Singapore Continuing Education and Training Scheme
Interventionist supply side policy
Introduced in 2015
Subsidy for workers who wish to improve their skills
2017 - 2019, decrease in unemployment
2018 MTI study:
Workers were more employable
Enjoyed a wage premium of 5.8% in the year after training
Vietnam spending on infrastructure
Interventionist supply side policy
Recent historical annual infrastructure spending was more than 5% of GDP
2016 - 2018, inflation rate decreased from 3.5% to 2.8%
2017 unemployment: 1.87%
2018 unemployment: 1.16%
US Financial Crisis 2008
Fiscal policy: $831 billion in government spending to boost economic growth (AD) by the Obama administration
Monetary policy: the federal reserve bank (US) decreased interest rate to a range of 0 to 0.25% in 2009
Unemployment rate decreased from 9.9% in 2009 to 3.5% in 2020
UK Corporation Tax Cut
Market-based supply side policy
Reduced between 2010 and 2016 from 28% to 20%
Reduced unemployment rate from 7.79% - 4.81%
Business investment index increased from 117 to 163
Microsoft Market Power
Bundled Internet Explorer into operating system
Windows operating system available to 90% of all computers, forces consumers to use
Lack of choice
Has an artificial distribution advantage
Shielded from competition
Detrimental to the pace of innovation and the quality of products
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Between the US, Canada and Mexico
Eliminated most tariffs on products
Increase in FDI
Technological advancements
Product diversification
Canada and US saw Mexico as a low cost location for factories
Environmental impacts and exploitation of resources
Mexican production (agriculture) can not compete with subsidised US and Canadian counterparts
Leads to unemployment
Trade diversion
Less efficient Mexican producers replace more efficient non-member countries in US and Canadian markets
Leads to loss in global efficiency
Pfizer Monopoly
Benefits from abnormal profit
Able to do research and development
Quickly developed COVID vaccine during pandemic
EU Emissions Trading Scheme
International cap and trade system
Since 2005
Limits the emission of specific pollutants to achieve EU climate targets
Acts as an economic incentive to emit less, and instead gain profit
Emissions have reduced by 35% between 2005 and 2021
Germany Investment in Education and Training
Interventionist supply side policy
Apprentice system
Combines classroom learning with on-the-job training to prepare workers for specific industries
UK and Ukraine FTA extension
All tariffs and quotas removed
Aims to support Ukraine’s long term economic recovery from Russian invasion
More exports to the UK, increasing Ukraine’s AD
More choice
Boosts opportunities for Ukraine in key sectors (oils, grains etc.)
Bad economic situation in Ukraine, so less competitive production
Russian invasion disrupted Ukrainian supply chains and transport routes
Loss of government revenue for both countries
South Korea, Colombia and Mercosur
In 2013, Colombia and South Korea signed an FTA
South Korea ($1 305 billion) had an economy 3 times bigger than Colombia ($381 billion)
In 2017, Colombia became a member of the Mercosur Preferential Trade Agreement
Before 2017, Korea had the upper-hand on trade negotiations with Colombia
After 2017, Colombia had a combined GDP (with Mercosur and South Korea) of $2 807 billion, bargaining power almost twice as large as South Korea’s
Monetary union
20 member states
Monetary policy controlled by European Central Bank
Unable to manipulate the interest rate according to the economic state of their own country
Venezuela (ELDC)
Placed last on the international property rights index
Foreign direct investment has been decreasing since 2011
Only devotes less than 4% of GDP towards investment in infrastructure, as compared to the higher rates of other countries in the region
Downward trend of real GDP between 2012 ($372.59 billion) and 2020 ($43.79 billion)
Microfinance for farmers
Gives finance to farmers to purchase fertiliser and invest in irrigation systems
Increases productivity
Increased job opportunities in agriculture sector
May double maize output
Can pollute waterways