West Civ Unit 6: Renaissance

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Italian poet and Renaissance writer. His greatest work is The Divine Comedy.
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Divine Comedy
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Book written by Dante w/ references to Greek and Roman but written in Italian (vernacular)

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thanks to Nona's quizlet <3 good luck Hannah

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Italian poet and Renaissance writer. His greatest work is The Divine Comedy.
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Divine Comedy
Book written by Dante w/ references to Greek and Roman but written in Italian (vernacular)
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  • Disproved of Ptolemy's model of the universe and created the first heliocentric model of the universe

  • Discovered the distance from the sun is proportional to time it takes a planet to orbit

  • Wrote Copernicus's Seven Axioms (laws of the universe and setting foundation for Kepler in the future)

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This astronomer stated that the orbits of planets around the sun were elliptical, the planets do not orbit at a constant speed, and that an orbit is related to its distance from the sun.
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  • Physician, alchemist, lay theologian and philosopher of the German Renaissance

  • Brought chemistry into medicine and developed a better understanding of medicine rather than religious understanding, laying their foundation

  • Clinical description of syphilis (STD metals created& developed)

  • Creator of the opioid

  • Found small amounts of things can be a cure but poison in large amounts

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Andreas Versaillias
  • Completed the first public dissection

  • Pamphlet of blood

  • Father of anatomy

  • Author of Fabrica, a medical analysis of human anatomy, in order to prove Galen wrong as well as Ninth, the book of Rhazes

  • Inventor, mathematician, scientist, and architect

  • Mixed science and math with painting

  • Replication of 3D things and objects on a 2D surface

  • Responsible for advancements and designs for inventions such as the helicopter, glider, parachute, and scuba gear for people to do further work on them in the future

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"rebirth"; following the Middle Ages, a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome with focus on aspects such as exploration, education, reformation of the church, and warfare as well as putting emphasis on individualism and the "best version of you" (Gothic literally named out of hatred)
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  • Father of Humanism and believer that the church was corrupt & materialistic

  • Puts ideas of the church in need for change into motion with Greek and Roman church leadership for inspiration

  • Progressive goals such as educating women, girls, and poor people (need for taxes to do so) and improving yourself using education (Greek/Latin, math, philosophy, music, dance, ettiquette, fencing, writing, public speaking, & politics

  • Firm believer in the republic

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Renaissance Man
A person who does and is good at everything (think DaVinci) with the end goal of being an expert at everything
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Francesco Sforza
  • Begins as a mercinary leader associated w/ Melan whom was haired by different city-states & worked for both the Duke and the Church

  • Successor as Duke of Melan where he will serve as a diplomat to keep on good terms with both the church and other city states in order to keep Melan Independent

  • Revamps Melan's tax system

  • Dies of Gout

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Cosimo de Medici
  • From Florence

  • Initial merchant and member of the Medici family, able to not only influence Italian politics but European as well

  • Marry in to people of power and use their money as an influence behind the scenes, very close with the pope

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Girolamo Svonarola
  • Dominican Monk from Florence which speaks publicly against the Medicis and their use of money to the point where they get exiled from Florence (still have power though)

  • Effort to religiously impact by speaking against the pope and the church because of their corruption and inquisition

  • Church gets so upset that they put him into inquisition, find him guilty, then proceed to burn him while he is hanged and scatter his ashes to avoid memorial

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  • Italian astronomer and mathematician which perfects the telescope and looks at sun to find sun spots & imperfection

  • Discovers Jupiter's moons don't revolve around the Earth and that the moon has craters

  • Teacher, uses hubris by offering to use knowledge of the moons by naming them after Medicis

  • Tight with the pope, wants to publish his book but has to do so as povs with each character as in support of each model of the universe even though it pretty much supports the heliocentric model

  • Faces inquisition but chooses life with house arrest

  • Described the difference between humanism (education, perfect self) and Christian humanism (Inside your individual faith through the bible must learn Latin to read & find bibles which are beginning to be mass produced)

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The Prince
A book wrote by Niccolo Machiavelli in 1513 about the imperfect conduct of humans and says how a ruler is able to keep power and manage to keep it disregarding enemies.
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Invented the printing press with movable metal type, which revolutionizes the printing industry (to put into perspective, 9M vs. 6K copies of books within 50 yrs, most published being the bible)
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Quest to find or create and breaking down mixtures such as air
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The study of body structure based on Greek influence, limited dissection but done on occasion late Renaissance
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William Harvey
English physician and scientist which developed the concept of the circulatory system (theory, no evidence because microscopes aren't a thing yet) laying the foundation for the scientific revolutiuon
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Renaissance Military


