what are the minimum units to earn Bachelor’s degree?
120 units
Most PSY minors will complete the 120-unit minimum before graduating and end up taking a _____ to satisfy additional units
If general electives are needed to complete the 120 minimum to graduate, advisors must specify if:
are they lower-division or upper-division
Can extras be taken in PSY (did they reach the 56 units max)
Any units must be taken at SDSU
What are “earned” units?
completed & in progress (IP) units
what is the credit/no credit cap?
up to 15 units can be “elected” units of CR/NC
Cr/NC can’t count toward UD major or minor, golden 4, or PSY prep courses
Transfer units limits
up to 90 units can be taken overall
only 70 units can be taken at a CC
CC courses can satisfy requirements but won’t be counted toward the 120-units minimum
what are the maximum units for the PSY department?
56 units
True or False: Classes outside of the PSY major that satisfy major prep (e.g. BIOL 100, CFD 270, STAT 119) can count toward the 56 unit PSY cap
False; only PSY courses count
How many units can be taken from Open University or Extension courses?
24 units (max);
these units can be taken after admission to SDSU
Do Global Campus (Winter/Summer) courses count toward the 24 unit cap for Open University or Extension courses?
Nope! They also still count toward SDSU GPA
what are the minimum upper division units required for the PSY major?
40 units
what are the minimum units that are needed at SDSU (residency)?
30 units
what is the minimum upper division (UD) units that can be taken at SDSU?
24 units
The minimum GPA for all SDSU courses attempted is a ____
2.0 or higher
The minimum GPA for all baccalaureate-level (total) courses attempted is a ____. What other GPAs does this apply to?
2.0 or higher; this applies to minor and major GPAs too
What is residency?
units that need to be taken at SDSU
To meet residency reqs, students need to take ____ UD major units, or at least ____ UD units for PSY majors, and ____ UD minor units
½ UD major units
16 UD PSY major units
6 UD minor units
Can a D- or higher in an individual course meet the requirement for a 2.0 or higher for Major GPAs?
Yes, it can!
However, be cautious: if the class is a prereq for a major it may need a specific letter grade to count as a prereq for another course
True or False: Major classes can be taken for Cr/NC
False; Major classes must have a letter grade to count
What can and can’t UD major courses double dip with?
CAN: GE Explorations
CAN’T: Other major or PSY minor reqs
When can transfer, incoming, and emphases students declare a major?
transfer: After completing impaction criteria;
incoming (freshman + transfers): after Census;
emphases: after completion of relevant major prep courses w/ a B or higher
When is Census?
After the 1st term or 6 weeks into the semester
What does impaction criteria mean?
criteria needed to earn UD major status
What is the impaction criteria needed for a minimum grade each prep course?
“Regular” PSY: C or higher in prep
I/O Emph: B or higher in prep
Neuro Emph: B or higher in PSY 211 & 260 + a C or higher in general prep
What is the impaction criteria needed for a minimum total GPA each prep course?
2.5 GPA for most majors + emphases
a 3.0 or higher for the Neuro emphasis
List Prep for Major Courses
PSY 101 (intro to psych)
PSY 201 (careers in psych)
PSY 211 (intro to cog psych)
PSY 260 (intro to physiological psych)
PSY 230 (dev psych)
PSY 280 (statistical meth in psych) or 281 + any stats class
BIOL 100 (general bio)
C or higher
2.0 GPA minimum
NOTE: each PSY major prep course needs a ___ or higher & a total GPA when impaction is completed of ____ or ____ depending on the path
C or higher
2.5 or 3.0 GPA
To memorize relevant prep for major info, use the “All Courses Offered by PSY Dept” sheet on the PSY Class Schedule Google Sheet that is also on Major HR under Scheduling & Registration section.
An AP score of 3 or higher can be used to satisfy the lecture component of which 3 major prep courses?
