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Unit One: Chemistry of Life (8%–11%)

The Structure and Chemical Properties of Water

  • Molecular Structure: H₂O, polar molecule with bent shape.

  • Hydrogen Bonds: Water molecules attract via partial positive (H) and partial negative (O) charges.

  • Unique Properties:

    • Cohesion: Water molecules stick together.

    • Adhesion: Water molecules stick to other surfaces.

    • High Specific Heat: Absorbs a lot of heat without a significant temperature change.

    • High Heat of Vaporization: Requires much energy to convert from liquid to gas.

    • Density: Ice is less dense than liquid water, allowing it to float.

    • Universal Solvent: Dissolves many substances, especially ionic and polar compounds.

The Make and Properties of Macromolecules

  • Carbohydrates: Sugars and polysaccharides; primary energy source and structural material.

    • Monosaccharides: Glucose, fructose.

    • Polysaccharides: Starch, glycogen, cellulose.

  • Proteins: Made of amino acids; serve as enzymes, transporters, structural elements, etc.

    • Levels of Structure: Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary.

    • Enzymes: Catalyze reactions; affected by temperature, pH, and substrate concentration.

  • Lipids: Nonpolar molecules, including fats, oils, phospholipids, and steroids.

    • Functions: Energy storage, membrane structure, signaling (e.g., hormones).

  • Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA; store and transmit genetic information.

    • DNA: Double-stranded helix; A-T and C-G base pairing.

    • RNA: Single-stranded; A-U and C-G base pairing.

The Structure of DNA and RNA

  • DNA Structure:

    • Double helix with sugar-phosphate backbone.

    • Nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), guanine (G).

    • Base pairing: A-T and C-G.

  • RNA Structure:

    • Single-stranded.

    • Ribose sugar; uracil (U) replaces thymine.

    • Types: mRNA, tRNA, rRNA.

Unit Two: Cell Structure and Function (10%–13%)

Cellular Components and Functions

  • Nucleus: Contains DNA; controls cell activity.

  • Ribosomes: Protein synthesis; found in cytoplasm and on rough ER.

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): Rough ER has ribosomes, synthesizes proteins; smooth ER synthesizes lipids.

  • Golgi Apparatus: Modifies, sorts, and ships proteins and lipids.

  • Mitochondria: Generates ATP (powerhouse of the cell).

  • Chloroplasts: Site of photosynthesis (in plants).

  • Lysosomes: Contains digestive enzymes for waste breakdown.

  • Peroxisomes: Break down fatty acids and detoxify.

  • Cytoskeleton: Provides structure, movement; includes microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments.

  • Centrosomes/Centrioles: Organize microtubules; involved in cell division.

  • Vacuoles: Store water, nutrients, waste; large in plant cells.

Cell Interaction with Its Environment

  • Cell Communication: Via signaling molecules, receptors.

  • Gap Junctions: Direct communication between animal cells.

  • Plasmodesmata: Direct communication between plant cells.

  • Extracellular Matrix: Provides structure, support, and signaling in animal cells.

The Cell Membrane Structure and Function

  • Fluid Mosaic Model: Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins.

  • Membrane Proteins: For transport, signal transduction, cell recognition, adhesion.

  • Selective Permeability: Allows certain substances to pass through.

    • Passive Transport: Includes diffusion and facilitated diffusion (no energy required).

    • Active Transport: Requires energy (e.g., ATP) to move substances against the concentration gradient.

Cell Regulatory Mechanisms

  • Osmosis: Movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from low to high solute concentration.

  • Diffusion: Movement of particles from high to low concentration.

  • Facilitated Diffusion: Diffusion via transport proteins.

  • Active Transport: Movement against concentration gradient; requires energy (e.g., sodium-potassium pump).

Cellular Compartmentalization

  • Eukaryotic Cells: Contain organelles that compartmentalize functions.

  • Benefits: Allows specialization, efficiency, and coordination of cellular processes

Unit Three: Cellular Energetics (12%–16%)

Structure and Function of Enzymes

  • Enzyme Structure:

    • Proteins with active sites where substrates bind.

    • Some require cofactors or coenzymes to function.

  • Enzyme Function:

    • Lower activation energy for biochemical reactions.

    • Operate with specificity for substrates.

  • Enzyme Regulation:

    • Allosteric Regulation: Binding at a site other than the active site.

    • Competitive Inhibition: Inhibitors bind to the active site.

    • Non-competitive Inhibition: Inhibitors bind to allosteric sites.

  • Factors Affecting Enzymes:

    • Temperature, pH, substrate concentration, inhibitors, and activators.

The Role of Energy in Living Systems

  • Energy Basics:

    • Energy Flow: Flows from the sun through producers (plants) to consumers.

    • Types of Energy: Potential energy, kinetic energy, chemical energy.

  • Laws of Thermodynamics:

    • First Law: Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

    • Second Law: Entropy (disorder) increases in isolated systems.

  • ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate):

    • Main energy currency in cells.

    • ATP hydrolysis releases energy for cellular processes.

The Processes of Photosynthesis

  • Overview:

    • Converts light energy into chemical energy (glucose).

    • Occurs in chloroplasts in plants and some algae.

  • Stages of Photosynthesis:

    • Light-Dependent Reactions: Occur in the thylakoid membranes; produce ATP and NADPH.

    • Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle): Occur in the stroma; use ATP and NADPH to fix carbon into glucose.

  • Key Molecules:

    • Chlorophyll: Primary pigment for absorbing light.

    • NADPH: Electron carrier.

    • ATP: Energy source.

The Processes of Cellular Respiration

  • Overview:

    • Converts glucose into ATP.

    • Occurs in the mitochondria in eukaryotes.

  • Stages of Cellular Respiration:

    • Glycolysis: Occurs in the cytoplasm; breaks down glucose into pyruvate, produces a small amount of ATP.

    • Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle): Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix; produces ATP, NADH, and FADH₂.

    • Electron Transport Chain (ETC) and Oxidative Phosphorylation: Occur in the inner mitochondrial membrane; produce most of the ATP.

  • Key Concepts:

    • Anaerobic Respiration: In absence of oxygen, leads to fermentation (lactic acid or alcoholic).

    • Aerobic Respiration: Requires oxygen; produces more ATP.

Molecular Diversity and Cellular Response to Environmental Changes

  • Environmental Factors:

    • Temperature, pH, salinity, and other environmental conditions can affect cell function.

  • Cellular Responses:

    • Stress Responses: Cells may adapt or undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death) under adverse conditions.

    • Gene Regulation: Cells can upregulate or downregulate specific genes in response to environmental changes.

      Unit Four: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle (10%–15%)

      Mechanisms of Cell Communication

      • Types of Cell Communication:

        • Direct Contact: Gap junctions (animal cells) and plasmodesmata (plant cells).

        • Paracrine Signaling: Local signaling to nearby cells.

        • Endocrine Signaling: Long-distance signaling via hormones.

        • Synaptic Signaling: In neurons; neurotransmitters across synapses.

      • Receptor Types:

        • G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs): Involved in signal transduction.

        • Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs): Phosphorylate proteins upon activation.

        • Ligand-Gated Ion Channels: Open or close in response to a ligand.

      Signal Transduction

      • Signal Transduction Pathway:

        • Reception: Signal molecule (ligand) binds to receptor.

        • Transduction: Series of relay proteins or second messengers that transmit the signal.

        • Response: Cellular response to the signal (e.g., gene expression, enzyme activation).

      • Second Messengers:

        • cAMP: A common second messenger derived from ATP.

        • Calcium Ions (Ca²⁺): Used in various signal transduction pathways.

      • Kinase Cascades:

        • Phosphorylation cascades that amplify the signal.

      Cellular Responses and Feedback Mechanisms

      • Cellular Responses:

        • Changes in gene expression, enzyme activation, or cellular behavior.

        • Apoptosis: Programmed cell death; part of cellular regulation and development.

      • Feedback Mechanisms:

        • Negative Feedback: Reduces output to maintain homeostasis.

        • Positive Feedback: Amplifies output; often associated with processes like childbirth or blood clotting.

      The Events in a Cell Cycle

      • Cell Cycle Stages:

        • Interphase: G1 (cell growth), S (DNA replication), G2 (preparation for mitosis).

        • Mitosis: Division of the nucleus (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase).

        • Cytokinesis: Division of the cytoplasm.

      • Cell Cycle Regulation:

        • Checkpoints: Critical control points in the cell cycle.

        • Cyclins and CDKs: Proteins that regulate cell cycle progression.

        • Tumor Suppressors: Genes that prevent uncontrolled cell division.

        • Oncogenes: Mutated genes that can lead to cancer.

Unit Five: Heredity (8%–11%)

Process and Function of Meiosis

  • Meiosis Overview:

    • Produces haploid gametes (sperm and egg).

    • Consists of two divisions (Meiosis I and Meiosis II).

  • Key Events:

    • Crossing Over: Exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I.

    • Independent Assortment: Random alignment of homologous chromosomes during metaphase I.

    • Reduction Division: Chromosome number reduced from diploid to haploid.

Concepts of Genetic Diversity

  • Sources of Genetic Diversity:

    • Crossing Over: Increases genetic variation.

    • Independent Assortment: Leads to diverse combinations of chromosomes.

    • Random Fertilization: Further increases diversity.

  • Importance of Genetic Diversity:

    • Contributes to evolutionary processes and adaptation.

Mendel's Laws and Probability

  • Mendelian Laws:

    • Law of Segregation: Each gamete receives one allele from each gene pair.

    • Law of Independent Assortment: Alleles of different genes assort independently.

