What does overt mean?
What does covert mean?
Not acknowledged
What is a lab experiment?
What are 2 advantages of a lab experiment?
Generates quantitative data
What are 2 disadvantages of lab experiments?
Unethical - deception
What is an example of a lab experiment?
Harvey and Slatin - seeing if teachers had stereotyped by social class by showing them photos of different children - found that they rated working class children as smart
What is a field experiment?
Natural setting - likely covert
What are 2 advantages of field experiments?
More realistic
Less Hawthorne effect
What are 2 disadvantages of field experiments?
Difficult to control
What is an example of a field experiment?
Rosenthal and Jackson IQ test/bloomers
What is a questionnaire?
Self completed questions
What are 2 advantages of questionnaires?
Large scale
What are 2 disadvantages of questionnaires?
Bad responses/low response rate
Lack of insight
What is an example of a questionnaire in a study?
Bowles and Gintis - correspondence principle (237 high school students)
Chubb and Moe - parent’s survey (found that low income households less likely to succeed)
What is a structured interview?
Interview with set questions
What are 2 advantages of a structured interview?
Easy to train interviewers
Comparable data
What are 2 disadvantages of structured interviews?
No insight
Interviewer bias
What is an example of a structured interview in a study?
Young and Willmott - symmetrical family
What is an unstructured interwiew?
No set questions
What are 2 advantages of an unstructured interview?
What are 2 disadvantages of an unstructured interview?
Not representative
What are examples of unstructured interviews in studies?
Dobash and Dobash
What is a group interview?
Interview done with multiple at the same time
What are 2 advantages of group interviews?
Observe group dynamics
Restores power imbalance between interviewee and interviewer
What are 2 disadvantages if group interviews?
Group may be dominated by a few
Social desirability bias
What is an example of a group interview being used in a study?
What is participant obervation?
Researcher participates
What are 2 advantages of participant observation?
Real world data
What are 2 disadvantages of participant observation?
Ethical issues
Requires highly skilled researcher, they could experience stress
What are examples of participant observation?
James Patrick - Glasgow gang, concluded that boys were afraid to fight other guys but were more afraid not to fight them
What is non-participant observation?
Researcher doesn’t involve themselves
What are 2 advantages of non-participant observation?
Blend into surroundings
What are 2 disadvantages of non-participant observation?
Ethical issues
Not valid - Hawthorne effect
What are examples of non-participant observation in research?