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Abnormal Psychology: Research Methods

Basic Components of Research

  • Starts with a hypothesis or “educated guess”

    • Not all hypotheses are testable

    • Hypotheses in science are formulated so that they are testable

  • Research Design: a method to test hypotheses

    • Independent variable: the variable that causes or influences behavior

    • Dependent variable: the behavior influenced by the independent variable

Considerations in Research Design

  • Internal validity vs. external validity

    • Internal validity: extent to which results of a study are due to the independent variable

    • External validity: extent to which results of a study are generalizable to the population it’s studying

  • Ways to increase internal validity by minimizing confounds

    • Use of control groups

    • Use of random assignment procedures

    • Use of analogue models

Statistical vs Clinical Significance

  • Statistical methods – branch of mathematics

    • Helps to protect against biases in evaluating data

  • Statistical vs. clinical significance

    • Statistical significance – asks are results due to chance?

    • Clinical significance – asks are results clinically meaningful?

    • Statistical significance does not imply clinical meaningfulness

  • Balancing statistical versus clinical significance

    • Evaluate effect size

    • Evaluate social validity

Studying Individual Cases

  • Case study method

    • Extensive observation and detailed description of a single client

    • Foundation of early historic developments in psychopathology

  • Limitations

    • Lacks scientific rigor and suitable controls

    • Internal validity is typically weak

    • Often entails numerous confounds

Research by Correlation

  • Correlation: assess the degree to which levels of certain variables are linked to levels of other variables

  • The nature of correlation

    • Statistical relation between two or more variables

    • No independent variable is manipulated

    • Range from –1.0 to 0 to +1.0

    • Negative vs. positive correlation

  • Necessary in situations where you can’t manipulate variables

  • Limitations

    • Does not imply causation

    • Problem of directionality

Epidemiological Research

  • An example of the correlational method

  • Surveys large groups of people to get a picture of an entire population

  • Examines incidence, prevalence, and course of disorders

    • Examples – AIDS, trauma following disaster

Research by Experiment

  • Nature of experimental research

    • Manipulate independent variable

    • Observe effects on dependent variable

    • Attempt to determine causal relationships

    • Premium on internal validity

  • Group Experimental Designs

    • Involves manipulating a variable (i.e., introducing or withdrawing something in a controlled way)

    • Clinical trial: experiment designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment

    • Example: Administering a drug

Control Groups in Clinical Trials

  • Control group: provides a comparison point

    • Often matched to demographics of experimental group

    • Placebo: some participants are given an inactive treatment (e.g., sugar pill), but participants don’t know which treatment they are getting

    • Double-blind: participants and assessors are unaware of what kind of treatment participants are getting

  • Placebo effect: something changes simply because the participant expects the change to occur (e.g., expecting to feel better when taking an inactive pill)

Single-Case Experimental Designs

  • Nature of single subject design

    • Rigorous study of single cases

    • Manipulate timing and nature of experimental conditions

    • Frequent repeated measurement of outcomes is critical

      • Permits conclusions about changes over time relative to the introduction and withdrawal of certain variables

  • Types of single-subject design

    • Withdrawal designs

      • First establish a baseline, then introduce treatment

      • Then, stop treatment to see if behavior/symptoms return to the way they were before treatment

      • May present ethical concerns if an efficacious treatment is removed

    • Multiple baseline designs

      • Start treatment at different times in different conditions (e.g., in home vs. school settings) – see if changes occur in conjunction with introduction of treatment

      • Improves internal validity

Studying Genetics

  • Behavioral genetics

    • Interactions of genes, experience, and behavior

    • Phenotype vs. genotype

      • Genotype: genetic makeup

      • Phenotype: observable characteristics (e.g., eye color, degree of shyness)

    • Endophenotype: genetic mechanism that contributes to problems causing certain symptoms

      • Example: Group of genes responsible for impairing working memory in schizophrenia

  • Family Studies

    • Proband: The person who has the trait of interest (e.g. someone who has schizophrenia)

    • If there is a genetic influence, expect to see the trait more in first-degree relatives compared to second-degree

    • Familial aggregation: tendency of a disorder to run in families

    • Issue of shared environment: families usually live together, so similarities may be due to environmental factors as well as genetics

  • Adoption studies

    • One way to separate the effects of the environment

    • Sibling pairs separated after birth: Do they show similarities even if they were raised in different environments?

    • Are adopted children more similar to their birth parents (genetics) or adoptive parents (environment)?

