Unit 10 History: Vietnam and the 1970s

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Define "Domino Theory":

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Define "Domino Theory":

if one country falls to communism, they'll all fall

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List who the U.S. supported in the conflict in Vietnam after WWII:

The U.S. supported France, getting their colony back.

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Describe the U.S.’s main goal in Vietnam:

Was to contain communism.

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List the terms of the 1954 Geneva Accords:

1- Temporarily split Vietnam at 17th parallel. 2-North Vietnam=communists. 3- South Vietnam=pro american gov.

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Define the Tonkin Gulf Resolution (including which president asked Congress for it):

Congress gave LBJ complete freedom to run any operations in Vietnam. And the president was Lyndon B Johnson.

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Define what the Ho Chi Minh Trail was:

It was how Vietcong got supplies from North to South Vietnam, partly through Cambodia.

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Describenapalm” and its effects:

Napalm were gasoline based bombs. Burned down jungles and innocent peoples homes. Many people were burned.

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DescribeAgent Orange” and its effects:

Was a leaf killing toxic chemical. Killed the jungle. It got into the ground/water and caused massive birth defects and illness in people.

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List who most soldiers were who served in Vietnam (demographics):

Majority were poor minorities.

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Explain why Vietnam was called a Living Room War:

Information and reporting from the war was seen on tv.

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Explain the significance of the Tet Offensive:

Major campaign of attacks launched through south Vietnam in early 1968 by the north Vietnamese and the Vietcong, turning point in the war, it exposed the war's reality.

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Define who “hawks” and “doves” were:

Hawks-supported war. Doves-against war.

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Explain the role that music played in the War:

Much of the war was protested through music.

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List the candidates for each party in the Presidential Election of 1968:

Democratic=hubert h. repub=richard nixon. 3rd party=george wallace.

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Explain the presidential candidates’ platforms (positions on issues):

Hubert=promised to keep fighting in Vietnam.
Nixon=promised law and order, wanted to fight communism.
Wallace=campaigned about law and order.

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List what new country the U.S. invaded and bombed in 1970 during Nixon’s Presidency:

The U.S. invaded Cambodia. Triggered student anti-war protests, more than 1.5 mil students participated.

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Define the 26th Amendment:

Lowered the voting age to 18.

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Describe Nixon’s strategy to end the Vietnam War:

Would use "Vietnamization"- reduce u.s. troops and turn over ground fighting to the south Vietnamese "peace with honor" strategy.

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Explain the significance of the Pentagon Papers:

Contained top secret, negative information about the Vietnam War and it made the American public question continuing to be in Vietnam.

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Define the War Powers Act:

Restricted the presidents ability to send troops w/o congresses approval.

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Policy of having less tension with the Soviet Union and openness with China.

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List examples of détente in the Cold War:

Nixon visited China, televised trips, said they could peacefully coexist.

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Define the Watergate Scandal:

The name of a scandal which involved a break in at the Democratic National Committees headquarters, and resulting cover up, one of the worst scandals performed by Richard Nixon.

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List the effects/outcome of the Watergate Scandal:

Many lost faith in the gov, Nixon resigned, led to long term changes in the gov, and Gerald Ford took over.

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List causes of the economic decline of the 1970s:

Causes- inflammation from military spending, high gas prices, great society spending, and unemployment.

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Explain what OPEC is:

Formed 1960 by oil rich countries, and controlled the price of their oil.

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Explain what caused the energy crisis in the U.S:

Conflicts between Israel and other Arab states, Arab states in Opec made an oil embargo against the U.S in 1973, they would not sell the U.S. their oil.

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List the effects of the energy crisis on the U.S:

Gas prices increased, new speed limit of 55, inflation prices of goods rose 20%.

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Describe how the 1970s focused on environmentalism:

Earth Day, EPA, and national energy act.

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Means less manufactoring, economy switched from Industrial to services.

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Explain what happened in the Iran hostage crisis:

Iranian students took hostages from the U.S. embassy in Tehran until the Shah was returned.

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Defineaffirmative action":

Consider the history of disadvantages and discrimination for minority groups (people of color and women).

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Explain who Harvey Milk was:

First openly gay man to be elected to public office.

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Explain what women’s activism in the 1970s focused on:

Focused on rights for the female body. And passing the Equal Rights Amendment.

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Explain the ruling of Roe v. Wade:

Ruled abortions performed during 1st trimester were protected by rights of privacy.

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