  • Use of feathers, guns rather than shield and sword (no bayonettes yet tho)

  • Spears to defend the dudes with the guns

  • Matchlock to ignite gun powder for cannons

  • Bright uniforms to make sure you don't shoot ur bois

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Star forts
Originally proposed with DaVinci's model which was never used but led the way for fortresses such as these
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Martin Luther
  • Almost a lawyer, struck by lightning but survives and becomes a monk

  • teaches philosophy and dialects, vibes in a tower for a hot minute and has a religious crisis, leading him to turn Eucharist into communion, keep baptism, get rid of indulgences, and describe the little influence you have on god to get to heaven

  • Nailed 95 theses to the door of the Catholic Church explaining how they can do better

  • excommunicated by the pope

  • Present at the Diet of Worms where he is faced with Socrates choice and states that he, "cannot and will not unsay anything" and the HRE doesn't pass the vibe check on literally any suggestion of change

  • "kidnapped" by Frederick of Saxony, go to Wartburg Castle where he translates the New Testament from Greek to German and marries one of the nuns there

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  • An Italian artist, studied under famous sculpture, furthered realism in his work

  • Most famous pieces include the work done in the Sistene Chapel, Basilica, and his sculpture of Bacchus

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Diet of Worms
Assembly of the estates of the empire so basically a town hall meeting, called by Holy Roman Emperor in Worms. Luther was ordered to recant but he refused because he can't go against his conscious & soul, for God would know of his sin. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw.
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Diet of Speyer
A gathering of German princes who protested the Catholic Church's decisions regarding Luther and their inability to make changes to the church
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Reasons for Luther's success
  • Printing press leading to mass production of bibles

  • German Nobles breaking independence from HRE

  • Turkish invasion and troops needed there, HRE must protect his land

  • French didn't feel like helping, pope is pro-French and won't call for crusade

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Albrecht Zwingli
  • Not big into relics, mass, ritualistic stuff such as chanting

  • Creator of Tribunal, people keeping an eye on each other using public confession and forgiveness

  • Dude from Switzerland

  • Didn't get along with Luther since he was protestant,

  • Zwingli killed in conflict between protestants and catholics

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John Calvin
  • Author of Institutes (list of his beliefs) such as predestination and use of a consistory (council of elders) for decisions like excommunication

  • Develops Calvinism, pretty much a branch of Protestants that align with his beliefs as listed above which will actually surpass protestantism

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Protestant sect founded by John Calvin. Emphasized a strong moral code and believed in predestination (the idea that God decided whether or not a person would be saved as soon as they were born). Calvinists supported constitutional representative government and the separation of church and state.
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Wrote The Courtier which was about education and manners and had a great influence and connected to Christian values
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Painter of the Tribute money, depicting a tax collector demanding money of Jesus and the twelve apostles, which have none.
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Sculptor. Probably exerted greatest influence of any Florentine artist before Michelangelo. His statues expressed an appreciation of the incredible variety of human nature such as the Bronze Statue of David
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  • Florentine architect who was the first great architect of the Italian Renaissance

  • Maker of the Brick Dome

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Sandro Botticelli
painter: Birth of Venus, La Primavera, using references to mythology and orange trees referring to the medicis
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Italian Renaissance painter; he painted frescos, his most famous being The School of Athens. Use of rounded arches and artist's faces
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Henry VIII
King of England from 1509 to 1547; his desire to annul his marriage led to a conflict with the pope, England's break with the Roman Catholic Church, and its embrace of Protestantism. Henry established the Church of England in 1532.

