all 193 member states (1 country = 1 vote)
non-binding resolutions
economic and social council
international criminal court
handles individuals who have been charged with crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression, genocide, etc.
judges are chosen as individuals, not as citizens of a certain country
ad hoc (temporary, case-by-case) tribunals existed before the ICC
international court of justice
only responsible for country vs. country
non-binding results, selective jurisdiction (countries can choose not to abide by rulings on a case-by-case basis)
victor’s justice
UN organs + specialized agencies
binding resolutions
P5 (5 permanent members, have veto power) — Russia, France, UK, China, US
plus ten rotating members based on regional blocks within UN (eg. Latin America), serve for 2-year terms
based on 1945 distribution of power, not representative of the modern world
allocates peacekeeping forces
currently António Guterres