Giddes APUSH Unit 7

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William Henry Harrison

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William Henry Harrison

recently (1841) elected president (9th)+ almost hounded to death by Whigs; Whigs thought "Old Tippecanoe" was a bit more than an impressive figurehead; Amer military leader + politician; 1st president to die in office + shortest administration in Amer (4 weeks); died of pneumonia; death had a short crisis but resolved many questions abt presidential succession unanswered by constitution

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Daniel Webster

secretary of state; took senate spotlight to upload Clay's compromise measures in last 3-hour speech; 68 years old + suffering from liver complaint; urged all reasonable concessions to south, including new fugitive-slave law; made Seventh of March speech; found no reason to legislate slavery in territories God passed the Wilmot Proviso

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Henry Clay

uncrowned king of Whigs + best spokesman in Senate; wanted much political power; 73 years old; "Great Compromiser"; came to Senate from KT to reprise role that was placed 2x before; proposed + defended series of compromises; seconded by 37 yo Douglas; urged that north + south both make concessions that north yielded by enactive more feasible fugitive-slave law

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John Tyler

VA gentleman of old school; became 10th president after Harrison's death; stubbornly attached to principal; resigned from senate earlier + unnecessarily; gave up Jacksonian Democrats for Whigs, but was at odds w/Whigs (pro-bank, pro-protective tariff, + pro-internal improvements); still a democrat

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Independent treasury

Whigs wanted to pass law ending system of fed depositories; Tyler agreed to sign in 1841

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"Fiscal Bank"

Clay brought through Congress; established new Bank for US; Tyler didn't like central bank + vetoed bank as it reached his desk; many negative reactions from veto; other Whigs tried to nullify the veto, so they passed another bill "Fiscal Corporation", which Tyler also vetoed

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Tariff of 1842

Clayites redrafted tariff bill + took out dollar distribution; pushed down rate to 32% on dutiable revenue (level from Tariff of 1832); Tyler didn't want it but saw the need for it, so he signed it; higher customs duties lowered as country wiggled its way out of depression

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"Third War with England"

fought on paper; fought between Brit + Amer written commentaries abt other country; fostered by anti-Brit feeling in Amer from 2 wars + Brit "Travel Books" (condemned + mocked Amer as barbaric); Dickens was prominent from Brits

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Amer steamer; was carrying supplies from Canada across Niagara River, but was attacked on NY shore by Brits (set vessel on fire); Amer illustrator uses this as propaganda; unlawful invasion was against neutrality + resulted of Washington protests (ineffective); vessel sank + 1 Amer died

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Canadian who boasted of his part in Caroline raid; arrested + indicated for murder; British made clear if he was killed, there would be war; had enough alibi to get himself feed (from NY jury)

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Brit officials in Bahamas offered asylums to 130 VA slaves who rebelled + captured Amer ship; Brit abolished slavery, raising fear in southerners that the Caribbean would become haven for slaves

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"Aroostook War''

At. Lawrence River was bounded by ice for many months; so, Brits wanted to build a road from seaport of Halifax to Quebec; but route went through disputed area claimed by ME under treaty of 1783; series of clashes between Amer + Canadian lumberjacks in northern ME; resolved when boundary was agreed in 1842

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Lord Ashburton

from the Aroostook War; sent by London Foreign Office to Amer to sort thing out w/Webster; nonprofessional diplomat + conciliatory financier; married wealthy Amer women; compromised ME boundary; split area of land + Brit kept Halifax Quebec route

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Lone Star Republic, and international relations

Mexico refused to notice TX's independence + wanted to conquer it; Mex tried regaining territory but failed; threatened war if Amer interfere; TX (outnumber by Mex + whim to attacks) negotiated w/Euro nations to find foreign protector; 1839 + 140, TX made treaties w/Fra, Hollant, + Belgium; Fra + Brit wanted to use TX to check western advancement of Amer + for Brit to protected possession in NW; clashes between 2 could create opportunities for foreign powers to move into Amer (break it apart + militarize it)

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James K. Polk

pro-expansion Democrat; won over Whigs under Clay; president in March 1845; wanted to settle Oregon boundary dispute w/Brit; wanted to get CAl wanted to get TX into union

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Oregon Country

an enormous wilderness sprawling west of Rockies to Pacific + north of CA to southern top of AK; all parts were claimed by Spa, Rus, Brit, + US at diff times; Spa + Rus retreated; Brit + Amer were left; both had rightful claims + so lived side by side; 1818, US divided it at 49th parallel, but Brit didn't want to share Columbia River; more Amer came, + brit showed more wisdom of arriving at peaceful settlement; issue became part of 1844 election

