the area and regions of the continent of Africa that lie south of the Sahara
Central Africa
East Africa
Southern Africa
West Africa
Desert in Libya
Runs through Magreb
Ethiopia to South Africa
Holds the main population
An area of spatial change change where the borders of two adjacent realms/regions join.
marked by a gradual shift in characteristics
They brought in nutrition and medicine which increased the life expectancy of Africans. Growth of population.
Introduced modern transportation and communication systems such as telegraphs, telephones and railroads
Railroads were positive and negative
Small minority of Africans received improved education and greater economic opportunities
Introduced plumbing
The erosion of traditional African values and destroyed social relationships; religion was brought in and forced upon them
Changed to a market economy which created a new sense of work
Railroads built to transport goods to the coast. Did not connect cities.
African people were treated as inferior to the Europeans (ethnocentrism). Terrible working conditions, Slave trade across the world.
Africa was divided up with no respect to the tribal, ethnic or cultural boundaries. Which resulted in civil wars.
Anti-apartheid activist
president of South Africa from 1994-99
Becomes president of South Africa and makes F.W. De Klerk his VP
won nobel peace prize for ending apartheid
considered the father of South Africa
Policy of separation of races
Carry “Pass Books” at all times: photo, fingerprints, permission to travel (72 hour passes)
No longer citizens of South Africa
No free speech, protest
“Whites Only” jobs, public places
“Silence and Stop” any form of defiance
the President of Zimbabwe from 1980-1987 and 1987-2017
blamed for economic, political, and human rights abuses
was Mugabe’s VP until Nov. 2017 when he was dismissed
came to power through a coup
President Emmerson Mnangagwa 2019 crackdown on opposition and protestors
people protested against the high inflation prices imposed by gov.
April 7 - July 15 1994
2 ethnic groups
Tutsis (wealthy minority)
Hutus shot down and killed their president as an excuse for genocide
Hutus commit genocide
800,000 tutsi victims
Hutu gov. imports machetes from China
Weapon of choice for war
Hutu police went house to house asking if the people are Hutu or Tutsi
Tutsi names were written down and Hutus provided with machetes
RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front)
Tutsi army
Fought Northeast and gradually claimed more land
Won the war
Both Hutu and Tutsi refugees flee to DR Congo
5.4 million killed
Sectarian War
Congo rebels, Rwanda, Uganda vs. Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Kuwait's govt. (9 nations, 20 militias, UN Peacekeepers)
Becomes a war over resources
Joseph Kony leads the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)
In 2005 Kony was indicted for crimes against Humanity by ICC
In 2010 Obama sent 100 U.S. soldiers to aid in his capture
Accused of murder, abduction, child sex slavery and forcing children to participate in hostilities
Rebel group under Kony
Operates in Uganda, South Sudan, DR Congo and Cent. African Rep.
Congo has 80% of the world’s supply of coltan.
Inability to manage resources
Civil war and underselling
Is in the interest of major companies to keep prices low
Muslim president, who imposes Islamic law
Devils on horseback
Private militia hired by Sudanese government to commit genocide in Darfur
Entered villages of black Africans in South Sudan and forced them out of villages into Chad
Filled drinking wells with dead bodies or animals
The oil started to kill farmland due to the leaks into the NIger Delta
Killed fish and enviorment
Destroying two of the biggest income sources
People start hacking into oil pipeline and fill up anything with oil and start shipping that to illegal oil refineries and selling it to the black market
The Niger Delta is ruined
Means Western Education is Forbidden
Islamic terroist movement based in northeast Nigeria, Chad, Niger and northern Cameroon
Pledged allegiance to the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant in March 2015
Killed more than 5000 civilians between 2009-2014
Since 2009 have abducted more than 500 people including the kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls in April 2014
American slaves returned to Africa to settle Liberia
Americo-Liberians were western, english-speaking and christian
The flag of Liberia is similar to the U.S. flag
Named their capital after President James Monroe
U.S. based military training
U.S. viewed them as secondary soldiers
Indicted war crimes for diamond smuggling and weapons
Trial for 17 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity
Convicted on 11 counts of war crimes including; murder, rape, sexual slavery, enslavement, enlisting minors in the armed forces, pillage, and violence to physical and mental well being of persons
Sentenced to 50 years
the increase in population growth which leads to pressure on farmlands in order to feed more people and resulted in an infringe on the wildlife reserves.
The wildlife of Kenya was also severely affected due to losing their environments and poaching which had become popular
End of an era refers to Africa’s shrinking rainforests and savannas along with the dwindling wildlife population.
Preserving the animals habitat and separating the farmlands would allow the wildlife population to increase as the animals would not have to adapt to new habitats and would not need to worry about retaliation from farmers.