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long-lot settlement pattern
A linear settlement pattern in which each farmstead is situated at one end of a long, narrow rectangular lot; each lot has access to a major linear resource, usually a river or a major road
material culture
The physical, visible objects made and used by members of a cultural group; includes buildings, furniture, clothing, food, artwork, and musical instruments
nonmaterial culture
Intangible elements of culture including a wide range of beliefs, values, myths, and symbolic meanings passed from generation to generation within a given society
cultural trait
A single aspect of a given culture or society
local cultures
Rural, ethnically homogenous culture that is deeply connected to the local land; the opposite of a popular culture
indigenous culture
A local culture that is no longer the dominant ethnic group within its traditional homeland because of migration, colonization, or political marginalization
popular cultures
Heterogeneous culture that is more influenced by key urban areas and quick to adopt new technologies; the opposite of a local culture
cultural additudes
Concepts and ideas in a society that are shaped by cultural opinions, beliefs, and perspectives
A mutually agreed-upon system of symbolic communication
A person who is fluent in more than two languages
is a structured set of beliefs and practices through which people seek mental and physical harmony with the powers of the universe.
ethnic group
consists of people of common ancestry and cultural tradition.
has historically been defined by the physical characteristics of a group, especially skin color.
ethnocentric approach
evaluates other cultures from the perspective of the observer’s culture, so that observer’s culture is perceived as the most natural or correct.
cultural relativism
seeks to understand individuals and cultures from a wider perspective of cultural logic
physical landscape
includes all the natural physical surroundings that create and shape the places we are living in or examining.
the feeling resulting from the standardization of the built environment.
modernist architecture
is functional, rational, and orderly; open spaces and straight lines distinguished this style
postmodern architecture
A design style that is a reaction against modernist architecture; it has a flair for the dramatic, creating a spectacle while serving a variety
sequent occupance
refers to the fact that many places have been controlled or affected by a variety of groups over a period of time
sacred spaces
natural or human-made sites that possess religious meaning and are recognized as worthy of devotion, loyalty, fear, or esteem
less influenced
A group of people with distinct norms, values, and material practices that differentiate them from the dominant culture surrounding them
sense of place
How a person feels about a particular place and why it is important to them
used to describe a variety of efforts that seek to use and design public places to better serve the needs of residents and to foster a stronger community.
centripetal force
one that brings people together and unifies a neighborhood, society, or country.
centrifugal forces
forces that threaten the cohesion of a neighborhood, society, or country
the process whereby religion becomes a less dominant force in everyday life than it was in the past.
absorbing barriers
any barriers that completely halt the diffusion of a cultural trait
permeable barriers
Barriers that slow diffusion but still allow some partial or weakened diffusion
language, characterized by a very small vocabulary derived from the languages of at least two or more groups in contact.
When pidgin languages acquire fuller vocabularies and become native languages of their speakers
describes this linguistic process where languages converge and create new languages and forms of communication.
lingua franca
A language of communication and commerce spoken across a wide area where it is not a mother tongue
The ability to speak two languages fluently
are sovereign political entities that seek to expand beyond their origin territory to control more territory politically and/or economically.
the motivating impulse to control greater amounts of territory
the act of forcefully controlling a foreign territory, which becomes known as a colony.