* Wives include Catherine of Aragon, Ann Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleaves, Katherine Howard, and Katherine Parr
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Queen Mary
"Bloody Mary" Extremely Catholic and attempted to revert England back to Catholicism and kill anyone who defies her. Literally had non-catholics burned to the stake
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Queen Elizabeth I
This "virgin" queen ruled England for 44 years, has her cousin Mary Queen of Scotts executed

* Good and wise ruler able to work with both France and Spain
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Council of Trent

Called by Pope Paul III to reform and review the Catholic Church

  • Church offices can no longer be bought

  • Bishops must live in regions they preside over

  • Concept of whatever the church says goes

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Ignatius of Loyola
Founder of the Jesuits, basically a new type of monk under the pope with the purpose to act as missionaries and educators
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Counter Reformations
Reforms made by the Church to counter-attack Reformation groups

Basically Christians vs. Christians because they can't agree on anything
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French Wars of Religion
  • Catholics vs. Huguenots (Calvinics, make up 8% of France but 40-50% of Nobles)

  • Henry II King of France married to Catherine Medici but he dies, allowing his son Francis II to take over who dies of meningitis

  • Henry Duke of Guise (hates protestants, bourbon family is pro protestant)

  • Charles IX is 10 so his mom Catherine of Medici must balance, allows protestants to worship outside of town

  • Duke sends men to kill the protestants at Vassey

  • Catholics rise up on St. Bartholomew's day and kill a bunch of people, Hugenots in power

  • Charles dies, Henry III finds middle ground

  • Duke forms the Catholic league, pushing Henry III off the throne, he exiles himself and goes to stay with Henry of Navarre

  • Spain sends their Armada and lose it, must leave the league

  • Duke is assassinated and Henry III stabbed to death by a friar

  • Henry IV becomes king, issues edict to make Catholicism the official religion and converts to Catholicism but allows Protestants to worship in town and hold positions

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Henry IV
Formerly Henry of Navarre; ascended the French throne as a convert to Catholicism. Survived St. Bartholomew Day, signed Edict of Nantes to make Catholicism the official religion of France
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80 Years War
  • Phillip II of Spain fights the Turks, Dutch, and the English but the Dutch rebelled against them for religious freedom, leading to the war

  • Spanish Duke of Parma executes 300 Dutch

  • William the Silent serves as largest land owner but stays neutral up until the duke arrests his son in order to work with him but he actually becomes a leader and fights Spain. They come to a stalemate and he gets assassinated

  • English give aid so the Spanish Armada can fail, the French attack

  • Spanish and Dutch Independence following 30 yrs war and the Peace of Westphalia

  • Spanish send their Armada because the English helped the Dutch, desire to end Francis Drake as a privateer and Mary Queen of Scotts is now dead so in order to get in the Spanish must invade

  • Plan is to send the armada and sail to the Netherlands and meet up woth Parma in order to control English Channel, then Gain English support and march into London but due to destruction of barrels, moldy food, shallow ports, seasick duke, storms, and speed of English ship this is a major flop

  • Even though the English have the advantage, Spanish take dubs because God

  • Spanish create crescent formation and move towards the English channel but because the English depart late they can't do much for damage

  • Spanish arrive @ Gravelines and anchor off shore so the English send flaming ships to burn Spanish fleet but the Spanish cut the anchors and skrt all the way around Scotland

  • Spanish fleet faces major storm damage and have to go home because their fleet was basically cut in half

  • English aren't invaded giving major morale boos and leading to the slow decline in relevance for Spain in their inability to rebuild their ships

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Beginning of 30 Years War
  • HREmpire Split between Protestant and Catholic in Germanic areas

  • Bohemia's new king Ferdinand II hates protestants so the Palatinate ditch Frederick II (their leader @ the time) and throw him into a pile of crap and declare Ferdinand their leader

  • 30 YW begins, Frederick vs. Ferdinand

  • Frederick becomes HRE and Ferdinand gains a Catholic army vs Duke Maximilian of Bavaria

  • Four phases of fighting to follow

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30 YW: Phase I
  • Maximillion sends troops to Ferdinand which he uses to crush Frederick

  • This portion is solely Germanic

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30 YW: Phase II
  • Treaty w/ Dutch expires, expanding the war with Dutch and Spanish in Germany

  • Imperial troops led by Albrecht Wallenstein wins against protestants so they fire him since he's too successful

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30 YW: Phase III

Protestants strike back, Gustavus Adolphus (Swedish King w/ protestants) needs to fight HRE so he goes to Breitenfield and introduces a new formation using windows and levels rather than a phalanx which will be used far into the civil war

  • 70K Catholics vs. 3K Protestants

  • Richelieu, the French King's royal advisor, encourages him to join the Protestant side of the war as it shifts to gain political pwr rather than religious freedom

  • Valenstein is brought back at the Battle of Lutzen and will stand out as the best Catholic General and is assassinated

