontal

Isometric Projection

  • Pictorial drawing

  • Starting line 30 degrees from horizontal

  • Circular features are elliptical

  • Distances from axis are proportional to IRL

  • Vertical and Parallel lines match IRL

  • Uses reference lines

Hidden Lines Orthographic

  • Dashed lines used to show un-visible features

Orthographic Drawings

  • If you stood directly in front of a specific side, you see the face (view)

  • Third Angle Projection

    • Top view above front view, right view to the right of front view

Dimensioning Guidelines

  • Sufficient dimensions to describe the object

  • Dimension the view that shows features clearly

  • Diameter of circle: on the view that shows it

  • Diameter of cylinder: dimensioned from the side, cylinder appears a rectangle

  • Don’t dimension hidden lines


  • Dimension Line

    • Line with arrows on the ends to show size or location of a feature

    • Don’t cross dimensions lines with each other

    • Shouldn’t be in the object

  • Extension Line

    • Straight reference line to identify features on an object and to which a dimension line points

    • Can cross with other extension lines if necessary

  • Centre mark

    • “+” symbol identifies the centre of a circular feature

    • Dashed line with a long-short pattern identifies centre of cylinder

2 Types of Dimensioning

  1. Chain dimensioning

    • Style of dimensioning where a new dimension starts where a previous ends

  2. Datum Dimensioning

    • Multiple dimensions start from the same datum

Title Block

  • Section used on an engineering drawing with critical information

What does a Title Block Contain?

  1. Units of dimensions

  2. Uncertainties of dimensions

  3. Symmetric symbol: 3rd angle projection

  4. Who created and checking the drawing and when

  5. Material and quality of surface finish of item

  6. Drawing Scale (1:1)

  7. Name and number of drawing

  8. Current drawing version


Section 17.4 ("Giving and Receiving Feedback") and Section 15.2.

Equity Diversity and Inclusion


  • Everyone has the same opportunities for success


  • Differences in background and identities allowing for more creativity and better performance


  • Addressing inequities between people of different backgrounds and working towards a respectful community


  • Overall experiences of discrimination or privilege based on dimensions of diversity


Implicit Biases:

  • Subconscious stereotypes about groups, learned through seen patterns


  • Small, subtle or indirect discriminatory actions or statements

Stereotype Threat:

  • When people feel concerned about conforming to a stereotype for a group they belong to


  • Acting to support individuals facing discrimination

7 C’s of Communication

  1. Clear

    • Easy to follow, direct, appropriate structure

  2. Correct

    • Factually correct, free of errors

  3. Concise

    • Brief and to the point without losing meaning

  4. Concrete

    • Detailed, specific, intended message evident

  5. Complete

    • Information the audience needs and what is expected

  6. Courteous

    • Polite, friendly, sincere, appropriate honorific

  7. Considerate

    • Empathetic and mindful

    • Takes into account audience and reaction (impact)

Technical Memo

  • Form of concise written communication, shares information (projects)

Structure Technical Memo

  1. Sender’s address

  2. Date

  3. Inside address

  4. Reference line

  5. Salutation

  6. Body

  7. Closing (Signature and Name)

  8. Enclosures

3 Types of Feedback

  1. Appreciation

    • Acknowledge job well done

  2. Coaching

    • Help someone improve

  3. Evaluation

    • Rate someone’s performance against standards

3×3 Feed Back Model

Life Cycles

Sections 13.1, 13.3, and 14.1

3 Scales to Consider

  • Spatial

    • Physical largeness of a system

  • Temporal

    • Time, looking at now, into the future

  • Organizational

    • Based on organizational structures, such as government, schools, etc

Sustainability Venn Diagram

No trade-offs for sustainability


  • Clean air, safe environment


  • Health, safety, human rights


  • Employment, business

Life Cycle Thinking

Life Cycle Assessment LCA

Systematic Evaluation of the impacts of material and energy inputs and outputs for a product or process across all life cycle stages

Used usually near the end of the design process once everything is known

LCA Main Stages

  1. Goal definition and scope

    • Defining system boundary, and which life cycle stages are we considering

  2. Inventory Analysis

    • Tracking material influx and outflux, waste, manufacturing processes, etc.