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Columbia River

Brit claim to OR was strong + to northern part of river barely any prior discovery

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Hudson Bay Company

Eng corporation (formed in 1670); held monopoly over trade w/Natives of Pacific northwest for fur in region watered by streams into Hudson Bay in canada

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Captain Robert Gray

stumbled upon Columbia River in 1792; named ship after it

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Lewis and Clark

ranged overland through OR country to Pacific

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Manifest Destiny

notion held by 1844 campaign; Amer was destined by "Almighty One" to rule continent w/democratic institutions from Atlantic to Pacific; victories of Mex stimulated it

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Election of 1844

Henry Clay (Whig - upset over Van Buren) + James Polk (Democrat); Polk favored expansion, demanded TX + OR be added to US; Clay already spoke against annexation; Polk won by 1 state (NY - some votes went to Liberty Party candidate); Clay bite more than chew + wanted to annex TX + Great Compromise

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"Fifty-four forty or fight"

political slogan of Democrats in 1844 election; claimed 54 degree 40' as the boundary of OR area; condemned Clay as "Corrupt Bargainer", a slave owner + bad characters; polk also owned slaves

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Liberty Party

political party that started during 2-party system in '40s; main platform was to bring end to slavery by politics + laws; part of Amer Anti-slavery party, but split bc thought there was more practical way to end slavery than Garrison's moral crusade; got 16,000 votes from NY that Clay would of gotten; anti-TX + helped ensure Polk's victory

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"Four-point program"

Polk developed this plan + achieved it within 4 yrs; goals included lowerested tariff, restoration of independent treasury (dropped by Whigs in 1841 + achieved in 1846), acquisition of CA, + settlement of OR dispute

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Robert J. Walker

Polk's secretary of treasury; devised tariff for revenue bills that reduced rates to 25%

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Walker Tariff

created by Walker; tariff for revenue bill that reduced rates of Tariff of 1842 from 32% to 25%; proved to be successful revenue producer as it was followed by boom times + heavy imports; got strong support from southerners but complaints by Clayites + Amer manufacturers

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49th parallel border

Polk proposed this as compromise line for OR; Brit ministered spurned idea; 1846, Brit came around + proposed same compromise + polk let Senate decide; offer was accepted + approved of treaty; accepted mainly bc already worried w/war with Mex

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state that Polk wanted to get in 4-point program; would later buy it from Mex for $15 million

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Nueces River

Mex thought this river was border between TX + Mex

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Rio Grande River

Amer thought this was border between TX + Mex

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John Slidell

Polk sent new envoy to Mex City to offer a max of $25 million for CA + eastern areas; Mex rejected proposal before it was presented; sent bc there were rumors that Brit was going to get CA

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General Zachary Taylor

polk appointed this general to lead army from Nueces River + Rio grande against mec; at first, there no sign of Mex troops, Polk proposed to Congress to declare war because of unpaid claims + Slidell's rejection; Mex troops crossed Rio Grande + attacked gnerals's troops (16 Amer died); congress declared war

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Abraham Lincoln

Whig congressman from IL; pushed for spot resolutions; "Honest Abe" - given to him as it would only take a case if it didn't violate his conscience; rustic Springfield lawyer; raised up in lower-class family but married above to Todd family; emerged as foremost politician after KS-NE Act; debted w/Douglas but lost Senate race in 1858; wanted no extension of slavery, protective tariffs for northerners, pacific railroad for northwest, free homestead land for farmers; wins election of 1860; 'minority president' bs wasn't on balot of 10 states; southerners threatened secession if Lincoln won

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"Spot resolutions"

Lincoln supported proposition to find exact spot where Amer troops were fired as he suspected that they crosses into Mexico territory (true); done bc Polk lied to public about what rly happened

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Mexican-American War

1846-1848; between mex + Amer; Amer got ½ of mex territory; US wanted to teach Mex a lesson + Mex wanted to humiliate bullies of north; Mex though Amer picked a fight on their soil while Amer though mex was the aggressor

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Santa Anna

dethroned Mex dictator; promised US to sell out his country if they helped in back to Mex; once he was back, he helped Mex to defend against US

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General Stephen W. Kearny

led 1700 troops in 1846 over Santa Fe Trail; before he reached CA, Santa Fe was captured (by Fremont)

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Santa Fe Trail

trail from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fe; general Kearny took this trail

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Captain John C. Fremont

explorer w/many dozens well-armed men who helped overthrow Mex rule in 1846; he collaborated w/Amer naval officers + local Amer to take CA + proclaimed 'CA bear Flag Republic'; republican candidate for election of 1856; subject to mudslinging; criticized for illegitimate birth + being Catholic; picked at first bc he wasn't there during KS-NE Act