  • Punnett Squares: Used to predict the probability of genetic outcomes.

  • Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses:

    • Monohybrid: Examines inheritance of one trait.

    • Dihybrid: Examines inheritance of two traits.

Non-Mendelian Inheritance and Gene Expression

  • Non-Mendelian Patterns:

    • Incomplete Dominance: Heterozygous phenotype is intermediate.

    • Codominance: Both alleles are fully expressed (e.g., blood types).

    • Multiple Alleles: More than two alleles for a gene (e.g., blood types).

    • Polygenic Inheritance: Multiple genes influence a single trait (e.g., skin color).

    • Epistasis: One gene affects the expression of another.

  • Environmental Influence:

    • Environment can affect gene expression (e.g., temperature influencing coat color).

Unit Six: Gene Expression and Regulation (12%–16%)

Roles and Functions of DNA and RNA

  • DNA Structure:

    • Double helix with a sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine).

  • RNA Structure:

    • Single-stranded with ribose sugar and uracil instead of thymine.

    • Types: mRNA (messenger RNA), tRNA (transfer RNA), rRNA (ribosomal RNA).

  • DNA Replication:

    • Semiconservative process; each new DNA molecule has one old and one new strand.

    • Key enzymes: DNA polymerase, helicase, ligase.

  • Transcription:

    • Process of copying DNA into mRNA.

    • Key enzyme: RNA polymerase.

  • Translation:

    • Process of translating mRNA into a polypeptide (protein).

    • Occurs in ribosomes; involves tRNA and rRNA.

Mechanisms of Gene Expression

  • Gene Regulation:

    • Prokaryotes: Operons (e.g., lac operon) for coordinated gene regulation.

    • Eukaryotes: Regulatory sequences, transcription factors, enhancers, and silencers.

  • Epigenetics:

    • Changes in gene expression without altering the DNA sequence.

    • Methylation and histone modifications affect gene expression.

  • Post-Transcriptional Regulation:

    • Alternative splicing, mRNA stability, and RNA interference (RNAi).

How Genotype Affects Phenotype

  • Genotype: The genetic makeup of an organism.

  • Phenotype: The observable traits or characteristics.

  • Gene-Environment Interaction: Environmental factors can influence phenotype.

  • Epistasis: One gene affects the expression of another gene.

Mutations, Genetic Diversity, and Natural Selection

  • Mutations:

    • Changes in the DNA sequence; can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful.

    • Types: Point mutations, frameshift mutations, insertions, deletions.

  • Genetic Diversity:

    • Arises from mutations, recombination during meiosis, and sexual reproduction.

  • Natural Selection:

    • Process by which advantageous traits increase in frequency in a population.

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

  • Recombinant DNA Technology:

    • Combining DNA from different sources.

    • Uses restriction enzymes and ligases.

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR):

    • Technique to amplify DNA sequences.

  • Gel Electrophoresis:

    • Method for separating DNA fragments by size.

  • CRISPR-Cas9:

    • Gene-editing technology.

  • Applications:

    • Genetic engineering in agriculture, medicine, and industry.

Unit Seven: Natural Selection (13%–20%)

Evidential Support for Evolution and Common Ancestry

  • Fossil Record:

    • Provides evidence of past life and evolutionary changes.

  • Comparative Anatomy:

    • Homologous Structures: Similar structures with different functions, indicating common ancestry.

    • Analogous Structures: Similar functions but different origins, indicating convergent evolution.

  • Comparative Embryology:

    • Similar embryonic development in related organisms.

  • Molecular Biology:

    • DNA and protein sequence similarities among related species.

  • Biogeography:

    • Geographic distribution of species supports evolutionary theory.

Mechanisms of Natural Selection and Speciation

  • Natural Selection:

    • Process by which advantageous traits increase in frequency.

    • Types: Stabilizing, directional, disruptive selection.

  • Sexual Selection:

    • Selection based on traits that affect mating success.

  • Speciation:

    • Formation of new species.

    • Types: Allopatric (geographic isolation) and sympatric (no geographic isolation).

Environmental and Human-Caused Factors in Evolution

  • Environmental Factors:

    • Changes in climate, habitat, and food sources can drive evolutionary change.

  • Human-Caused Factors:

    • Pollution, habitat destruction, climate change, and overharvesting impact species and can drive evolution.

  • Artificial Selection:

    • Human-driven breeding for specific traits.

Charting Ancestry Through Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms

  • Phylogenetic Trees:

    • Diagrams showing evolutionary relationships among species or groups.

    • Nodes represent common ancestors; branches represent evolutionary paths.

  • Cladograms:

    • A type of phylogenetic tree focusing on shared derived characteristics.

  • Outgroups:

    • Distantly related groups used for comparison.


  • Extinction Events:

    • Mass extinctions due to environmental changes or catastrophic events.

  • Current Extinctions:

    • Caused by human activity and environmental changes.

