Risk Sources (3)
Risks that teams can manage and control
Risks knowingly taken for potential rewards
Outside of the teams control, must be considered
Risk Types (4)
Related to health and wellbeing of people and environment
Design and manufacture, ensuring the solution works as intended
Project Management
Completion of project on time and with budget
Decision making on the operation and use of the device
Risk Categorization Table
Horizontal categories: Risk Sources (external, preventable, strategic)
Vertical categories: Risk Types (safety, technical… etc)
Risk Management Approaches
Change what you are doing to remove the risk entirely
Ex. Stopping the project, changing ideas
Try to minimize likelihood, severity or both
Ex. Changing certain aspects of your design
Pass the risk to someone else
Ex. Insurance
Be willing to live with the consequences of your risk
Ex. Doing nothing
Transitioning through Tuckman
Time spent working together, leadership
S → N
Open Communication, real friendships, desire to improve
N → P
Willingness to face conflict
Valuing team relationships and accomplishments
Bad Norming → Good Norming
Courage to speak up against unfairness
View from main sides: top, front, end
Third Angle Projection
Top view above front view, right view to the right of front view
Title Block
Units of dimensions
Uncertainties of dimensions
Symmetric symbol: 3rd angle projection
Who created and checking the drawing and when
Material and quality of surface finish of item
Drawing Scale (1:1)
Name and number of drawing
Current drawing version
Implicit Biases:
Subconscious stereotypes about groups, learned through seen patterns
Small, subtle or indirect discriminatory actions or statements
Stereotype Threat:
When people feel concerned about conforming to a stereotype for a group they belong to
Acknowledge job well done
Help someone improve
Rate someone’s performance against standards
Goal definition and scope
Defining system boundary, and which life cycle stages are we considering
Inventory Analysis
Tracking material influx and outflux, waste, manufacturing processes, etc.
Impact Assessment
Assessing environmental impacts
Established environmental impact metrics
Interpretation (All throughout)
Displaying our data (bar graph)
Resources Used
Waste Generated
Energy Used
Public Health
SLCA Sequence
Raw Materials → Production → Distribution→ Use → End of Life
All throughout design process
Design, implement, and commit to processes of engagements that give stakeholders to opportunity to change their future
Understand and hear all perspectives
Integrate new stakeholder input in decisions, and tweak the project to suit them longterm
Only looks at satisfaction for a certain aspect.
X Axis: Attribute
Something of importance to the stakeholder
Y Axis: Satisfaction
We are trying to maximize
Minimum should be at zero (The minimum required)
In between should be what they want/need
Maximum should be more than needed
Pump Supply Pressure
Curves downwards
Line to storage tank
Upwards with positive offset (due to elevation gain)
Storage tank
Line to house
Curves upwards starting from origin
Increasing Polynomial Order
r² decreases
not enough info for y int