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California Bear Flag Republic

short-lived CA republic; established by local Amer settlers who revolted against Mex; once news of war reached Amer; abandoned republic to join US; established by Fremont

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Buena Vista

important battle in mex war where Taylor's weakened force of 5000 men were attacked by 20,000 march-weary troops under Satna Anna; Taylor's troops drove back to Mex + was given name "Hero of buena vista"; helped elevate his national prominence + contributed to him becoming president in 1848

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General Winfield Scott

commanded the main expedition which pushed inland from coastal city of Veracruz in 1847; general who succeeded in battling way to Mex city despite disadvantages like not enough # of troops, expiring enlistments, mountainous terrain, disease, political backbiting

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Mexico City

capital of Mex, which scott succeeded in battling his way up despite disadvantages

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Nicholas P. Trist

chief clerk in state department; sent to negotiate peace treaty w/defeated Mex in 1847; before he could open negotiations, he was summoned to return, but ignored order + stayed to negotiate treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

signed by trist; confirmed Amer ownership of TX, territory west from OR to ocean, + CA for $15 million; assumed claimed of its citizens against mex in amount of $3.25 million

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"Conscience Whigs"

anti-slavery whigs in Congress who subbed the mex whigs; denounced the Mex War + controlled house in 1847; threatened to vote down supplies for armies in field; if actually happened; scott would have been forced to retreat + things would of gone downhill; heavily influenced by the abolitionist crusade + condemned slavery; Free Soiler party had many parts of this; harbored many northerners whose hate was directed at prospect of sharing western territories than slavery itself

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Robert E. Lee

confederate general in civil war who gained field experience during Mex War; commanded US Marines that captured wounded Brown + followers of his bank at Harpers Ferry; future general of Confederate Army

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Ulysses S. Grant

union general in CW who gained field experience during Mex War

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Wilmot Proviso

an amendment proposed by David Wilmot; outlawed slavery in any of the territory taken from Mex; passed through House 2, but not through senate; never became fed law; eventually approved by legislatures of all but 1 free state; symbolized burning issues of slavery; encouraged by Free Soiler party

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"Lid-sitting" on slavery

analogy used to explain many politicians handled the issue of slavery when issue was brought to the forefront by northern abolitionists + southern 'fire-eaters' (just ignored + let it be); both parties knew that their bond was key for national unity; if replaced by 2 sectional groups, country would be in peril

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Election of 1848

Polk didn't run for 2nd term (chronic diarrhea + overwork); open race election + Dem had to seek new candidate - Lewis Cass; Whigs nominated Zachary Taylor (previous war hero); Free-Soil party ran Martin Van Buren; Taylor won, but died during 1st term, so Fillmore (VP) became president

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General Lewis Cass

veteran of War of 1812; chosen at Dem National Convention at Baltimore; Senator + diplomat; Dem platform was silent on burning slavery issue, but he wasn't silent; enemies dubbed him General "Gass" + rhymed w/jackass; everyone knew abt his views abt slavery; father of popular sovereignty

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Popular sovereignty

doctrine that said that sovereign ppl of territory (under Constitution principles) should be determine the status of slavery; Cass was known as the father of this; persuasive appeal as public liked it (cuz it was similar to democratic traditions of self-determination) + politicians also liked it (cuz was a good compromise on ban (free-soilers)/protection (southern) of slavery); KS was the worst possible outcome; northern abolitionists + southerners populated KS, fighting if slavery should exist

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Zachary Taylor

nominated by the Whigs in Philly; "hero of Buena Vista"; never held civil office or took part in voting for president; Clay should of been nominated, but had too many enemies; Whig party dodged all troubling issues + just extolled in his virtue; didn't commit himself on issue of slavery, but was a wealthy sugar plantation owner in LA + had slaves

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Free Soil Party

formed by antislavery men in north; attracted industrialists upset at Polk's reduction of protective tariffs; wanted Wilmot Proviso; advocated for fed aid for internal improvements; urged for free govt homestead for settlers

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Martin Van Buren

Free-Soil candidate for election of 1848; Free soilers hated slavery more for limiting chances for free white workers to rise from salary dependence to esteemed status of self-employment than enslaving blacks

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Republican Party

formerly Free Soil party; founded by anti-slavery activists in 1854 (mixed group of Whigs + free soil democrats who opposed KS/NE act); first sectional party; tried to keep slavery out of western area; thought that land in west was opportunity for Amer to fulfill Amer Dream; met in Philly; nominated Fremont as their candidate in 1856; platform came out vigorously against extension of slavery

