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From Greek endo, meaning “inside,” and symbiosis, meaning “to live with”
both symbionts and hosts benefit
Ex: Human guts provide a moist environment and nutrients for gut microbiota and microbes provide vitamin precursor
One symbiont benefit without affecting the other
Ex: Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a commensal bacterium that can live on human skin without causing disease
Host is damaged while symbionts benefits
Ex: Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human lungs
One symbionts is harmed while second symbiont is unharmed/benefit
Microflora (microbiota)
Microbes that colonize the body without causing disease
______ protects fetus from microbes.
Amniotic membrane and fluid
Commensal organism
an organism that lives in close association with another organism
Microbes normally found at various nonsterile body sites
Resident microbiota
A part of normal microbiota throughout life
Mostly commensal
Found on skin and mucous membranes (of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, distal portion of urethra, and vagina)
Transient microbiota
Duration: 1 hour to months
Found in the same regions as resident microbiota
Cannot persist because:
Competition from other microorganisms
Transient outnumbered resident microbiota because of anitibiotics
Elimination by the body’s defense cells
Chemical or physical changes in the body
Upper Respiratory Tract Resident Microbiota
Microbiota of the trachea and bronchi are sparse compared to those in nose and mouth
Microbes in alveoli are axenic → no natural microbiota
Axenic microbe
a microbe that is grown in a culture free of other organisms
Upper Digestive Tract Resident Microbiota
Microbes colonize surfaces of teeth, gingiva, lining of cheeks, and pharynx
Microbes found in large number in saliva
Dozens of unidentified microbes
Lower Digestive Tract Resident Microbiota
Strictly anaerobes bacteria, while some facultative anaerobes are also resident
Stomach bacteria love acidic enviroment
Female Urinary and Reproductive Resident Microbiota
Microbiota changes based on the menstrual cycle because of acidity changes
Urine flow prevents extensive colonization in urethra & bladder
Male Urinary and Reproductive Resident Microbiota
Urine flow prevents extensive colonization in urethra & bladder
Eye & Skin Resident Microbiota
Microbiota live in dead layers of the skin and hair follicles of the epidermis
Microbiota in dermis and hypodermis are axenic
Tears washes microbiota from eyes
_______ prevents microbial contamination and newborns get established their microbiota during ___ from their ___.
Anemiotic fluid and placenta
1st month of life
Environment (breathing, breast feeding, etc.)
Microbial antagonism
The competition between normal microbes and pathogens for nutrients and space
Reinforces the body’s defense by limiting the ability of pathogens to colonize the skin and mucous membranes (synthesizing antimicrobial compound)