Jesse we need to cook

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Used medicinally, “script opioids” are primarily prescribed for-

  1. Muscle Relaxer

  2. Pain Relief

  3. Increase Alertness

  4. Dietary Supplement

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My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead, murdered by my brother-in-law Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 50th birthday, Hank came to me with a rather, shocking proposition. He asked that I use my chemistry knowledge to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using his connections in the drug world. Connections that he made through his career with the DEA. I was... astounded, I... I always thought that Hank was a very moral man and I was... thrown, confused, but I was also particularly vulnerable at the time, something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family. Hank took me on a ride along, and showed me just how much money even a small meth operation could make. And I was weak. I didn't want my family to go into financial ruin so I agreed. Every day, I think back at that moment with regret. I quickly realized that I was in way over my head, and Hank had a partner, a man named Gustavo Fring, a businessman. Hank essentially sold me into servitude to this man, and when I tried to quit, Fring threatened my family. I didn't know where to turn. Eventually, Hank and Fring had a falling out. From what I can gather, Hank was always pushing for a greater share of the business, to which Fring flatly refused to give him, and things escalated. Fring was able to arrange, uh I guess I guess you call it a "hit" on my brother-in-law, and failed, but Hank was seriously injured, and I wound up paying his medical bills which amounted to a little over $177,000. Upon recovery, Hank was bent on revenge, working with a man named Hector Salamanca, he plotted to kill Fring, and did so. In fact, the bomb that he used was built by me, and he gave me no option in it. I have often contemplated suicide, but I'm a coward. I wanted to go to the police, but I was frightened. Hank had risen in the ranks to become the head of the Albuquerque DEA, and about that time, to keep me in line, he took my children from me. For 3 months he kept them. My wife, who up until that point, had no idea of my criminal activities, was horrified to learn what I had done, why Hank had taken our children. We were scared. I was in Hell, I hated myself for what I had brought upon my family. Recently, I tried once again to quit, to end this nightmare, and in response, he gave me this. I can't take this anymore. I live in fear every day that Hank will kill me, or worse, hurt my family. I... All I could think to do was to make this video in hope that the world will finally see this man, for what he really is.

85 Terms


Used medicinally, “script opioids” are primarily prescribed for-

  1. Muscle Relaxer

  2. Pain Relief

  3. Increase Alertness

  4. Dietary Supplement

Pain Relief

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“Opiates” are substances derived-

  1. Synthetically, from opium

  2. Synthetically, from morphine

  3. Naturally, from the opium poppy

  4. Naturally, from the opium root

Naturally, from the opium poppy

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72% of all opioid-related deaths occur in which age group?

  1. 10-24

  2. 25-54

  3. 55-74

  4. 75+


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In 1804, morphine was discovered by-

  1. Pierre-Jean Robiquet

  2. Paul Janssen

  3. Purdue Pharma L.P.

  4. Friedrich Wilhelm Serturner

  1. Friedrich Wilhelm Serturner

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Out of morphine, codeine, heroin and fentanyl, which is the strongest prescription opioid?

  1. Fentanyl

  2. Codeine

  3. Morphine

  4. Heroin


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“Percs” is a nickname for which drug?

  1. Codeine

  2. Morphine

  3. Fentanyl

  4. Oxycodone


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How is oxycodone most commonly administered?

  1. Ingestion

  2. Insufflation

  3. Inhalation

  4. Injection


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Of the following, which is the oldest opioid consumed by people?

  1. Morphine

  2. Codeine

  3. Fentanyl

  4. Oxycodone


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Which is a common side-effect of script opioids

  1. Dilated pupils

  2. Constricted pupils

  3. Hallucinations

  4. Increased heart rate

Constricted pupils

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Who discovered morphine, and which company began to market it in 1827?

  1. Serturner, Merck

  2. Sertuner, Purdue Pharma

  3. Janssen, Purdue Pharma

  4. Robiquet, Merck

Serturner, Merck

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Which opioid is not synthetically produced-

  1. Fentanyl

  2. Morphine

  3. Oxycodone

  4. Codeine


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Of the following which is NOT a route of administration used with “script opioids”?

  1. Injection

  2. Insufflation

  3. Ingestion

  4. Inhalation

  5. All of these can be used

All of these can be used

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Which schedule do most script opioids belong to?