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California Gold Rush

discovery of gold in CA; lots of ppl migrated to the west to mineral-rich mountains; brought 10k men; mining camps popped up wherever gold/silver was found; crime was rly high in lawless land; many CA citizens wanted to erect a good state govt

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California Constitution of 1849

written by group of CAians that prohibited slavery; written to speed up process of statehood (CA bypasses territorial stage, preventing southern congressmen seeking to block Free Soil); southern politicians were angered

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Texas territory 'detachment'

fed govt proposed to detach the area east of Rio Grande + north to the 42nd parallel from TX (area was NM); TXans threatened to seize what was theirs

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Underground Railroad

south had problems w/runaway slaves, who were helped by northerners; Virtual freedom consisted of antislavery homes (stations), through which runaway slaves (passengers) were helped by abolitionists (conductors; white or black) from slave states to Canada

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Harriet Tubman

most amazing conductor; illiterate runaway slave from MD; rescued more than 300 slaves (including her parents); earned title "Moses"

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Fugitive-Slave Laws

by 1850, southerners demanded new + more stringent fugitive slave laws; slave law in 1850 was like bribing; fleeing slaves couldn't testify for themselves + denied a trial; fed commissioners got $10 if a runaway slave was caught

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"Immortal Trio" of the Senate

Clay, Calhoun, + Webster; worked together for last time in 1850

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John C. Calhoun

68 years old; "Great Nullifier"; dying of tuberculosis; championed south in last formal speech (read by younger colleagues cuz was too weak); approved purpose of Clay's proposed concessions, but rejected them as not enough safeguards for southern rights; wanted to leave slavery alone, send back fugitive slaves, give south its rights, + restore political balance; had scheme of electing 1 president from north + 1 from south, both wielding a veto; died before debate was over

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Stephen A. Douglas

"little giant"; 37 years old; seconded Clay's desires; senator; championed true popular sovereignty; didn't accept the fraud; tossed strong support in south for presidency + fought for fair play + democratic principles; outcome was compromise that submitted entire Lecompton constitution to popular vote; free-soilers then came + tossed it under; KS remained a territory until 1861

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Seventh of March speech

Webster's speech of 1850 (considered to be his finest); helped turn tide in north for compromise; strengthened Union sentiment + led for banking/commercial center in north; free soilers + abolitionists rebuked him as traitor

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Young Guard

newer leaders who didn't grow up w/union; northern abolitionists didn't want to comprise; didn't have their say in debate; more interest in purifying nation than just fixing problems

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William H. Seward

senator from NY; spokesman for many of younger northern radicals; strongly against slavery + came out against concession; didn't realize that compromise brought union together; argued that Christian legislators must obey God's moral law + man's law; appealed to law higher than constitution, which might have cost him presidential nomination + presidency in 1860; most conspicuous republican leader; would have arranged to win if he was confident that this was 'republican year' in 1856; Fremont was nominated instead

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Millard Fillmore

VP for Taylor; became president as Taylor died during pinnacle of 1850 debate; NY lawyer-politician; officer of Senate + impressed by arguments of conciliation, so signed compromise after 7 months; 1856; lackluster presidential candidate for know-nothing party

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Compromise of 1850

north got better deal; 1) CA tipped senate balance against south (CA = free state), 2) area of NM + UT were open to slavery on basis of popular sovereignty, 3) TX was paid $10 mil toward discharging its indebtedness; area dispute had torn from side of slave-holding TX + almost certain to be free

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"Union savers"

ppl like Clay, Webster, + Douglas (ppl who supported compromise); white southern opposition to secession

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Second Era of Good Feelings

time when north + south peace-loving ppl were determined that compromise quelled hate + issue of slavery would end

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Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

"bloodhound bill"; stirred storm of opposition in north; practices threatened to create dangerous punishments for white Amer; fleeing slaves couldn't testify on their own + denied jury trials; northerners who helped slaves escape could get large fines + jail sentences (or be ordered to join slave catchers)

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Massachusetts "nullification of slave law"

1854; MA moved toward nullification suggestive of SC in 1832; law that made it penal offense for any state official to enforce the new fugitive slave law

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"Personal liberty laws"

1854; law that denied local jails to fed officials + hampered enforcement

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Election of 1852

Franklin Pierce (democrat) + Winfield Scott (whig); pierce won by landslide marked effective end of Whig party + it's complete death

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Franklin Pierce

14th president; democrat, served w/o distinction in Mex-Amer war; aka "fainting general"; 2nd 'dark-horse' candidate; unrenowned lawyer-politician from NH; platform revived democrat's commitment to area expansion (like Polk pursued)