  3. Impact Assessment

    • Assessing environmental impacts

    • Established environmental impact metrics

  4. Interpretation (All throughout)

    • Displaying our data (bar graph)

Cons of LCA

  • Detailed knowledge of material and energy flows is required

  • Impacts must be known and quantified

  • Focuses on environmental impacts

System Boundary

Description of what elements are included / excluded in an LCA

Ex. Examining a phone, determining if you’re also accounting for the electronics inside, as well as the glass screen… etc

Functional Unit

Reference of performance used to compare things in an LCA

Ex. Comparing emissions from cars vs busses, functional unit: emissions for 120 person-km of city driving

Streamlined Inventory Analysis SLCA

Sees the life cycle of materials as also a life cycle sequence

Used all throughout the design process

Life Cycle Sequence

Raw Materials → Production → Distribution→ Use → End of Life

Categories of an SLCA considered

  1. Resources Used

  2. Waste Generated

  3. Energy Used

  4. Public Health

How to use an SLCA?

  1. Consider the life cycle sequence:

    • Raw Materials → Production → Distribution→ Use → End of Life

  2. In each part of the sequence, rank on a scale of 1-5 for each category

    • Resources Used

    • Waste Generated

    • Energy Used

    • Public Health

  3. Put data into an SLCA matrix and sum the values


  • SLCA is faster

  • SLCA is qualitative, better for difficult to quantify data

  • Suitable all throughout the design process


Section 12.3 ("Appropriate Technology")

Appropriate Technology: Meaning

  • Design solution considers key stakeholders across all lifecycle stages of that solution

  • Solution is appropriate for the context

Sustainability Venn Diagram

Sustainability: Context

  • Relevant factors in a problem that influence stakeholder consultation and the sustainability of a solution

  • Ex. Context needed for maintenance nearby, use after novelty wears off, interactions for citizens

Stakeholder Engagement

All throughout design process

  1. Engage

    • Design, implement, and commit to processes of engagements that give stakeholders to opportunity to change their future

  2. Learn

    • Understand and hear all perspectives

  3. Synthesize

    • Integrate new stakeholder input in decisions, and tweak the project to suit them longterm

Business Letters


  1. Sender Address

  2. Date

  3. Inside Address

  4. Salutation

  5. Purpose

  6. Details

  7. Restate Purpose

  8. Closing

Satisfaction Curves

Section 5.4 ("Evaluation Criteria")

Target Design Specifications

  1. Requirements

    • Necessary components of a solution

  2. Evaluation Criteria

    • Distinguish between different degrees of satisfaction

Design Parameters and Attributes


  • Inputs of a system

  • Ex. Battery capacity


  • Outputs

  • Ex. Cost of the battery capacity implementation

Satisfaction Curves:

Only looks at satisfaction for a certain aspect.

  • X Axis: Attribute

    • Something of importance to the stakeholder

  • Y Axis: Satisfaction

    • We are trying to maximize

  • Minimum should be at zero (The minimum required)

  • In between should be what they want/need

  • Maximum should be more than needed

Water Treatment

Chapter 18 introduction and Section 18.1

Water Stress

Sufficient quality and quantity of water available

Centralized Water Treatment Systems

  • Found in large cities

  • Small number of water treatment plants produce water for the city

  • Easier to maintain, lower costs for water

  • Needs large infrastructure, costs a lot

Decentralized Water Treatment Systems

  • More smaller plants for a city

  • Per smaller plant, serves small portion of city

RWH System


  1. Catchment

  2. Collection Tank

  3. Pump

  4. Check Valve

    • Prevents flowing backwards

  5. Filter

  6. Storage

Placement of Filter

  • Anywhere before UV treatment

Pump Curves Graph

The system operates at the intersection of system and pump curve

Reducing losses, reducing height of storage tank

Vertical: Pump Pressure

Horizontal: Flowrate

System curve y int: ρgh

On-Demand Flow-Rate Graph

Graph Types

  1. Pump Supply Pressure

    • Curves downwards

  2. Line to storage tank

    • Upwards with positive offset (due to elevation gain)

  3. Storage tank

    • Constant

  4. Line to house

    • Curves upwards starting from origin


Pressure Screencast

Pressure = ρgh, where ρ is water density, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is height underwater.

Volume and Area don’t affect this.