Models of the Origin of Life on Earth

  • Primordial Soup Hypothesis:

    • Early Earth conditions led to the formation of organic molecules.

  • Miller-Urey Experiment:

    • Simulated early Earth conditions, producing amino acids.

  • RNA World Hypothesis:

    • Early life forms may have been based on RNA.

  • Endosymbiotic Theory:

    • Explains the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells.

      Unit Unit Eight: Ecology (10%–15%)

      Communication and Responses to Environmental Changes

      • Ecological Relationships:

        • Mutualism, commensalism, parasitism.

      • Behavioral Adaptations:

        • Animal communication, migration, and social behaviors.

      • Environmental Changes:

        • Changes in climate, food sources, and habitats affect ecosystems.

      Energy Flow Within and Across Ecosystems

      • Energy Flow:

        • Flows through ecosystems via food chains and food webs.

        • Primary producers (plants), primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), tertiary consumers.

      • Trophic Levels:

        • Different levels in a food chain; energy decreases at higher levels due to energy loss as heat.

      • Primary Production:

        • The rate at which energy is converted to organic matter in an ecosystem.

      Factors in the Growth, Density, and Success of Populations

      • Population Dynamics:

        • Growth rate, carrying capacity, and limiting factors.

      • Density-Dependent Factors:

        • Competition, predation, disease.

      • Density-Independent Factors:

        • Climate, natural disasters.

      Factors in Community and Ecosystems Dynamics

      • Community Structure:

        • Diversity and interactions among species.

      • Succession:

        • Gradual change in community structure over time.

        • Primary succession: Starts from a barren environment.

        • Secondary succession: Occurs after a disturbance in a previously occupied area.

      • Keystone Species:

        • Species with a significant impact on the ecosystem.

      • Ecosystem Services:

        • Benefits provided by ecosystems, such as pollination and nutrient cycling.

      Invasive Species, Human Interaction, and Environmental Changes

      • Invasive Species:

        • Non-native species that disrupt local ecosystems.

      • Human Interaction:

        • Habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation.

      • Environmental Changes:

        • Changes in ecosystems due to natural and human-caused factors.


          1. Understand the Prompt

          • Read Carefully: Read the question prompt thoroughly to understand what is being asked. Highlight key terms and note any specific requirements (e.g., explain, calculate, justify).

          • Identify the Components: Determine if there's a need for a graph, a calculation, or an explanation. Understand the context and the focus of the question.

          2. Graphing

          • Label Clearly: When creating a graph, ensure axes are labeled with appropriate variables and units. Typically, the independent variable (IV) goes on the X-axis, and the dependent variable (DV) goes on the Y-axis.

          • Use a Title: Provide a descriptive title that reflects what the graph represents.

          • Choose Appropriate Scale and Plot Accurately: Select a scale that accurately represents the data and plot points carefully. Use a ruler or grid for straight lines, and clearly indicate data points or trends.

          • Legend and Labels: If needed, include a legend and labels to clarify different data series or trends.

          3. Identification of Variables

          • Understand Variable Roles: The independent variable is what you change or manipulate, and the dependent variable is what you measure or observe. Understand the experiment's design to identify these variables.

          • Identify Controls: Note any control groups or conditions that remain constant for accurate comparison.

          4. Calculations

          • Show Your Work: Even if the question asks for a single answer, show your steps for full credit. This allows the grader to follow your logic.

          • Use Correct Units: Include units in all calculations and final answers.

          • Use Appropriate Formulas: Identify and apply relevant formulas for the calculation. Check your math to avoid simple errors.

          • Rounding and Significant Figures: Follow guidelines for rounding and use appropriate significant figures based on the data provided.

          5. Answer in Full Sentences

          • Be Clear and Concise: Write in complete sentences with proper grammar. Aim for clarity and avoid unnecessary words or complex phrases.

          • Address the Prompt: Make sure your answer addresses every part of the question. If there's a multi-part question, ensure you answer each part in a separate paragraph or section.

          • Justify and Explain: When asked to justify or explain, provide clear reasoning or evidence to support your answer. Use scientific terminology accurately.

          • Use Examples if Needed: If a question requires examples or scenarios, provide specific and relevant ones.

          6. Time Management

          • Allocate Time Wisely: FRQs can be lengthy, so divide your time among the questions based on their complexity and point value. Aim to leave time for review.

          • Outline Before Writing: Before diving into a long response, outline key points to stay focused and organized.

          • Keep Moving Forward: If you're stuck on one part, move on and return to it later. Don't dwell on one question for too long.

          7. Practice and Review

          • Practice with Past FRQs: Use past AP Biology FRQs to get familiar with the format and types of questions. Time yourself to simulate exam conditions.

          • Review Feedback: If you've completed practice FRQs or previous exams, review any feedback to identify areas for improvement.

          • Collaborate with Peers: Discuss FRQs with classmates to gain different perspectives and improve understanding.