  • Adolphus will win but dies

  • Score now is 2-1 Catholic

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30 YW: Phase IV
  • France joins the protestants and are present in Germany and the Netherlands

  • Batte of Rocroi: Involving Spanish (8k dead, 7k captured) and French (4k dead) last time using spears prior to bayonettes

  • Protestants win phase as well as the war

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Peace of Westphalia
Peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648 giving independence to the Dutch and allowing Sweden and France to gain land
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Impacts of 30 years war
  • Germans are allowed more options for religion

  • France replaces the Spaniards as the main pwr in Europe

  • Spain and Austria split HREmpire

  • Nationalism replaces religion as identification and centripetal force

  • Armies become bigger and national, not mercenaries

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Traveling to find more spices or for the following three g's: Gold, glory, God
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Portuguese Exploration

Goal: Spice Trade (success) their progressin exploration allows Portuguese to dominate passage and begin the African Slave Trade

  • Dias: South Africa

  • da Gama: India

  • Cabral: Brazil

Indian Ocean & gain control from Muslims

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Spanish Exploration

Original goal being spices but with little success, then converting Natives to Christianity as well as gaining slaves and gold

  • Columbus: 4 islands in the Carribians

  • de Leon: SE

  • de Soto: SW

  • Balboa: Panama "discovers" and claims Pacific Ocean

  • Cortez: Aztecs (genocide)

  • Pizarro: Incas (genocide)

  • Magellan: Crew circumnavigates globe after his death

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Treaty of Tordesillas
A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.
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English Exploration

Goal: Establish colonies and start farming

  • Cabot: River, mouth of N Passage

  • Hudson: the Hudson River, the Hudson Strait, and the Hudson Bay (Canada)- NOT the Northwest Passage

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French Exploration

Goal: Animals and furs, converting Natives to Christianity

  • Catier: Mouth of St. Lawrence River

  • Champlain: Explores it

  • Marquette: Wisconsin & Minnesota

  • LaSalle: Mississippi River

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  • Made up of city-states

  • Pyramids w/ 91 steps each side and one on top to make 365 (in depth understanding of astronomy for the time)

  • Sacred calendar of 260 days w/ the end of civilization being 2012 (referring to when the poles switch, causing many natural disasters)

  • 4 sided columns w/ pics of warriors as hall of fame (importance of military)

  • Sports complex w/ cross between soccer and basketball, winner puts ball in hole and is sacrificed to become a god, games sometimes lasting for days

  • Hieroglyphic writing system

  • Taken over by Toltex > Skulls in carvings

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  • Told by their god Quetzocoatl that an eagle clutching a serpent in its beak would land on a cactus growing from a stone. This would be their home.Tried to make peace with neighboring tribe through marriage. When the tribe's princess arrives they skin her and turn her into a cape. No one knows why.

  • While running from tribe they see the sign on an island in Lake Texcoco.

  • Capital is Tenochtitlan. One day will become Mexico City.

  • On a fault line, lots of earthquakes. Lots of human sacrifice to please the gods.

  • 3 kinds of warriors.

  • Wood and obsidian swords.

  • Society ends with the arrival of the spanish (Aztecs think they are their gods)

  • Cortez kidnaps their leader Montezuma for ransom and kills him.

  • They drive out the spanish, and when they return the Aztecs have been decimated by smallpox.

  • Spanish take over

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Incan Empire
  • Pachakuti: founder

  • Capital: Cusco

  • Empire divided into four with regional leaders

  • Language: Quechua

  • At its peak, empire has 12M

  • Use of plays (both comedies and tragedies), poetry, instruments

  • Quipu

  • Polytheistic religion w/ emphasis on Inti, the sun god, which was the source of the Emperor

  • Destroyed by Pizarro & the Spaniards w/ small pox which kills emperor leading his two sons to have a civil war to decide the successor

  • Pizarro kills the winner and moves the capital to Limah

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An arrangement of knotted strings on a cord, used by the Inca to record numerical information.
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Machu Pichu
a city built w/ stone by the Inca people on a mountaintop in the Andes Mountains in present-day Peru meaning "Great Peak" possibly used as an astronomical location or temporary safe space but incapable of long term living due to elevation
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- Develops Calvinism, pretty much a branch of Protestants that align with his beliefs as listed above which will actually surpass protestantism

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