PSY 101
BIOL 100
NOTE: instead of appearing as a grade it will appear as Cr/NC instead
If AP/IB/CLEP or transfer college credit is NOT counting toward courses when it should, advisors should read the ____ ____ page to se how to proceede
Transfer Courses
Name the PSY prereqs for major prep & which courses they’re a prereq for
PSY 101: almost all PSY courses
BIOL 100: PSY 260
any stats course with a C or higher: PSY 281
What are some special notes for prep courses?
ALL students must complete prep
CFD 270 is equivalent to PSY 230 only at SDSIU
BIOL 203 counts only for BIOL 100 only if the student was a
(1) BIOL major/minor or
(2) pre-health
PSY 280X ≠ 280, it’s a support class
take if Ss didn’t meet Freshman Competency for Math
If a student earns a grade BELOW the impaction criteria for the degree path where does it appear?
at the bottom of the prep section
>X = grade forgiveness
List UD major requirements
31 UD PSY units attempted
min 2.0 GPA
D- or higher counts if balanced out
14/15 AU
methods courses
True or False: Not all CC count for PSY majors
LD courses can NEVER satisfy UD reqs at SDSU but it may count toward total GE units
How many units are required for Methods courses?
4 to 5 units
PSY 301 is a ___ unit class, while PSY 410 is a ___ unit class
4 unit, 5 unit
What is the general time in class meetings for PSY 301 vs PSY 410?
PSY 301: 2 ½ hour lecture + 2 hour lab
PSY 410: 2 lectures + 6 hours of activity
PSY 301 aims to make students better ____ of research, while 410 aims to make them better ____ of research.
consumers; producers
Provide an overview of PSY 301
covers text, exams throughout term
1 observational study + 1 group survey study
brief literature review, stats, 2 APA papers
List prereqs for PSY 301
junior status
PSY 280 or 281 + any stats with a C or higher
only open to declared majors
Provide an overview of PSY 410
covers test in 2/3 of term, quizzes daily, 2 exams (completed by about halfway through term)
conduct 4 experiments, 3 class, 1 group experiment
4 APA papers
If student is interested in entering the workforce right after school, they should consider taking which method’s course?
if it’s for research: PSY 410
if unsure: PSY 301
List prereqs for PSY 410
junior status
PSY 211 and 280 or 281 + any stats with B or higher
only open to declared majors
Should a student take PSY 301 or 410 if they want to go to graduate school?
check if master’s program requires a research-based thesis: if yes, choose 410
If interested in a Ph.D. or Psy.D (bc they require a dissertation) choose 410
List alternative options for the Methods requirement outside of SDSU
PSYC 300 (3) - Uni of MD Global Campus ($1500-$2000)
PSYCH 310 (3) - Brigham Young Uni ($2000-$3000)
PSYC 325 (4) - Uni of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ($4,000-$5,000)
List drawbacks to taking the Methods course outside of SDSU?
financial aid can’t be used
less units (only 3 vs 4 or 5)
Are there equivalent UD methods courses through CSU Fully Online that meet the Methods req at SDSU?
What does the Breadth Group Requirement for “regular” liberal and ADT paths include?
Group I: PSY 340 or 344
Group II: Psy 319, 351 or 370
Group III: PSY 331, 332, 333, 350 or 407
Group IV: PSY 360, 361, 362, 380, or 388
List Group I courses + prereqs
PSY 340: Social psych
PSY 101
Psy 344: Psychology and culture
PSY 101
List Group II courses + prereqs
PSY 319: I/O Psych
PSY 101
NOTE: not open to student who took 420 or 421
PSY 351: Personality Psych
PSY 101
PSY 370: Psychological Testing and Measurement
B or higher in PSY 301 + 410 (open to only psych majors)
List Group III courses & prereqs
PSY 331: Psych of Infant and Child Dev
PSY 101 & a C or higher in 230 (+ transcripts)
PSY 332: Psych of Adolescent and Early adult Dev
PSY 101 & a C or higher in 230 (+ transcripts)
PSY 333: Dev Psychopathology
PSY 101 & a C or higher in 230 (+ transcripts)
PSY 350: Psychopathology
PSY 101
PSY 407: Health Psychology
PSY 211 + 280
List Group IV courses & prereqs
PSY 360: Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 211 + 260
PSY 361: Neuropsychology
PSY 211 + 260
PSY 362: Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY 101 + 260
PSY 380: Intermediate Cognitive Psych
PSY 211
junior status
PSY 388: Sensation and Perception
PSY 101, 260
junior status min
On the DARS, what happens if a student has already satisfied one of the groups for the breadth requirement, but takes another course under that same group?
