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US History

54 Terms


magna carta

a charter of liberties agreed to by king John of England; it made the king obey the same laws as citizens

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a set of basic principles and laws that states the powers and duties of the government

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virginia statute for religious freedom

a document that declared that no person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay tax money to a church (religious freedom)

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the right to vote

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Articles of Confederation

the document that created the first central government for the US; was replaced by the constitution in 1789

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official approval

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- Magna Carta

- English Bill of Rights

- Mayflower Compact

- Declaration of Independence

What documents influenced ideas about government in the United States?

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- trading issues

- Great Britain cut off trade

- Spain cut off trade in the Mississippi river

What problems did the United States experience with Spain and Great Britain?

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To fix the Articles of Confederation

Why did Madison and Hamilton call for the constitutional convention?

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constitutional convention

a meeting held in Philadelphia at which delegates from the states wrote the constitution

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virginia plan

the plan for government proposed at the constitutional convention in which the national government would have supreme power and the legislative branch would have two houses with representation determined by state population

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new jersey plan

a proposal to create a unicameral legislature with equal representation of states rather than representation by population

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great compromise

an agreement worked out at the Constitutional Convention establishing that a state's population would determine representation in the lower house of the legislature, while each state would have equal representation in the upper house of the legislature

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3/5 compromise

an agreement worked out at the Constitutional Convention stating that only three-fifths of the slaves in a state would count when determining its population for representation in the lower house of Congress

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legislative branch

Congress; responsible for proposing and passing laws

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executive branch

the president/governor/mayor; makes sure laws are carried out

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judicial branch

the courts; interprets laws

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checks and balances

a system established by the Constitution that prevents any branch of government from becoming too powerful

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people who opposed ratification of the Constitution

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To revise the Articles of Confederation

Why did the confederation congress call for a constitutional convention?

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people who supported ratification of the Constitution

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federalist papers

a series of essays that defended and explained the Constitution and tried to reassure Americans that the states would not be overpowered by the proposed national government

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official change, correction, or addition to a law or constitution

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Bill of Rights

the first 10 amendments to the constitution; ratified in 1791

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No taxation without representation

an expression used by colonists to protest taxes passed by the British king and parliament

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Boston Massacre

an incident in which British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists, killing five people

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Boston Tea Party

a protest against the Tea Act in which a group of colonists boarded British tea ships and dumped more than 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor

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Intolerable Acts

laws passed by Parliament to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party and to tighten government control of the colonies

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First Continental Congress

a meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to decide how to respond to the closing of Boston Harbor, increased taxes, and abuses of authority by the British government; delegates petitioned King George III, listing the freedoms they believed colonists should enjoy

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Shot Heard 'Round the World

a phrase that refers to the opening shot of the battles of Lexington and Concord

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Battles of Lexington and Concord

marked the start of the American War of Independence

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Battle of Bunker Hill

a revolutionary war battle in Boston that demonstrated that the colonists could fight well against the British army

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Dorchester Heights

a site where Colonists expelled British forces in Boston in 1776, overlooks the harbor and the South Boston neighborhood

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George Washington

Commander of the Continental Army

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Continental Army

the army created by the second continental congress in 1775 to defend the american colonies from Britain

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American colonists who fought for independence from Great Britain during the Revolutionary War

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British soldiers who fought against the colonists in the American Revolution; so called because of their bright red uniforms.

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American colonial militia members ready to fight at a minute's notice

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Common Sense

a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that criticized monarchies and convinced many American colonists of the need to break away from Britain

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Thomas Paine

Author of Common Sense; argued that citizens should make laws, not kings and queens.

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Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence; argued that all people possess unalienable rights, including the rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"

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colonists who sided with Britain in the American Revolution

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Declaration of Independence

the document written to declare the colonies free from British rule

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hired foreign soldiers

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Battle of Trenton

a Revolutionary War battle in New Jersey in which Patriot forces captured more than 900 Hessian troops

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Battle of Princeton

was a battle of the revolutionary war that was fought near Princeton, New Jersey.

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Battle of Saratoga

a Revolutionary War battle in New York that resulted in a major defeat of British troops; marked the Patriots' greatest victory up to that point in the war

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Battle of Yorktown

the last major battle of the revolutionary war; site of British general Charles Cornwallis's surrender to the patriots in Virginia

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Treaty of Paris

A peace agreement that officially ended the Revolutionary War and established British recognition of the independence of the United States.

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General Charles Cornwallis

British general who fought the Patriots in the south; surrounded at Yorktown and surrendered to George Washington

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What European country controlled much of North and South America after the Treaty of Paris?

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Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay

Who helped negotiate the treaty of Paris?

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shortage of food, clothing, and medicine

What difficulties did the patriots face at Valley Forge?

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France and Spain

Which European countries helped the colonists in the Revolutionary War?

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