Unit One: Chemistry of Life (8%–11%)

The Structure and Chemical Properties of Water

  • Molecular Structure: H₂O, polar molecule with bent shape.

  • Hydrogen Bonds: Water molecules attract via partial positive (H) and partial negative (O) charges.

  • Unique Properties:

    • Cohesion: Water molecules stick together.

    • Adhesion: Water molecules stick to other surfaces.

    • High Specific Heat: Absorbs a lot of heat without a significant temperature change.

    • High Heat of Vaporization: Requires much energy to convert from liquid to gas.

    • Density: Ice is less dense than liquid water, allowing it to float.

    • Universal Solvent: Dissolves many substances, especially ionic and polar compounds.

The Make and Properties of Macromolecules

  • Carbohydrates: Sugars and polysaccharides; primary energy source and structural material.

    • Monosaccharides: Glucose, fructose.

    • Polysaccharides: Starch, glycogen, cellulose.

  • Proteins: Made of amino acids; serve as enzymes, transporters, structural elements, etc.

    • Levels of Structure: Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary.

    • Enzymes: Catalyze reactions; affected by temperature, pH, and substrate concentration.

  • Lipids: Nonpolar molecules, including fats, oils, phospholipids, and steroids.

    • Functions: Energy storage, membrane structure, signaling (e.g., hormones).

  • Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA; store and transmit genetic information.

    • DNA: Double-stranded helix; A-T and C-G base pairing.

    • RNA: Single-stranded; A-U and C-G base pairing.

The Structure of DNA and RNA

  • DNA Structure:

    • Double helix with sugar-phosphate backbone.

    • Nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), guanine (G).

    • Base pairing: A-T and C-G.

  • RNA Structure:

    • Single-stranded.

    • Ribose sugar; uracil (U) replaces thymine.

    • Types: mRNA, tRNA, rRNA.

Unit Two: Cell Structure and Function (10%–13%)

Cellular Components and Functions

  • Nucleus: Contains DNA; controls cell activity.

  • Ribosomes: Protein synthesis; found in cytoplasm and on rough ER.

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): Rough ER has ribosomes, synthesizes proteins; smooth ER synthesizes lipids.

  • Golgi Apparatus: Modifies, sorts, and ships proteins and lipids.

  • Mitochondria: Generates ATP (powerhouse of the cell).

  • Chloroplasts: Site of photosynthesis (in plants).

  • Lysosomes: Contains digestive enzymes for waste breakdown.

  • Peroxisomes: Break down fatty acids and detoxify.

  • Cytoskeleton: Provides structure, movement; includes microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments.

  • Centrosomes/Centrioles: Organize microtubules; involved in cell division.

  • Vacuoles: Store water, nutrients, waste; large in plant cells.

Cell Interaction with Its Environment

  • Cell Communication: Via signaling molecules, receptors.

  • Gap Junctions: Direct communication between animal cells.

  • Plasmodesmata: Direct communication between plant cells.

  • Extracellular Matrix: Provides structure, support, and signaling in animal cells.

The Cell Membrane Structure and Function

  • Fluid Mosaic Model: Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins.

  • Membrane Proteins: For transport, signal transduction, cell recognition, adhesion.

  • Selective Permeability: Allows certain substances to pass through.

    • Passive Transport: Includes diffusion and facilitated diffusion (no energy required).

    • Active Transport: Requires energy (e.g., ATP) to move substances against the concentration gradient.

Cell Regulatory Mechanisms

  • Osmosis: Movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from low to high solute concentration.

  • Diffusion: Movement of particles from high to low concentration.

  • Facilitated Diffusion: Diffusion via transport proteins.

  • Active Transport: Movement against concentration gradient; requires energy (e.g., sodium-potassium pump).

Cellular Compartmentalization

  • Eukaryotic Cells: Contain organelles that compartmentalize functions.

  • Benefits: Allows specialization, efficiency, and coordination of cellular processes

Unit Three: Cellular Energetics (12%–16%)

Structure and Function of Enzymes

  • Enzyme Structure:

    • Proteins with active sites where substrates bind.

    • Some require cofactors or coenzymes to function.

  • Enzyme Function:

    • Lower activation energy for biochemical reactions.

    • Operate with specificity for substrates.

  • Enzyme Regulation:

    • Allosteric Regulation: Binding at a site other than the active site.

    • Competitive Inhibition: Inhibitors bind to the active site.

    • Non-competitive Inhibition: Inhibitors bind to allosteric sites.

  • Factors Affecting Enzymes:

    • Temperature, pH, substrate concentration, inhibitors, and activators.

The Role of Energy in Living Systems

  • Energy Basics:

    • Energy Flow: Flows from the sun through producers (plants) to consumers.

    • Types of Energy: Potential energy, kinetic energy, chemical energy.

  • Laws of Thermodynamics:

    • First Law: Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

    • Second Law: Entropy (disorder) increases in isolated systems.

  • ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate):

    • Main energy currency in cells.

    • ATP hydrolysis releases energy for cellular processes.

The Processes of Photosynthesis

  • Overview:

    • Converts light energy into chemical energy (glucose).

    • Occurs in chloroplasts in plants and some algae.

  • Stages of Photosynthesis:

    • Light-Dependent Reactions: Occur in the thylakoid membranes; produce ATP and NADPH.

    • Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle): Occur in the stroma; use ATP and NADPH to fix carbon into glucose.

  • Key Molecules:

    • Chlorophyll: Primary pigment for absorbing light.

    • NADPH: Electron carrier.

    • ATP: Energy source.

The Processes of Cellular Respiration

  • Overview:

    • Converts glucose into ATP.

    • Occurs in the mitochondria in eukaryotes.

  • Stages of Cellular Respiration:

    • Glycolysis: Occurs in the cytoplasm; breaks down glucose into pyruvate, produces a small amount of ATP.

    • Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle): Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix; produces ATP, NADH, and FADH₂.

    • Electron Transport Chain (ETC) and Oxidative Phosphorylation: Occur in the inner mitochondrial membrane; produce most of the ATP.

  • Key Concepts:

    • Anaerobic Respiration: In absence of oxygen, leads to fermentation (lactic acid or alcoholic).

    • Aerobic Respiration: Requires oxygen; produces more ATP.

Molecular Diversity and Cellular Response to Environmental Changes

  • Environmental Factors:

    • Temperature, pH, salinity, and other environmental conditions can affect cell function.

  • Cellular Responses:

    • Stress Responses: Cells may adapt or undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death) under adverse conditions.

    • Gene Regulation: Cells can upregulate or downregulate specific genes in response to environmental changes.

      Unit Four: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle (10%–15%)

      Mechanisms of Cell Communication

      • Types of Cell Communication:

        • Direct Contact: Gap junctions (animal cells) and plasmodesmata (plant cells).

        • Paracrine Signaling: Local signaling to nearby cells.

        • Endocrine Signaling: Long-distance signaling via hormones.

        • Synaptic Signaling: In neurons; neurotransmitters across synapses.

      • Receptor Types:

        • G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs): Involved in signal transduction.

        • Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs): Phosphorylate proteins upon activation.

        • Ligand-Gated Ion Channels: Open or close in response to a ligand.

      Signal Transduction

      • Signal Transduction Pathway:

        • Reception: Signal molecule (ligand) binds to receptor.

        • Transduction: Series of relay proteins or second messengers that transmit the signal.

        • Response: Cellular response to the signal (e.g., gene expression, enzyme activation).

      • Second Messengers:

        • cAMP: A common second messenger derived from ATP.

        • Calcium Ions (Ca²⁺): Used in various signal transduction pathways.

      • Kinase Cascades:

        • Phosphorylation cascades that amplify the signal.

      Cellular Responses and Feedback Mechanisms

      • Cellular Responses:

        • Changes in gene expression, enzyme activation, or cellular behavior.

        • Apoptosis: Programmed cell death; part of cellular regulation and development.

      • Feedback Mechanisms:

        • Negative Feedback: Reduces output to maintain homeostasis.

        • Positive Feedback: Amplifies output; often associated with processes like childbirth or blood clotting.

      The Events in a Cell Cycle

      • Cell Cycle Stages:

        • Interphase: G1 (cell growth), S (DNA replication), G2 (preparation for mitosis).

        • Mitosis: Division of the nucleus (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase).

        • Cytokinesis: Division of the cytoplasm.

      • Cell Cycle Regulation:

        • Checkpoints: Critical control points in the cell cycle.

        • Cyclins and CDKs: Proteins that regulate cell cycle progression.

        • Tumor Suppressors: Genes that prevent uncontrolled cell division.

        • Oncogenes: Mutated genes that can lead to cancer.

Unit Five: Heredity (8%–11%)

Process and Function of Meiosis

  • Meiosis Overview:

    • Produces haploid gametes (sperm and egg).

    • Consists of two divisions (Meiosis I and Meiosis II).

  • Key Events:

    • Crossing Over: Exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I.

    • Independent Assortment: Random alignment of homologous chromosomes during metaphase I.

    • Reduction Division: Chromosome number reduced from diploid to haploid.

Concepts of Genetic Diversity

  • Sources of Genetic Diversity:

    • Crossing Over: Increases genetic variation.

    • Independent Assortment: Leads to diverse combinations of chromosomes.

    • Random Fertilization: Further increases diversity.

  • Importance of Genetic Diversity:

    • Contributes to evolutionary processes and adaptation.

Mendel's Laws and Probability

  • Mendelian Laws:

    • Law of Segregation: Each gamete receives one allele from each gene pair.

    • Law of Independent Assortment: Alleles of different genes assort independently.