  • Twin studies

    • Compare identical/monozygotic twins against fraternal/dizygotic twins

    • If a trait is genetic, expect to see greater concordance in identical twins (similar environment and same genetics) compared to fraternal twins (similar environment, different genetics)

    • Can be combined with adoption studies: If identical twins are both adopted separately and raised apart, shared outcomes are more attributable to genetics

  • Genetic linkage studies and association studies

    • Examine known genetic markers (certain gene whose location is known)

    • Compare these genetic markers against the trait being studied

    • If the genetic marker tends to co-occur with the trait, conclude that the trait is probably caused in part by genes that are in close proximity to the genetic marker (e.g. on the same chromosome)

    • Genetic linkage studies occur in groups of people who all have the trait of interest

    • Association studies occur in people with and without the trait of interest

Studying Behavior Over Time

  • Prevention research

    • Health promotion: increasing healthy behavior in entire population (even people not at risk for developing disorders)

    • Universal prevention: target specific risk factors but not specific people

    • Selective prevention: targets groups of people at risk

    • Indicated prevention: targets specific individuals who are showing early signs of a disorder

  • Time-based research strategies

    • Cross-sectional designs: take a cross section of the population at different age groups

      • Compare cohorts (age groups) on traits of interest

  • Longitudinal designs: study one group of people over time

    • Have to take into account specific experiences of the generation being studied (cross- generational effect)

Studying Behavior Across Cultures

  • Value of cross-cultural research

    • Overcoming ethnocentric views

    • Increases understanding of

      • Etiologies

      • Symptom presentations

      • Treatments

  • Difficulties in cross-cultural research

    • Definitions of abnormal behavior

    • Variance in presentation

    • Availability of valid assessment instruments may be limited

Research Programs

  • Components of a research program

    • Set of interrelated research questions

    • Draw on several methodologies in finding answers

    • Conducted in stages, often involving replication

  • Allows for more nuanced, complete picture of a phenomenon

  • Replication is critical

    • Protects against fluke results

Research Ethics

  • Sometimes, needs of science (e.g., designing a good experiment) are at odds with needs of research participants (e.g., need for treatment)

    • Research ethics determine the degree to which each should be prioritized

  • Ethic determined by institutional review boards (IRBs) and the APA ethics code

    • Oversee the rights of human subjects participating in research

    • Maje sure research and data are handled responsibly

  • Ethical principals

    • Informed consent

      • Became more widely discussed after Nazis had forced people to participate in research in WWII

    • Competence: ability to provide consent

    • Voluntarism: lack of coercion

    • Full information: necessary information to make an informed decision

    • Comprehension: understanding about benefits and risks of participation

Abnormal Psychology: Research Methods

Basic Components of Research

  • Starts with a hypothesis or “educated guess”

    • Not all hypotheses are testable

    • Hypotheses in science are formulated so that they are testable

  • Research Design: a method to test hypotheses

    • Independent variable: the variable that causes or influences behavior

    • Dependent variable: the behavior influenced by the independent variable

Considerations in Research Design

  • Internal validity vs. external validity

    • Internal validity: extent to which results of a study are due to the independent variable

    • External validity: extent to which results of a study are generalizable to the population it’s studying

  • Ways to increase internal validity by minimizing confounds

    • Use of control groups

    • Use of random assignment procedures

    • Use of analogue models

Statistical vs Clinical Significance

  • Statistical methods – branch of mathematics

    • Helps to protect against biases in evaluating data

  • Statistical vs. clinical significance

    • Statistical significance – asks are results due to chance?

    • Clinical significance – asks are results clinically meaningful?

    • Statistical significance does not imply clinical meaningfulness

  • Balancing statistical versus clinical significance

    • Evaluate effect size

    • Evaluate social validity

Studying Individual Cases

  • Case study method

    • Extensive observation and detailed description of a single client

    • Foundation of early historic developments in psychopathology

  • Limitations

    • Lacks scientific rigor and suitable controls

    • Internal validity is typically weak

    • Often entails numerous confounds

Research by Correlation

  • Correlation: assess the degree to which levels of certain variables are linked to levels of other variables

  • The nature of correlation

    • Statistical relation between two or more variables

    • No independent variable is manipulated

    • Range from –1.0 to 0 to +1.0

    • Negative vs. positive correlation

  • Necessary in situations where you can’t manipulate variables

  • Limitations

    • Does not imply causation

    • Problem of directionality

Epidemiological Research

  • An example of the correlational method

  • Surveys large groups of people to get a picture of an entire population

  • Examines incidence, prevalence, and course of disorders

    • Examples – AIDS, trauma following disaster

Research by Experiment

  • Nature of experimental research

    • Manipulate independent variable

    • Observe effects on dependent variable

    • Attempt to determine causal relationships

    • Premium on internal validity

  • Group Experimental Designs

    • Involves manipulating a variable (i.e., introducing or withdrawing something in a controlled way)

    • Clinical trial: experiment designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment

    • Example: Administering a drug

Control Groups in Clinical Trials

  • Control group: provides a comparison point

    • Often matched to demographics of experimental group

    • Placebo: some participants are given an inactive treatment (e.g., sugar pill), but participants don’t know which treatment they are getting

    • Double-blind: participants and assessors are unaware of what kind of treatment participants are getting

  • Placebo effect: something changes simply because the participant expects the change to occur (e.g., expecting to feel better when taking an inactive pill)

Single-Case Experimental Designs

  • Nature of single subject design

    • Rigorous study of single cases

    • Manipulate timing and nature of experimental conditions

    • Frequent repeated measurement of outcomes is critical

      • Permits conclusions about changes over time relative to the introduction and withdrawal of certain variables

  • Types of single-subject design

    • Withdrawal designs

      • First establish a baseline, then introduce treatment

      • Then, stop treatment to see if behavior/symptoms return to the way they were before treatment

      • May present ethical concerns if an efficacious treatment is removed

    • Multiple baseline designs

      • Start treatment at different times in different conditions (e.g., in home vs. school settings) – see if changes occur in conjunction with introduction of treatment

      • Improves internal validity

Studying Genetics

  • Behavioral genetics

    • Interactions of genes, experience, and behavior

    • Phenotype vs. genotype

      • Genotype: genetic makeup

      • Phenotype: observable characteristics (e.g., eye color, degree of shyness)

    • Endophenotype: genetic mechanism that contributes to problems causing certain symptoms

      • Example: Group of genes responsible for impairing working memory in schizophrenia

  • Family Studies

    • Proband: The person who has the trait of interest (e.g. someone who has schizophrenia)

    • If there is a genetic influence, expect to see the trait more in first-degree relatives compared to second-degree

    • Familial aggregation: tendency of a disorder to run in families

    • Issue of shared environment: families usually live together, so similarities may be due to environmental factors as well as genetics

  • Adoption studies

    • One way to separate the effects of the environment

    • Sibling pairs separated after birth: Do they show similarities even if they were raised in different environments?

    • Are adopted children more similar to their birth parents (genetics) or adoptive parents (environment)?

  • Twin studies

    • Compare identical/monozygotic twins against fraternal/dizygotic twins

    • If a trait is genetic, expect to see greater concordance in identical twins (similar environment and same genetics) compared to fraternal twins (similar environment, different genetics)

    • Can be combined with adoption studies: If identical twins are both adopted separately and raised apart, shared outcomes are more attributable to genetics

  • Genetic linkage studies and association studies

    • Examine known genetic markers (certain gene whose location is known)

    • Compare these genetic markers against the trait being studied

    • If the genetic marker tends to co-occur with the trait, conclude that the trait is probably caused in part by genes that are in close proximity to the genetic marker (e.g. on the same chromosome)

    • Genetic linkage studies occur in groups of people who all have the trait of interest

    • Association studies occur in people with and without the trait of interest

Studying Behavior Over Time

  • Prevention research

    • Health promotion: increasing healthy behavior in entire population (even people not at risk for developing disorders)

    • Universal prevention: target specific risk factors but not specific people

    • Selective prevention: targets groups of people at risk

    • Indicated prevention: targets specific individuals who are showing early signs of a disorder

  • Time-based research strategies

    • Cross-sectional designs: take a cross section of the population at different age groups

      • Compare cohorts (age groups) on traits of interest

  • Longitudinal designs: study one group of people over time

    • Have to take into account specific experiences of the generation being studied (cross- generational effect)

Studying Behavior Across Cultures

  • Value of cross-cultural research

    • Overcoming ethnocentric views

    • Increases understanding of

      • Etiologies

      • Symptom presentations

      • Treatments

  • Difficulties in cross-cultural research

    • Definitions of abnormal behavior

    • Variance in presentation

    • Availability of valid assessment instruments may be limited

Research Programs

  • Components of a research program

    • Set of interrelated research questions

    • Draw on several methodologies in finding answers

    • Conducted in stages, often involving replication

  • Allows for more nuanced, complete picture of a phenomenon

  • Replication is critical

    • Protects against fluke results

Research Ethics

  • Sometimes, needs of science (e.g., designing a good experiment) are at odds with needs of research participants (e.g., need for treatment)

    • Research ethics determine the degree to which each should be prioritized

  • Ethic determined by institutional review boards (IRBs) and the APA ethics code

    • Oversee the rights of human subjects participating in research

    • Maje sure research and data are handled responsibly

  • Ethical principals

    • Informed consent

      • Became more widely discussed after Nazis had forced people to participate in research in WWII

    • Competence: ability to provide consent

    • Voluntarism: lack of coercion

    • Full information: necessary information to make an informed decision

    • Comprehension: understanding about benefits and risks of participation