Qout Formula in a Discharge Tank

p = pressure right before the nozzle

ρ = density

Diameter doesn’t matter

Pressure Flow in Discharging Tank

Calculating Qin

  • Multiply the daily rainfall with the catchment area

Losses through piping

  • Shortens with shorter pipe

  • More elbows, more losses


APSC 101 Final Notes

Risk Management

Chapter 11, 18 Sections 18.1-18.3

Risk Factors

  • Severity: Maximum harm that could come from an incident

  • Likelihood: The probability of a harm causing accident

  • Hazard: Capacity to cause harm (in terms of safety)

  • Risk = Severity x Likelihood

What is Risk?

  • Possibility of harm occurring, determined from severity and likelihood.

Risk Sources:

  • Preventable

    • Risks that teams can manage and control

  • Strategic

    • Risks knowingly taken for potential rewards

  • External

    • Outside of the teams control, must be considered

Risk Types:

  • Safety

    • Related to health and wellbeing of people and environment

  • Technical

    • Design and manufacture, ensuring the solution works as intended

  • Project Management

    • Completion of project on time and with budget

  • Operational

    • Decision making on the operation and use of the device

Risk Categorization Table

  • Horizontal categories: Risk Sources (external, preventable, strategic)

  • Vertical categories: Risk Types (safety, technical… etc)

Use of Risk Categorization Table:

  • Documents and captures important risks

  • Focuses on different risk sources and categories

Risk Management Approaches:

  1. Avoid

    • Change what you are doing to remove the risk entirely

    • Ex. Stopping the project, changing ideas

  2. Mitigate

    • Try to minimize likelihood, severity or both

    • Ex. Changing certain aspects of your design

  3. Transfer

    • Pass the risk to someone else

    • Ex. Insurance

  4. Accept

    • Be willing to live with the consequences of your risk

    • Ex. Doing nothing

Risk Matrix

  • A tool for quantifying risk based on the product of likelihood and severity.

  • Vertical column: Likelihood increasing

  • Horizontal column: Severity increasing

Risk Analysis Chart

Team Development

Sections 17.2 and 17.4 ("Managing Conflict").

Tuckman’s Stages Chart

  • Team Completion and Team Relationship

Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development

  1. Forming

    • Everyone is polite, tries to contribute, minimizing controversy

    • Not well coordinated: strengths of team aren’t well utilized

  2. Storming

    • More willingness to speak, however tension and disagreements are created

    • Quantity and quality of work decreases

  3. Norming

    • Good Norming:

      • Mutual understanding of roles, goals and standards.

    • Bad Norming:

      • Dysfunctional, worried about awkwardness instead of resolving issues

  4. Performing:

    • Strong group identity, healthy and supportive relationships, high value work

When does conflict occur?

  • Throughout all stages.

  • Forming: avoiding conflict

  • Storming: conflict in the open, stressful

  • Performing: dealing with conflict quickly and smoothly

  • Conflict ensures all opinions and voices are heard.

Transitioning through stages:

  1. F→S

    • Time spent working together, leadership

  2. S → N

    • Open Communication, real friendships, desire to improve

  3. N → P

    • Willingness to face conflict

    • Valuing team relationships and accomplishments

  4. Bad Norming → Good Norming

    • Courage to speak up against unfairness

Conflict Management Chart

  • Co-operativeness

    • Seeking to meet the other parties goals

  • Assertiveness

    • Seeking to meet our goals

Vertical: Assertiveness Horizontal: Co-Operativeness

Conflict Management Styles

  1. Avoiding

    • Ignoring the conflict, removing yourself from the situation

    • No one gets what they want

  2. Accommodating

    • Being flexible to give up what you want for others

  3. Competing

    • Pushing to achieve what you want, even if it upsets the others

    • Quick

  4. Compromising

    • Meeting the other party in the middle

    • Both get what they want

    • Quick

  5. Collaborating

    • Taking the time to listen and work together to come up with a solution everyone likes

    • Takes time and effort

Engineering Drawings

Sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3.