  • Punnett Squares: Used to predict the probability of genetic outcomes.

  • Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses:

    • Monohybrid: Examines inheritance of one trait.

    • Dihybrid: Examines inheritance of two traits.

Non-Mendelian Inheritance and Gene Expression

  • Non-Mendelian Patterns:

    • Incomplete Dominance: Heterozygous phenotype is intermediate.

    • Codominance: Both alleles are fully expressed (e.g., blood types).

    • Multiple Alleles: More than two alleles for a gene (e.g., blood types).

    • Polygenic Inheritance: Multiple genes influence a single trait (e.g., skin color).

    • Epistasis: One gene affects the expression of another.

  • Environmental Influence:

    • Environment can affect gene expression (e.g., temperature influencing coat color).

Unit Six: Gene Expression and Regulation (12%–16%)

Roles and Functions of DNA and RNA

  • DNA Structure:

    • Double helix with a sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine).

  • RNA Structure:

    • Single-stranded with ribose sugar and uracil instead of thymine.

    • Types: mRNA (messenger RNA), tRNA (transfer RNA), rRNA (ribosomal RNA).

  • DNA Replication:

    • Semiconservative process; each new DNA molecule has one old and one new strand.

    • Key enzymes: DNA polymerase, helicase, ligase.

  • Transcription:

    • Process of copying DNA into mRNA.

    • Key enzyme: RNA polymerase.

  • Translation:

    • Process of translating mRNA into a polypeptide (protein).

    • Occurs in ribosomes; involves tRNA and rRNA.

Mechanisms of Gene Expression

  • Gene Regulation:

    • Prokaryotes: Operons (e.g., lac operon) for coordinated gene regulation.

    • Eukaryotes: Regulatory sequences, transcription factors, enhancers, and silencers.

  • Epigenetics:

    • Changes in gene expression without altering the DNA sequence.

    • Methylation and histone modifications affect gene expression.

  • Post-Transcriptional Regulation:

    • Alternative splicing, mRNA stability, and RNA interference (RNAi).

How Genotype Affects Phenotype

  • Genotype: The genetic makeup of an organism.

  • Phenotype: The observable traits or characteristics.

  • Gene-Environment Interaction: Environmental factors can influence phenotype.

  • Epistasis: One gene affects the expression of another gene.

Mutations, Genetic Diversity, and Natural Selection

  • Mutations:

    • Changes in the DNA sequence; can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful.

    • Types: Point mutations, frameshift mutations, insertions, deletions.

  • Genetic Diversity:

    • Arises from mutations, recombination during meiosis, and sexual reproduction.

  • Natural Selection:

    • Process by which advantageous traits increase in frequency in a population.

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

  • Recombinant DNA Technology:

    • Combining DNA from different sources.

    • Uses restriction enzymes and ligases.

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR):

    • Technique to amplify DNA sequences.

  • Gel Electrophoresis:

    • Method for separating DNA fragments by size.

  • CRISPR-Cas9:

    • Gene-editing technology.

  • Applications:

    • Genetic engineering in agriculture, medicine, and industry.

Unit Seven: Natural Selection (13%–20%)

Evidential Support for Evolution and Common Ancestry

  • Fossil Record:

    • Provides evidence of past life and evolutionary changes.

  • Comparative Anatomy:

    • Homologous Structures: Similar structures with different functions, indicating common ancestry.

    • Analogous Structures: Similar functions but different origins, indicating convergent evolution.

  • Comparative Embryology:

    • Similar embryonic development in related organisms.

  • Molecular Biology:

    • DNA and protein sequence similarities among related species.

  • Biogeography:

    • Geographic distribution of species supports evolutionary theory.

Mechanisms of Natural Selection and Speciation

  • Natural Selection:

    • Process by which advantageous traits increase in frequency.

    • Types: Stabilizing, directional, disruptive selection.

  • Sexual Selection:

    • Selection based on traits that affect mating success.

  • Speciation:

    • Formation of new species.

    • Types: Allopatric (geographic isolation) and sympatric (no geographic isolation).

Environmental and Human-Caused Factors in Evolution

  • Environmental Factors:

    • Changes in climate, habitat, and food sources can drive evolutionary change.

  • Human-Caused Factors:

    • Pollution, habitat destruction, climate change, and overharvesting impact species and can drive evolution.

  • Artificial Selection:

    • Human-driven breeding for specific traits.

Charting Ancestry Through Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms

  • Phylogenetic Trees:

    • Diagrams showing evolutionary relationships among species or groups.

    • Nodes represent common ancestors; branches represent evolutionary paths.

  • Cladograms:

    • A type of phylogenetic tree focusing on shared derived characteristics.

  • Outgroups:

    • Distantly related groups used for comparison.


  • Extinction Events:

    • Mass extinctions due to environmental changes or catastrophic events.

  • Current Extinctions:

    • Caused by human activity and environmental changes.