  1. Schedule I

  2. Schedule III

  3. Schedule II

  4. Schedule VI

Schedule II

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_______________ (last name) invented Heroin in _____(year)

  1. Wright/1874

  2. Serturner 1804

  3. Smith 1825

  4. Nieman 1914


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When cut with a foreign substance, Heroin will typically be any color except-

  1. Green

  2. Black

  3. Brown

  4. Rose Grey


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What schedule does the illicit drug Heroin fall under?

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IIII


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The most common route of administration for Heroin use is-

  1. Mainlining

  2. Snorting

  3. Shafting

  4. Inhaling


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On the street, the basic unit of heroin is called:

  1. Gram

  2. Bag

  3. Pint

  4. Ounce


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Which three cities have the biggest Heroin markets on Earth?

  1. NYC, London, Tokyo

  2. NYC, Philadelphia, Newark

  3. Newark, Bangkok, Chicago

  4. London, Seawaren, Paris

NYC, Philadelphia, Newark

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__________ is the most powerful stimulant found in nature.

  1. Cocaine

  2. Heroin

  3. Marijuana

  4. Methamphetamine


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Of the following, which is a derivative of Morphine?

  1. Heroin

  2. Cocaine

  3. Methamphetamine

  4. Ecstasy


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Heroin was created with what purpose?

  1. Creating a new painkiller overall

  2. Creating a form of less addictive Methamphetamine

  3. Creating a form of weaker Fentanyl

  4. Creating a form of less addictive and weaker morphine

Creating a form of less addictive and weaker morphine

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Of the following slangs, which is related to Heroin?

  1. “Get off house”

  2. “Working fifty”

  3. “Zay”

  4. “Carpet Patrol”

“Get off house”

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When a drug is injected into the body with a needle, visible marks can form, usually along a vein. These are usually referred to as:

  1. Drug Scars

  2. Track Marks

  3. Bloody Blotches

  4. Coke Cuts

Track Marks

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Which would best characterize  “black tar heroin”?

  1. Heroin cut with tar

  2. Impure heroin

  3. A stronger form of heroin

  4. Heroin cut with meth

Impure heroin

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The word “heroin” comes from the Greek word for-

  1. Pleasure

  2. Bravery

  3. Stupor

  4. Death


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Cocaine became illegal in the U.S. in _______ (year)

  1. 1903

  2. 1985

  3. 1919

  4. 1914


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Which is not typically used as a cutting agent for Cocaine?

  1. Baking Powder

  2. Flour

  3. Chalk

  4. Sugar


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The original purpose of cocaine was as a _______.

  1. Painkiller

  2. Tranquilizer

  3. Cough syrup

  4. Stimulant


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Cocaine was first “isolated” in ____ by a chemist from _____.

  1. 1803, Switzerland

  2. 1847, South America

  3. 1859, Germany

  4. 1953, Afghanistan

1859, Germany

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What is it called when Cocaine is combined with another drug, usually heroin?

  1. “Working Fifty”

  2. “Speedballing”

  3. “Zay”

  4. “Cut-Deck”


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What plant did the first form of Cocaine come from?

  1. Sassafras tree

  2. Poppy flowers

  3. Coca Leaves

  4. Palm Leaves

Coca Leaves

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Which of the following is NOT a slang term for Cocaine?

  1. Nose Candy

  2. China White

  3. Aunt Nora

  4. Charlie

China White

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If a dealer were to add another substance to a particular drug to increase its volume, this is known as “____________” the drug.

  1. Slicing

  2. Cutting

  3. Dicing

  4. Mixing


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What is the most common route of administration for cocaine?

  1. Insufflation

  2. Ingestion

  3. Speedballing

  4. Injection


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_______ is the second most trafficked drug in the world.

  1. Heroin

  2. Cocaine

  3. Meth

  4. MDMA


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The year in which cocaine was removed from the drink “Coca Cola”

  1. 1803

  2. 1953

  3. 1903

  4. 1853


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Cocaine causes a short, intense high that is immediately followed by a “_______” that involves intense depression and a craving for more cocaine.

  1. Hallucination

  2. Dopamine surge

  3. Crash

  4. Loss of appetite


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Which is more dangerous with regard to overdosing?