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Winfield Scott

"old Fuss + feathers"; most able Amer general of generation; conquest of Mexico City brought US W in Mex War; arrogant + personality drove away masses; Whig candidate

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Anti-slavery Whigs

of North; followed Scott as nominee, but hated his platform (endorsed fugitive slave law)

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Southern Whigs

of S; doubted Scott's loyalty to compromise of 1850 + fugitive slave law; liked the platform, but hated him

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John P. Hale

senator from NH; Free soil party nominee in 1852; stole northern whigs votes that would have gone to Scott; got 5% of popular vote

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"Demise of Whig Party"

election of 1852 marked the beginning of the end of Whig party; death of Clay + Webster weakened the party a lot; end augured eclipse of national parties + rise of sectional political parties

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National/sectional parties

national parties declined after 1850s; sectional parties rose cuz of declining national loyalty + rising sectionalism

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San Juan del Norte on Nicaraguan port seized by Brit; marked brit encroachment into area; drove US + New Granada govts to form treaty in 1848

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New Granada

later known as Colombia; govt worked w/US to conclude Clayton-Bulwer Treaty in 1850; before treaty, they w/US would sign a treaty in 1848 to guarantee Amer right of transit across isthmus for perfect neutrality for route; led to construction of 1st continental railroad (48 miles from coast to coast through Panamanian jungle)

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Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

1850; treaty between US + Brit agreeing that neither country was to try to obtain exclusive rights to control over any future isthmian waterway; repealed by US in 1881

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William Walker

"gray-eyed man of destiny"; proslavery Amer from south; tried multiple times to get control of Nicaragua in 1850s; tried to take power there + become president in 1856; legalized slavery; overthrown by coalition of central Amer nations + shot

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Spanish Cuba

sugar-rich; lying just off nation's southern doorstep + prospect for annexation; had large population + could be split into many states, giving south the balance they wanted in Senate; was offered $100 mil by Polk, but Spa refused; was filibustered

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Spa filibustero, meaning 'freebooter' or 'pirate'; 2 of these expeditions went upon Cuba (each had many 100s of armed men); both feeble efforts were repulsed; last one ended in tragedy when leader + 50 followers were killed

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Black Warrior

amer steamship that Cubans seized; Pierce took this opportunity to provoke war w/Spa to get Cuba; key Euro powers (Brit, Fra, + Rus) were in Crimean War + couldn't help Spa

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Ostend Manifesto

met in Belgium + 3 envoys drew top secret dispatch; doc urged that Pierce administration offer $120 mil for Cuba; if Spa refused + its continued ownership endangered Amer interest, US would be justified for getting Cuba; plan leaked + made northern free-soilers angry; other offset would cause Pierce to drop hopes on getting Cuba

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Opium War

1839-1842; conflict between Brit + China; fought to secure Brit traders' rights to peddle opium in China; at end of war, Brit got 5 treaty ports + control of Hong Kong

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Caleb Cushing

MA lawyer-scholar; dispatched by Tyler to secure concession for US; brought 4 warships to Macao in southern China w/gifts including weathervane + pair of 6-shooters; Chinese diplomats signed treaty of Wanghia; interested in commerce + secured key rights/privileges from Chinese, including "Most favored nation status"; treaty caused Amer trade w/China to flourish + opened door for Amer missionaries to enter China

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Treaty of Wanghia

first formal diplomatic agreement between US + China; signed in July 1884; Amer signed as a nation interested in trade + rewarded w/extraordinary amount of trading power; assured US the same trading concessions granted to other powers (greatly expanded Amer's trade); allowed Amer missionaries to come into China

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Commodore Matthew C. Perry

1852, Fillmore dispatched him to Japan; prepared for mission + reached Edo (Tokyo) Bay in 1853 w/his 4 ships; persuaded Japan in 1854 to sign treaty to trade, starting relationship between Japan + West; popped Japan's isolation bubble

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Treaty of Kanagawa

1854; agreement between US + Japan; opened 2 Japanese ports to US ships + allowed US to set up embassy in Japan; provided proper treatment for shipwrecked sailors, Amer coaling rights in Japan, + establishment on consular relations

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James Gadsden

prominent SC railroad man; appointed minister to Mexico by Secretary of War Davis; negotiated treaty in 1853, which ceded Gadsden Purchase area to US for $10 mil

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Gadsden Purchase

purchase of land from Mexico in 1853 that established current US/Mex border for $10 mil; transaction aroused much criticism among northerners + enabled the south to claim railroad w/even more insistence

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