  • View used to represent a 3d object in a 2d space

Perspective Projection

  • Realistic perspective where closer features are larger, further are smaller

Principal View Projection

  • View from main sides: top, front, end

Multiview Orthographic

  • Multiple principle projection views

Pictorial Drawings

  • Look 3d but use parallel lines

  • Starting line is typically 30 degrees to 45 degrees to the horizontal

Isometric Projection

  • Pictorial drawing

  • Starting line 30 degrees from horizontal

  • Circular features are elliptical

  • Distances from axis are proportional to IRL

  • Vertical and Parallel lines match IRL

  • Uses reference lines

Hidden Lines Orthographic

  • Dashed lines used to show un-visible features

Orthographic Drawings

  • If you stood directly in front of a specific side, you see the face (view)

  • Third Angle Projection

    • Top view above front view, right view to the right of front view

Dimensioning Guidelines

  • Sufficient dimensions to describe the object

  • Dimension the view that shows features clearly

  • Diameter of circle: on the view that shows it

  • Diameter of cylinder: dimensioned from the side, cylinder appears a rectangle

  • Don’t dimension hidden lines


  • Dimension Line

    • Line with arrows on the ends to show size or location of a feature

    • Don’t cross dimensions lines with each other

    • Shouldn’t be in the object

  • Extension Line

    • Straight reference line to identify features on an object and to which a dimension line points

    • Can cross with other extension lines if necessary

  • Centre mark

    • “+” symbol identifies the centre of a circular feature

    • Dashed line with a long-short pattern identifies centre of cylinder

2 Types of Dimensioning

  1. Chain dimensioning

    • Style of dimensioning where a new dimension starts where a previous ends

  2. Datum Dimensioning

    • Multiple dimensions start from the same datum

Title Block

  • Section used on an engineering drawing with critical information

What does a Title Block Contain?

  1. Units of dimensions

  2. Uncertainties of dimensions

  3. Symmetric symbol: 3rd angle projection

  4. Who created and checking the drawing and when

  5. Material and quality of surface finish of item

  6. Drawing Scale (1:1)

  7. Name and number of drawing

  8. Current drawing version


Section 17.4 ("Giving and Receiving Feedback") and Section 15.2.

Equity Diversity and Inclusion


  • Everyone has the same opportunities for success


  • Differences in background and identities allowing for more creativity and better performance


  • Addressing inequities between people of different backgrounds and working towards a respectful community


  • Overall experiences of discrimination or privilege based on dimensions of diversity


Implicit Biases:

  • Subconscious stereotypes about groups, learned through seen patterns


  • Small, subtle or indirect discriminatory actions or statements

Stereotype Threat:

  • When people feel concerned about conforming to a stereotype for a group they belong to


  • Acting to support individuals facing discrimination

7 C’s of Communication

  1. Clear

    • Easy to follow, direct, appropriate structure

  2. Correct

    • Factually correct, free of errors

  3. Concise

    • Brief and to the point without losing meaning

  4. Concrete

    • Detailed, specific, intended message evident

  5. Complete

    • Information the audience needs and what is expected

  6. Courteous

    • Polite, friendly, sincere, appropriate honorific

  7. Considerate

    • Empathetic and mindful

    • Takes into account audience and reaction (impact)

Technical Memo

  • Form of concise written communication, shares information (projects)

Structure Technical Memo

  1. Sender’s address

  2. Date

  3. Inside address

  4. Reference line

  5. Salutation

  6. Body

  7. Closing (Signature and Name)

  8. Enclosures

3 Types of Feedback

  1. Appreciation

    • Acknowledge job well done

  2. Coaching

    • Help someone improve

  3. Evaluation

    • Rate someone’s performance against standards

3×3 Feed Back Model

Life Cycles

Sections 13.1, 13.3, and 14.1

3 Scales to Consider

  • Spatial

    • Physical largeness of a system

  • Temporal

    • Time, looking at now, into the future

  • Organizational

    • Based on organizational structures, such as government, schools, etc

Sustainability Venn Diagram

No trade-offs for sustainability


  • Clean air, safe environment


  • Health, safety, human rights


  • Employment, business

Life Cycle Thinking

Life Cycle Assessment LCA

Systematic Evaluation of the impacts of material and energy inputs and outputs for a product or process across all life cycle stages

Used usually near the end of the design process once everything is known

LCA Main Stages

  1. Goal definition and scope

    • Defining system boundary, and which life cycle stages are we considering

  2. Inventory Analysis

    • Tracking material influx and outflux, waste, manufacturing processes, etc.