  1. Ecstasy

  2. Cocaine


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Of the following, which would NOT be part of the “meth experience”

  1. Crash

  2. Twirling

  3. Tweaking

  4. Hangover

  5. Binge


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Meth is a Schedule _____ Drug.

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IV

  5. V


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What is NOT a common ingredient used in making meth?

  1. Battery Acid

  2. Drain Cleaner

  3. Lantern Fuel

  4. Ethanol

  5. Antifreeze


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Methamphetamine was created in 1919, in the country of-

  1. Albuquerque

  2. Japan

  3. Cuba

  4. Curaçao


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Meth is a ___ drug.

  1. Synthetic

  2. Natural

  3. Schedule 1

  4. Club

  5. legal


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Of the following, which is the most obvious VISUAL sign that a person is using meth?

  1. Constricted Pupils

  2. Pale Skin

  3. Muscle Hypertrophy

  4. Bony Fingers

  5. Discolored Veins

Constricted Pupils

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Of the following, which is a common slang name for crystal Meth?

  1. Ice

  2. Weed

  3. Scoop-floop

  4. Crack

  5. Slurp Juice


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Of the following, which is typically not a route of admin. for methamphetamine?

  1. Shafting

  2. Insufflation

  3. Inhalation

  4. Orally Ingesting

  5. Injection


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The production of 1 pound of Meth produces about ____ pounds of waste.

  1. 1

  2. 5-6

  3. 7-12

  4. 13-20


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The names for a common methamphetamine pill in Thailand and Japan are known as _______ and ______ respectively.

  1. Yaba and Shabu

  2. Jekyllin and Hydin

  3. Swami and Guru

  4. Iknik and Varrick

  5. Sulumor and Sumer

Yaba and Shabu

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Widely used in the Czech Republic, “Meth” is known as ____

  1. Pervitin

  2. Narcotic

  3. Nose Candy

  4. Powder


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___% of meth users in traditional treatment go back to abusing

  1. 77

  2. 80

  3. 93

  4. 95


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“Meth” can, and will, cause irreversible harm to-

  1. The Heart

  2. Liver

  3. All of these

  4. Kidneys

  5. Lungs

All of these

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The electronic cigarette was invented in _______ (Year) by a pharmacist from ___________.

  1. 2005 China

  2. 2003 Germany

  3. 1900 China

  4. 1958 France

  5. 2003 China

2003 China

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Which of the following can be addictive?

  1. Vaping

  2. E-Cigs

  3. JUULs

  4. All of the above

All of the above

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What is the difference between Juul and e-cigarettes?

  1. E-cigarettes refer to a specific brand while juul does not. Juul is a category encompassing e-cigarettes.

  2. Juul refers to a specific brand while e-cigarettes describes a range of products . E-cigarettes are a category encompassing juul.

  3. E-cigarettes refer to a specific brand while juul does not. Juul does not include e-cigarettes.

  4. Juul refers to a specific brand while e-cigarettes do not. E-cigarettes do not include juul.

Juul refers to a specific brand while e-cigarettes describes a range of products . E-cigarettes are a category encompassing juul.

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A single JUUL cartridge equals about…

  1. A pack of cigarettes

  2. 400 cigarette puffs

  3. Half a pack of cigarettes

  4. 100 cigarette puffs

A pack of cigarettes

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Vaping can lead to a condition called “__________”, also known as Bronchiolitis Obliterans, which is a lung disease caused by buildup of scar tissue in the lungs.

  1. lung cancer

  2. Popcorn lung

  3. Arrhythmia

  4. Smokey lung

Popcorn lung

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Of the following, which would be a marketing strategy often utilized by the big 3?

  1. Scholarships for essays promoting vaping

  2. Promotions from social media

  3. Grand launch parties with free samples

  4. All of the above

All of the above

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E-cigs, and vaping, can lead to all of the following except-

  1. Circulatory issues

  2. Throat cancer

  3. Hyperthermia

  4. Severe headaches


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With regard to an E-Cig/JUUL, a  ______ heats up the liquid forming more toxic chemicals

  1. Heater

  2. Rod

  3. Battery

  4. Insulating material


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Of the following, which would be a plausible  risk involved with sharing e-cigarettes/JUUL ?

