American History Final Exam

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Doctrine holding that states retained the authority to override unconstitutional acts of the federal government.

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US History

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Doctrine holding that states retained the authority to override unconstitutional acts of the federal government.


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Act of Congress authorizing the forcible relocation of remaining Native American tribes to United States territory west of the Mississippi River.


Indian Removal Act of 1830

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Tennessee planter nicknamed "Old Hickory" who commanded American forces at the Battle of New Orleans and served as the seventh President of the United States.


Andrew Jackson

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Kentucky statesman who developed the American System, served as Speaker of the House, and authored the Missouri Compromise.


Henry Clay

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1837 invention by Samuel Morse that permitted near instantaneous transmission of messages by wire.


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Inventor of the steamboat allowing for relatively rapid upstream navigation of American river systems.


Robert Fulton

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Model for textile production involving vertical integration of all involved processes and on premises residence of workforce.


Waltham-Lowell System

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Early 19th century transition from subsistence economy to production for markets facilitated by developments in technology and transportation.


Market Revolution

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Enslaved Virginian whose armed rebellion in 1831 led to repressive measures against both enslaved and free black Americans in slaveholding states.


Nat Turner

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Former slave known for his writings and orations in support of abolition and universal suffrage.


Frederick Douglass

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Founder of Mormonism who led his community from New York to Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois until his death in 1844.


Joseph Smith

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Early 19th century Protestant revival movement characterized by outdoor camp meetings led by itinerant preachers such as Charles Grandison Finney.   


Second Great Awakening

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1848 meeting convened by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and others to advocate for women's social and civil rights including political suffrage.


Seneca Falls Convention

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Model of incarceration focused on moral reform of offenders rather than punishment.


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Reform movement in response to growing levels of alcohol consumption and related ills in American society.


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1848 agreement that ended the Mexican War and ceded much of present day California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona to the United States.


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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2,000 mile overland route connecting Missouri and settlements in Oregon, California, and Utah.


Oregon Trail

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Hero of the Mexican War elected as President as the Whig nominee in 1848.


Zachary Taylor

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Unsuccessful proposal introduced by Pennsylvania Congressman in 1846 to ban slavery in any territories acquired during the Mexican War.


Wilmot Proviso

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Term coined by editor John O'Sullivan to encapsulate the popular belief in America's divine right to expand westward.


Manifest Destiny

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Spanish mission besieged and captured by Mexican forces in 1836 during the Texas Revolution.


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Abolitionist author of influential novel Uncle Tom's Cabin exposing readers to the realities of American chattel slavery.


Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Approach to slavery question that allowed citizens of new territories to vote on whether slavery would be permitted therein.


Popular Sovereignty

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1854 Act of Congress repealing the Missouri Compromise and providing for voters to determine the status of slavery in the involved territories.


Kansas-Nebraska Act

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1857 Supreme Court decision holding that black Americans, whether enslaved or free, were not citizens and had no standing to sue in federal courts.


Dred Scott v. Sandford

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Attempt by Congress to address the slavery question by admitting California as a free state but leaving open the status of slavery in the Utah and New Mexico territories while strengthening the Fugitive Slave Act.


Compromise of 1850

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Mid-19th century network of safe houses and escape routes that facilitated the smuggling of enslaved persons to freedom in northern states and Canada.


Underground Railroad

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Military installation guarding Charleston harbor whose bombardment in 1861 commenced the Civil War.


Fort Sumter

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Former Illinois Congressman elected President as the Republican nominee in 1860 and assassinated in April 1865.


Abraham Lincoln

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Abolitionist assault on federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, to seize arms in support of a general slave uprising.


John Brown's Raid

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Site of 1863 battle memorialized by Lincoln's battlefield address that ended Confederate foray into Union territory.


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American general who captured Vicksburg, accepted Lee's surrender, and later served as President.


Ulysses S. Grant

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Four slaveholding states whose geographic position, population, and manufacturing base made their retention in the Union a critical focus of the Lincoln administration.


Border States

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Site of April 1865 surrender of Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia that effectively marked the end of the Civil War.


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Presidential order freeing all slaves in American states under rebellion effective January 1, 1863.


Emancipation Proclamation

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July 1863 reaction by working class and immigrant New Yorkers to increased Union conscription undercut by exemptions for the wealthy.  


Draft Riots

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Acts of Congress passed in 1867 dividing the former Confederate states into military districts and setting conditions for their readmission to the union.


Reconstruction Acts

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Amended the United States Constitution to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude.


13th Amendment

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Amended the United States Constitution to grant citizenship to all natural born Americans and to guarantee them equal protection under its laws.


14th Amendment

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Use of intimidation and violence by mobs affiliated with the Democratic Party to drive Republicans from power in 1874 as copied in other former Confederate states.


Mississippi Plan

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Relief agency established during the Civil War to administer confiscated lands and provide education and emergency assistance to former slaves.


Freedmen's Bureau

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Black civil rights advocate who helped found the NAACP and encouraged focus on enforcement of equal legal and political rights for black Americans.


W. E B. DuBois

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Laws adopted by former Confederate states in late 1865 to restrict the economic, social, and political status of former slaves.


Black Codes

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Amended the United States Constitution to grant black American males the right to vote.


15th Amendment

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Black American educator who advocated for internal economic and educational development prior to challenging social and political segregation.


Booker T. Washington

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