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When is the best time to collect a sample for a UA?
First thing in the morning
Ways of urine collection include?
Free-catch, bladder expression, catheterization, and cystocentesis
Why is it important that if urine is refrigerated that it is allowed to warm to room temp?
Reagent pads for UA are enzyme based and temperature can cause tests to be slower and less acurate
Preanalytical errors in UA include?
Inappropriate collection
Analyze from any surface
Analytical errors during a UA include?
Delay in performing
Failure to mix sample prior to testing
Failure to adequately resuspend sample
3 Parts to a UA are?
Evaluation of Physical Properties
Chemical exam
Microscopic examination of urinary sediment
Normal color of urine is?
Clear and light to dark yellow in color
Horse and rabbit urine is?
Cloudy and can be reddish
Most common abnormal colors of urine are?
red, red-brown, red orange, and orange?
Red/brown/orange colors of urine relate to?
Presence of erythrocytes or heme pigments
Hematuria is?
Bright red blood in the urine
Hemoglobinuria is?
Hemohlobin in the urine
Myoglobinuria is?
Myoglobin from muscles in the urine
Fresh urine that is cloudy is often?
USG depends on?
soluable particles in urine
Urine is concentrated in dogs at SG?
Urine is considered concentrated in cats at SG?
Isothenuria is?
Specific gravity of urine between 1.008-1.012
Isothenuria indicates?
Tubules in the kidneys have not attempted to concentrate urine
Chemical evaluation of urine includes?
Most healthy dogs and cats have a urine pH of?
Ketonuria indicates?
Excessive fat metabolism or deficiency in carbohydrate metabolism
Ketonuria is commonly seen in conjunction with?
Glucosuria caused by diabetes mellitus
If bilirubin is present it indicated damage to which organ?
Hyperglycemia is?
Excessive amounts of glucose in the blood
If protein leaks out in excessive amounts it indicates damage where in the kidneys?
Urine sediment is?
Formed elements in urine sediment
Erythrocytes look like in unstained sediment?
Colorless-yellowish, round, with no internal structure
Presence of 5-8 WBCs per HPF indicates?
Inflammation of urinary or urogenital tract
What type of bacteria can be seen in patients with an infection of the urinary tract?
Rods and cocci
Which type of bacteria seen in UTI is most common?
Rods and they are progressively motile
Cocci bacteria in UTI have what appearance?
Chains or clusters and are non-motile
If bacteria is present in urinary tract then — will also be present?
Pyuria is?
neutrophils in the urine
Most common fungal element in urine is?
Which parasite can be found in urine?
Bladder worm (Capillaria pica or C. felis)
Urinary casts are?
"Literal “casts” of the tubules in which they are formed?
Types of casts include?
Cellular casts are?
Casts consisting of WBCs, RBCs, or renal tubular epithelial cells
Hyaline casts are?
Clear, colorless, refractile casts that consist of protein
Most common type of cast is?
Granular cast
Granular casts are?
yellow/brown casts made of degenerate cellular debris
WBC cast is indicative of?
Pyelonephritis and significant inflammation
RBC cast is indicative of?
Hemorrhage in renal tubules
Epithelia casts indicate?
Acute sloughing of renal tubular epithelial cells
Waxy casts indicate?
Chronic renal disease with low GFR
The largest cast is?
Waxy cast
Waxy casts are?
Casts made form lipids in cell membranes that are clear, colorless, and refractile with cracks at edges
Fatty casts are most common in?
Urolith is?
Stone in the bladder
Nephrolith is?
Stone in the kidney
Struvite crystal is also called?
Triple phosphate
most common crystal is?
Ammonium biurate crystal look like?
brown with uneven spikes
Ammonium biurate crystals indicate?
Liver damage, high ammonia, portosytemic shunt
Calcium dihydrate crystals are indicative are?
Hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism
Calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals are indcative of?
Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) toxicity
T/F: Bilirubin crystals are rare and abnormal in dogs