Models of the Origin of Life on Earth

  • Primordial Soup Hypothesis:

    • Early Earth conditions led to the formation of organic molecules.

  • Miller-Urey Experiment:

    • Simulated early Earth conditions, producing amino acids.

  • RNA World Hypothesis:

    • Early life forms may have been based on RNA.

  • Endosymbiotic Theory:

    • Explains the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells.

      Unit Unit Eight: Ecology (10%–15%)

      Communication and Responses to Environmental Changes

      • Ecological Relationships:

        • Mutualism, commensalism, parasitism.

      • Behavioral Adaptations:

        • Animal communication, migration, and social behaviors.

      • Environmental Changes:

        • Changes in climate, food sources, and habitats affect ecosystems.

      Energy Flow Within and Across Ecosystems

      • Energy Flow:

        • Flows through ecosystems via food chains and food webs.

        • Primary producers (plants), primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), tertiary consumers.

      • Trophic Levels:

        • Different levels in a food chain; energy decreases at higher levels due to energy loss as heat.

      • Primary Production:

        • The rate at which energy is converted to organic matter in an ecosystem.

      Factors in the Growth, Density, and Success of Populations

      • Population Dynamics:

        • Growth rate, carrying capacity, and limiting factors.

      • Density-Dependent Factors:

        • Competition, predation, disease.

      • Density-Independent Factors:

        • Climate, natural disasters.

      Factors in Community and Ecosystems Dynamics

      • Community Structure:

        • Diversity and interactions among species.

      • Succession:

        • Gradual change in community structure over time.

        • Primary succession: Starts from a barren environment.

        • Secondary succession: Occurs after a disturbance in a previously occupied area.

      • Keystone Species:

        • Species with a significant impact on the ecosystem.

      • Ecosystem Services:

        • Benefits provided by ecosystems, such as pollination and nutrient cycling.

      Invasive Species, Human Interaction, and Environmental Changes

      • Invasive Species:

        • Non-native species that disrupt local ecosystems.

      • Human Interaction:

        • Habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation.

      • Environmental Changes:

        • Changes in ecosystems due to natural and human-caused factors.


          1. Understand the Prompt

          • Read Carefully: Read the question prompt thoroughly to understand what is being asked. Highlight key terms and note any specific requirements (e.g., explain, calculate, justify).

          • Identify the Components: Determine if there's a need for a graph, a calculation, or an explanation. Understand the context and the focus of the question.

          2. Graphing

          • Label Clearly: When creating a graph, ensure axes are labeled with appropriate variables and units. Typically, the independent variable (IV) goes on the X-axis, and the dependent variable (DV) goes on the Y-axis.

          • Use a Title: Provide a descriptive title that reflects what the graph represents.

          • Choose Appropriate Scale and Plot Accurately: Select a scale that accurately represents the data and plot points carefully. Use a ruler or grid for straight lines, and clearly indicate data points or trends.

          • Legend and Labels: If needed, include a legend and labels to clarify different data series or trends.

          3. Identification of Variables

          • Understand Variable Roles: The independent variable is what you change or manipulate, and the dependent variable is what you measure or observe. Understand the experiment's design to identify these variables.

          • Identify Controls: Note any control groups or conditions that remain constant for accurate comparison.

          4. Calculations

          • Show Your Work: Even if the question asks for a single answer, show your steps for full credit. This allows the grader to follow your logic.

          • Use Correct Units: Include units in all calculations and final answers.

          • Use Appropriate Formulas: Identify and apply relevant formulas for the calculation. Check your math to avoid simple errors.

          • Rounding and Significant Figures: Follow guidelines for rounding and use appropriate significant figures based on the data provided.

          5. Answer in Full Sentences

          • Be Clear and Concise: Write in complete sentences with proper grammar. Aim for clarity and avoid unnecessary words or complex phrases.

          • Address the Prompt: Make sure your answer addresses every part of the question. If there's a multi-part question, ensure you answer each part in a separate paragraph or section.

          • Justify and Explain: When asked to justify or explain, provide clear reasoning or evidence to support your answer. Use scientific terminology accurately.

          • Use Examples if Needed: If a question requires examples or scenarios, provide specific and relevant ones.

          6. Time Management

          • Allocate Time Wisely: FRQs can be lengthy, so divide your time among the questions based on their complexity and point value. Aim to leave time for review.

          • Outline Before Writing: Before diving into a long response, outline key points to stay focused and organized.

          • Keep Moving Forward: If you're stuck on one part, move on and return to it later. Don't dwell on one question for too long.

          7. Practice and Review

          • Practice with Past FRQs: Use past AP Biology FRQs to get familiar with the format and types of questions. Time yourself to simulate exam conditions.

          • Review Feedback: If you've completed practice FRQs or previous exams, review any feedback to identify areas for improvement.

          • Collaborate with Peers: Discuss FRQs with classmates to gain different perspectives and improve understanding.