flash cards from class
To grow microorganisms means
Nutrients for the growth of microbes is
A small sample of microbes is
The introduction of an inoculum into media to culture microbes is
A temperature-controlled chamber to encourage the multiplication of microbes is a
reducing medium
A substance that absorbs oxygen or slows the penetration of oxygen
Assay media
What media used by technologists to test the effectiveness of antimicrobial drugs?
Enumeration Media
What media is used by industrial and environmental microbiologists?
A macroscopic cluster of cells appearing on a solid medium is called
real image
What image is formed by the objective on a microscope?
virtual image
What image is formed when the image is projected through the microscope body through the ocular lens?
refractive index
The degree of bending that light undergoes as it passes from one medium to another is called
iris diaphragm
What controls the amount of light coming into the condenser?
wet mount
What type of mount consists of a drop or two of culture placed on a slide and overlaid with a cover slip?
hanging drop
What type of mount uses a drop of culture placed on a slide, vaseline adhesive or sealant, and cover slip?
Any procedure that applies colored chemicals (dyes) to specimens is
Basic dyes have a _________ charge
Acidic dyes have a ________ charge
________ stain dye sticks to the specimen and gives it color
_________ stain does not stick to the specimen but settles some distance from its outer boundary
simple stains
___________ only require a single dye and an uncomplicated procedure
differential stains
What uses a primary dye and a counterstain?
Christian Gram
Who developed the Gram Stain?
capsular staining
What type of stain is used to observe the microbial capsule?
flagellar staining
What type of stain is used to reveal filaments used by bacteria for locomotion?