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Pyramid of Courts

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Pyramid of Courts

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Why are courts necessary? 

Laws mean nothing without courts to to define their meaning and operation

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U.S. Clerk

Keep records of the court proceedings 

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Court Officers

Hear and decide cases

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U.S. Marshall (4 Years)

Like most sheriffs

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U.S. District Attorney 

Prosecute all people charged with federal crimes or court cases involving civil actions against the US. Serve for 4 years

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U.S. Magistrate

  • Mini judges- handle a number of legal matters 

  • 94 districts, 400 judges

  • Serves 8 years


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Grand Juries

  • Do: hear evidence and determine if criminal charges should be initiated

  • Protect us from: unfounded criminal charges and overzealous prosecution

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The 3 Opinions

  • Dissenting- disagreeing with the majority and showing what can be done in the future 

  • Concurring- agrees with the majority but gives extra/different reasons as to why 

  • Majority-  5/9 judges agree, sets out facts in the case

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  • Authority to hear and decide a case

  • Latin word means: “to say the law” or “to hear the law“

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Types of Federal Courts

  • District Court- 94 courts at least 2 judges sit in each courtroom (over 670 judges)

  • Circuit Court of Appeals- 13 courts, 179 judges

  • Supreme Court- 9 justices (1 Supreme, 8 associate)

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Who appoints a judge…who approves them… “SENITORIAL COURTESY” how long a judge serves… how do you get rid of one

  • Nominated by the President

  • Confirmed by the Senate

  • Senatorial Courtesy- the state senators in the presidents party must approve the nomination. If not, the senate, as a courtesy to those senators, won’t approve the nomination

  • Serves till they resign, die, or retire (protects them from outside influence)

  • Can get rid of one by impeachment (15 times)

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What does a president look for when appointing a judge?

  • Who share their own legal and political ideologies

  • Leading attorneys, law professors, former members of Congress

  • Scholars: most renowned legal minds

  • Personality of nominee

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Rule of 4

4 of 9 judges must agree to take case

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When would the supreme court judge a case originally?

  • If a state is in one of the parties

  • If it affects a public official or ambassador

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Writ of Certiorari (to make more certain)

Tells lower court to send the record so they can review what happened

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What is a brief order?

Orders to the lower court to reconsider its decision light of recent or current Supreme Court rulings

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Weekly Calendar of Supreme Court

  • Mon-Wed- oral arguments

  • Thurs- research

  • Friday- conferences- meet and discuss cases and how they will vote

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Pay scale:

  • District- $232,600; retirement is full salary for life

  • Appeals- $246,600

  • Supreme- $274,400

  • Chief Justice- $ 286,700

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Court decision that stands as an example to be followed

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A courts list of cases to be heard

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Apply to a higher court for reversal

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Written statement submitted to the court

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Files the case

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The person the case is filed on

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Maritime Law

Laws arising on land but directly related to water

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Jurisdiction courts of law over cases concerning ships, the sea, of navigable water

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  • One federal system with over ____ courts

  • Fifty state systems with ______ of courts

  • 108 courts

  • Thousands

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What are the two types of federal courts

Special Courts…(they deal with specific issues) including:

  • Court of Military Appeals

  • Claims Court

  • Veterans’ Affairs

  • Courts of the District of Columbia

Constitutional Courts (regular courts)…including:

  • Supreme Court

  • Federal Appeals and District Courts

  • Court of International Trade

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The Constitution provides that federal court can hear cases based on two things:

Subject Matter:

  • Interpretation and application of the Constitution or any federal law, statute or treaty.


  • The United States as a whole or one of its officers or agencies

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Types of Jurisdiction:

  • Original- the right to hear a case first

  • Concurrent- both state and federal courts can hear the case

  • Exclusive- can only be heard in a federal court

  • Appellate- the right to hear and appeal- can uphold an original decision, overrule, modify, or send it back for re-evaluation

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Bankruptcy Judges

  • They serve for 14 years

  • 291 judges

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Supreme Court

  • The only specific court listed in the Constitution

  • It has 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices

  • It is equal with the other 2 branches of the government

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Judicial Review

The extraordinary power to decide the constitutionality of an action of government

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When does the Supreme Court sit?

First Monday in October to June/July

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Judicial Restraint

Judicial restraint is the concept of a judge not injecting his or her own preferences into legal proceedings and rulings.

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Judicial Activism

Judicial activism is a judicial philosophy holding that the courts can and should go beyond the applicable law to consider broader societal implications of its decisions

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What type of jurisdiction is the Supreme Court? Federal Courts?

  • S.C. : Original and appellate

  • Fed: Original

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How long are oral arguments in the Supreme Court? Purpose?

Typically they are one hour long; allows the justices to question the attorneys

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Federal District Courts:

  • 667 judges, 400,000 cases, 94 courts

  • Each state has at least one court with two judges

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Court of Appeals

  • There are 13 courts, 179 judges, a S.C. justice watches over every circuit.

  • Jurisdiction is Appellate

  • 3 judges

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A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime

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