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Emperor Kao-Tzu
Developed civil service exams in Han Dynasty.
After the Taiping Rebellion
Opened civil service exams to women.
Civil Service Exams
Competitive exams for government positions.
Written subjects (e.g., law, agriculture, and geography)
The CSE in Ancient China included proficiency in?
Britain adopted the civil service exams in?
Britain's adaptation of the CSE inspired the creation of U.S, CSE in?
Formal Oral Examinations
Introduced in 13th century European universities.
Written Exams
Replaced oral exams with paper availability.
Juan Huarte
First to suggest formal mental testing
Jean Esquirol
Classified mental retardation in degrees and varieties
Esquirol emphasized what as the most dependable criterion for mental functioning?
Édouard Séguin
Developed physiological training methods for the mentally retarded.
Wilhelm Wundt
Established first psychological laboratory in Leipzig.
Francis Galton
Pioneered sensory discrimination tests
Individual differences
Rating Scales
Statistical analysis
Galton was credited for starting the testing movement with what contributions?
intellectual ability
Galton believed that _____ was hereditary
James Cattell
Adapted Galton's techniques for American mental tests.
Emil Kraepelin
Conducted pioneering work on personality testing.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Developed fill-in-the-blank technique for testing.
Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale
First intelligence scale assessing various cognitive skills.
French Ministry of Education
Who commissioned the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale?
identify students needing special assistance.
The Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale was first used to?
Problem-solving skills
The Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale focused on which factors?
What did the Binet-Intelligence Test assess?
Mental Age
A person's abilities expressed in terms of the age at which a typical person would reach that same level of performance
Alfred Binet
Theodore Simon
Creators of Binet-Simon Intelligence Test
Lewis Terman
Revised Binet-Simon Test to create Stanford-Binet.
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Standardized measure of intelligence derived from tests.
Stanford-Binet test for ages 2 to 85+.
Early SB-5
Stanford-Binet test for ages 2-0 to 5-11 years (full battery), 6-0 to 7-3 years (abbreviated battery)
5 minutes per subtest
SB-5 administration time
10 individually administered subtests, many involving manipulatives
SB-5 Format
Objects used to aid hands-on learning in tests.
Domains in SB-5
Fluid Reasoning
Quantitative Reasoning
Visual-Spatial Processing
Working Memory
Factors assessed in SB-5
Level C Qualification
Highest expertise level for administering certain tests.
Henry Goddard
He translated the Binet-Simon Intelligence Test into English.
Army Alpha
IQ test for literate soldiers in WWI.
Army Beta
IQ test for illiterate soldiers in WWI.
Robert Yerkes
Chairman of the Committee on the Psychological Examination of Recruits, led the Army Alpha and Army Beta testing
Charles Spearman
Developed Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence.
Louis Thurstone
Identified seven primary mental abilities.
Verbal Comprehension
Perceptual Speed
Numerical Ability
Word Fluency
Associative Memory
Spatial Visualization
Thurstone's primary mental abilities
Robert Woodworth
Developed the first structured personality inventory
Woodworth Personal Data Sheet
First structured personality inventory for military screening.
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Projective test analyzing personality via inkblots.
Hermann Rorschach
Developed the Rorschach Inkblot Test in 1921.
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Subjects create stories from ambiguous pictures to reveal motives and traits.
Henry A. Murray & Christina D. Morgan
Developed the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) in 1935.
Stanford Achievement Test
Assesses children from kindergarten through high school.
Lewis M. Terman, Truman L. Kelley, and Giles M. Ruch
Published the Stanford Achievement Test.
Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale
Developed in response to controversies about the nature of intelligence and became the most widely used adult intelligence test in the U.S.A.
David Wechsler
Published the first version of the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI)
Widely used personality test assessing psychopathology.
Starke Hathaway and J.C. McKinley
created the MMPI
567 true/false questions for personality assessment.
MMPI-2 Restructured Form (RF)
338 true/false questions for personality assessment.
Personality test for adolescents (14-18); made of 478 items
A shorter version of the MMPI-A, consisting of 298 true/false items designed for personality assessment in adolescents.
Clinical Scales
Measure various psychological conditions in MMPI.
Psychopathic Deviate
Social Introversion
Clinical Scales in MMPI
J.R. Guilford
Developed Structure of Intellect Theory for intelligence.
Structure of Intellect (SI) theory
A model of intelligence which categorizes cognitive abilities into different dimensions and types.
According to the SI theory, there are theoretically how many components of intelligence?
16 Personality Factor Test
Structured personality test based on factor analysis.
Raymond Bernard Cattell
Introduced the 16 PF
Vocational Counseling Instruments
Tools for assessing career interests and preferences.
Strong Interest Blank
Kuder Preference Record–Vocational
Types of vocational counselling instrument
Computer-Assisted Testing
Introduced in 1980s for efficient assessment.