the second course will show up as IP for the requirement, but once completed will show the original course as satiifying the requirement
In total liberal PSY students need to reach 31 UD units for the major, ___/___ of those units are additional units
14/15 units
I/O Emphasis Major Prep is the same as the liberal path except for needing a ____ or higher PSY 280 or 281 + any stats course instead of a C. They also need ____ Total GPA or higher instead of a 2.0.
When it comes to the I/O emphasis, sequencing is important. What is the order that courses should be taken for I/O and why?
1) PSY 319
need a B or higher in 301 (Methods)
is a prereq for 420 + 421
2) PSY 420 & 421
only offered once a year
3) PSY 370
need a B in Methods to take (301 or 410)
I/O Emphasis Major Reqs
Methods (301 or 410)
Psychology: Psy 319, 370, 420, 421
need ALL of these
Group I: PSY 340 or 344
Group II: PSY 331, 332, 333, 333, 350, 407
Group III: PSY 360, 361, 362, 380, or 388
Electives: PSY 300 - 599
Residency (16 units)
2.5 Total GPA
How many Additional units are needed for the PSY emphases?
5/6 units
True or False: PSY 280 or 281 + any stats class should be taken BEFORE declaring the I/O emphasis
True! They also need at least a 2.5 total GPA
Neuro Emphasis Major Prep is the same as the liberal path except for ____ which they need a B (3.0 GPA) or higher
BIOL 100 or 203
Neuro Emphasis Major Req
Methods (301, 410)
Core: PSY 360 + 362
Core Electives (CHOOSE 3): PSY 360, 361, 362, 365, 561, 568, 569
Group I
Group II
Group III
Electives (300-599)
16 Residency units
What are some special rules to know before declaring a Neuro Emphasis?
Native students should:
earn a B or higher in PSY 211 + 260 before declaring the emphasis
maintain a 3.0 overall (total) GPA
Students need a minor GPA of ____ or higher to graduate
(1) ______ minor classes can be taken for Credit & count toward the minor, but (2) ______ minor courses can only be taken for grades
(1) LD
(2) UD
True or False: Lower-division minor classes can double- or triple-dip across GEs, majors and/or minors
Clara transferred in from Cuyamaca college in Fall 2024 and soon after declared herself as a liberal PSY major at SDSU after completing all her prep. While at Cuyamaca she took PSY 170: Abnormal Psychology. She’s wondering why the DARS isn’t counting PSY 170 as a substitute for PSY 350: Abnormal Psych in the 2025 Fall Semester? Why?
It doesn’t count because 170 is a LD course and 350 is a UD course; LD can never substitute UD courses
True or False: UD courses can count toward more than one major or a minor
UD courses can only double dip with with GE & a major or a GE and a minor
Cathy is a liberal PSY major, she already has a Counseling and Social Change minor and wants to take on an I/O minor. Is that possible? Why or why not?
students can have 2 minors but they can’t have more than one PSY major or minor at a time
I/O is a PSY minor, but Counseling and Social Change is not
According to department policy, how many semesters should a student give to complete all minor coursework? What about for completing UD courses for a minor?
4 semesters & 3+ semesters:
some courses are available only once a year
course sequencing
True or False: PSY majors can declare a PSY minor
Grades for any minor classes previously taken need to average a ___ or higher
List minor requirements for Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience Minor
LD: Biol 100 + PSY 101
Psy 260
UD (12 units): PSY 360, 361, 362, 365, 380, 388
Minor Residency: 6 units
Is PSY 211 listed as a requirement for the Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience Minor?
No, however it’s a prereq for PSY 380 if they decide to take it
Students typically need __ semesters to complete the Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience Minor because of sequencing.
Which LD courses are the main pre-reqs for most of the UD courses for this minor?