  1. No, there are no additional risks to sharing.

  2. The risk of lung cancer increases.

  3. No risks, sharing actually reduces risks from nicotine by lowering your intake.

  4. Yes, there is a risk of transmitting diseases like the cold, meningitis, Hepatitis,  and Covid-19.

Yes, there is a risk of transmitting diseases like the cold, meningitis, Hepatitis,  and Covid-19.

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The inventor of the e-cigarette was named

  1. Hon Lik

  2. Cael Sanderson

  3. William Brooke O'Shaughnessy

  4. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria

Hon Lik

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Vape aerosols pose an especially high risk to-

  1. Geriatric people

  2. People with asthma and other respiratory issues

  3. Infants and young children

  4. All of the above

Infants and young children

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_________ is a serious condition in which the lungs become damaged caused by the substances in E- Cigarettes

  1. Bronchiatitis

  2. EVALI

  3. Steatohepatitis

  4. Bronchiolitis


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Approximately what percent of Americans between the agess of 18 and 29 vape?

  1. 40%

  2. 20%

  3. 5%

  4. 12%


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Ecstasy is a schedule ___ drug.

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5



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Ecstasy is often taken orally. The proper term for this is ____.

  1. Insufflation

  2. Ingestion

  3. Shafting

  4. Injection


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Ecstasy gained popularity on the street in the late ____ and early ____.

  1. 50s,60s

  2. 60s,70s

  3. 70s,80s

  4. 80s,90s



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The increase in body temp. associated with Ecstasy use can lead to the failure of-

  1. The Kidneys

  2. The Liver

  3. The Lungs

  4. The Lymph Nodes


The Kidneys

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Ecstasy is an example of a _______ drug, which is a derivative of another drug with an altered chemical structure.

  1. modified

  2. designer

  3. copycat

  4. MDMA


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Ecstasy is synthesized from the resources of this plant

  1. Coca

  2. Sassafras

  3. Poppy

  4. Cannabis


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In its powdered form, Ecstasy is referred to as-

  1. Beans

  2. Adam

  3. MDMA

  4. Molly


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The most common route of administration for the powder form of Ecstasy is-

  1. Insufflation

  2. Shafting

  3. Ingestion

  4. Inhalation


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Ecstasy was originally designed to be a ____.

  1. Appetite suppressant

  2. Appetite stimulant

  3. Weight loss pill

  4. Weight gain pill

Appetite suppressant

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Ecstasy mostly comes in the form of a-

  1. Liquid

  2. Powder

  3. Pill

  4. Paste



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Ecstasy pills can be identified by their-

  1. Trademark logos

  2. Granular Size

  3. Smell

  4. Size


Trademark logos

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Males, or Females, who is  more likely to use/abuse ecstasy?

  1. Males

  2. Females

  3. Both are equally likely

  4. None of the above


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Ecstasy was developed in the year 1914, in the country of-

  1. Germany

  2. Poland

  3. Mexico

  4. France

  5. USA


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Which would best describe when Fentanyl was “invented”?

  1. 1860

  2. 1960

  3. 2010

  4. 1965


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Marijuana is a schedule ___ drug.

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4


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New Jersey, 2018. There were approximately _____ drug overdose deaths.

  1. 1 Thousand

  2. 10 Thousand

  3. 15 Hundred

  4. 3 Thousand

3 Thousand

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Being “on the nod” is associated with _________ use.

  1. “Meth”

  2. Cocaine

  3. Ecstasy

  4. Heroin


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Of the following, which was Used in WW2 to keep troops awake?

  1. Cocaine

  2. Marijuana

  3. Methamphetamine

  4. Ecstasy


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“T21” refers to legislation that says-

  1. States can't sell certain prescription meds to anyone under the age of 21

  2. States can’t sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21

  3. States can’t sell E-cigarettes to anyone under the age of 21.

  4. Certain states can be held liable for selling e-cigs/JUUL

States can’t sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21

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What is Smith’s #1 rule for avoiding the litany of issues associated with illicit drugs.

  1. Only use in the company of friends, and trusted individuals.

  2. “Low intensity” use and moderation are ok

  3. Experimentation, but not regular use, is an acceptable approach

  4. Only a fool would abide by the aforementioned!  DO NOT TRY, not even once.

Only a fool would abide by the aforementioned!  DO NOT TRY, not even once.

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