  3. Impact Assessment

    • Assessing environmental impacts

    • Established environmental impact metrics

  4. Interpretation (All throughout)

    • Displaying our data (bar graph)

Cons of LCA

  • Detailed knowledge of material and energy flows is required

  • Impacts must be known and quantified

  • Focuses on environmental impacts

System Boundary

Description of what elements are included / excluded in an LCA

Ex. Examining a phone, determining if you’re also accounting for the electronics inside, as well as the glass screen… etc

Functional Unit

Reference of performance used to compare things in an LCA

Ex. Comparing emissions from cars vs busses, functional unit: emissions for 120 person-km of city driving

Streamlined Inventory Analysis SLCA

Sees the life cycle of materials as also a life cycle sequence

Used all throughout the design process

Life Cycle Sequence

Raw Materials → Production → Distribution→ Use → End of Life

Categories of an SLCA considered

  1. Resources Used

  2. Waste Generated

  3. Energy Used

  4. Public Health

How to use an SLCA?

  1. Consider the life cycle sequence:

    • Raw Materials → Production → Distribution→ Use → End of Life

  2. In each part of the sequence, rank on a scale of 1-5 for each category

    • Resources Used

    • Waste Generated

    • Energy Used

    • Public Health

  3. Put data into an SLCA matrix and sum the values


  • SLCA is faster

  • SLCA is qualitative, better for difficult to quantify data

  • Suitable all throughout the design process


Section 12.3 ("Appropriate Technology")

Appropriate Technology: Meaning

  • Design solution considers key stakeholders across all lifecycle stages of that solution

  • Solution is appropriate for the context

Sustainability Venn Diagram

Sustainability: Context

  • Relevant factors in a problem that influence stakeholder consultation and the sustainability of a solution

  • Ex. Context needed for maintenance nearby, use after novelty wears off, interactions for citizens

Stakeholder Engagement

All throughout design process

  1. Engage

    • Design, implement, and commit to processes of engagements that give stakeholders to opportunity to change their future

  2. Learn

    • Understand and hear all perspectives

  3. Synthesize

    • Integrate new stakeholder input in decisions, and tweak the project to suit them longterm

Business Letters


  1. Sender Address

  2. Date

  3. Inside Address

  4. Salutation

  5. Purpose

  6. Details

  7. Restate Purpose

  8. Closing

Satisfaction Curves

Section 5.4 ("Evaluation Criteria")

Target Design Specifications

  1. Requirements

    • Necessary components of a solution

  2. Evaluation Criteria

    • Distinguish between different degrees of satisfaction

Design Parameters and Attributes


  • Inputs of a system

  • Ex. Battery capacity


  • Outputs

  • Ex. Cost of the battery capacity implementation

Satisfaction Curves:

Only looks at satisfaction for a certain aspect.

  • X Axis: Attribute

    • Something of importance to the stakeholder

  • Y Axis: Satisfaction

    • We are trying to maximize

  • Minimum should be at zero (The minimum required)

  • In between should be what they want/need

  • Maximum should be more than needed

Water Treatment

Chapter 18 introduction and Section 18.1

Water Stress

Sufficient quality and quantity of water available

Centralized Water Treatment Systems

  • Found in large cities

  • Small number of water treatment plants produce water for the city

  • Easier to maintain, lower costs for water

  • Needs large infrastructure, costs a lot

Decentralized Water Treatment Systems

  • More smaller plants for a city

  • Per smaller plant, serves small portion of city

RWH System


  1. Catchment

  2. Collection Tank

  3. Pump

  4. Check Valve

    • Prevents flowing backwards

  5. Filter

  6. Storage

Placement of Filter

  • Anywhere before UV treatment

Pump Curves Graph

The system operates at the intersection of system and pump curve

Reducing losses, reducing height of storage tank

Vertical: Pump Pressure

Horizontal: Flowrate

System curve y int: ρgh

On-Demand Flow-Rate Graph

Graph Types

  1. Pump Supply Pressure

    • Curves downwards

  2. Line to storage tank

    • Upwards with positive offset (due to elevation gain)

  3. Storage tank

    • Constant

  4. Line to house

    • Curves upwards starting from origin


Pressure Screencast

Pressure = ρgh, where ρ is water density, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is height underwater.

Volume and Area don’t affect this.

Qout Formula in a Discharge Tank

p = pressure right before the nozzle

ρ = density

Diameter doesn’t matter

Pressure Flow in Discharging Tank

Calculating Qin

  • Multiply the daily rainfall with the catchment area

Losses through piping

  • Shortens with shorter pipe

  • More elbows, more losses