PSY 101 & BIOL 100
Note that for the cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience minor, a 4 semester timeline only works fi they take __ UD minor courses at a time. If conflicts arise, the minor should be dropped.
List the I/O Minor Reqs
PSY 280 or 281 + any stats course
PSY 319
PSY 420
PSY 421
PSY 340
2.0 min GPA
What is one distinct difference regarding PSY 280 and 281 between the I/O minor and Emphasis?
PSY 280 or 281 + any stats course only needs a C or higher not a B or higher
Is the sequencing the same for the I/O minor and the Emphasis?
Yes, b/c of sequencing they need at least 3 semesters.
PSY 319 » 420 (Fall) & 421 (Spring)
if the students haven’t taken PSY 101 yet, it will take 4 semesters
List the Personality & Social Psychology Minor Reqs
PSY 230
PSY 211 or 260
9 units from PSY 340, 350, 351, 331 or 332 or 333
need a C or higher in PSY 230 for 331-333
3 units from PSY 300 - 599
6 minor residency units
2.0 Minor GPA
NTRNS means
units that do NOT transfer to SDSU and can NOT count toward the 120-minimum
____ _____ adjust the number of units students can earn for a course because they exceeded the number of allowable units for a single or set of course(s)
credit adjustments; NOTE: also include IP courses
What should you know about single course limits?
can only take once for credit most of the time
retakes for not repeatable courses earn 0 units
>X = course repeat
>D = course forgiveness -or- a placeholder for IP courses taken under forgiveness or repeat
courses “repeatable for credit” still have limits on units (EX: 490s + common courses)
what can students do before the Add/Drop Deadline to protect their GPA?
withdraw with leave of absence
change grading basis to Cr/NC
what can students do after the Add/Drop Deadline to protect their GPA?
late schedule adjustment: withdrawal or change to Cr/NC
incomplete assignments
what can students do after the term is over to protect their GPA?
course forgiveness
course repeat
course repeat petition
retroactive withdrawal
how do students withdraw with leave of absence?
check with financial aid office
file a Leave of Absence
meet eligibility criteria
How many units can student elects for Cr/NC? What courses can’t become Cr/NC?
15 units
golden Four, any Major courses, or UD minor courses
how do students do a Late Schedule Adjustment?
file a late schedule adjustment petition before the last day of classes
have a serious and compelling reason(s)
provide a written statement + 3rd party documentation
What does “W” stand for on DARS? Does it impact GPA?
Approved withdrawal
What does “WU” stand for on DARS? Does it impact GPA?
Unauthorized withdrawal
Yes; it’s equivalent to an F or a 0 in GPAs
When will students get a “W” vs a “WU”?
“W”: occurs when a Late Schedule adjustment Withdrawal is approved
“WU” occurs when a student stops showing up to class and completing coursework
how do incomplete agreements work?
talk to professor
have a serious and compelling reason (EX: an injury or illness near the end of term)
assigned coursework should be completed within the agreed upon timeframe
After coursework completion, a final grade will be calculated
When are incomplete agreements typically filed?
when a specific assignment/project/exam could not be completed before end of term
What does “I” stand for on DARS? Does it impact GPA?
IP incomplete
What does “IC” stand for on DARS? Does it impact GPA?
failed incompleted
Yes: equivalent to an “F” or a zero in GPA
What should advisors know about Course Forgiveness?
up to 16 units can be forgiven
the new grade will always replace the old grade (first attempt stays on transcripts)
units can only be earned once for a course
automatically applies the 2nd time taking a course
does not apply if a student retakes an equivalent course outside SDSU
When should students complete the Course Repeat Petition?
retake a course 3rd time bc they received a C- or lower the 2nd time
required to have a B or higher in a specific course for Neuro or I/O Emphasis (only if emphasis is already declared)
Under Course Repeat, up ___ units are applied automatically if (1) __________ or if (2) __________
12 units are applied automatically if…
(1) retake a course for a 3rd time
(2) surpass 16 units of forgiveness
True or False: course repeat petitions requests are automatically approved