Week 9+10 - Anatomy Physiology Hearing

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The hearing organ (“ear”) is composed of series of what structures:

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The hearing organ (“ear”) is composed of series of what structures:

  1. The external ear

  2. The middle ear

  3. The internal ear

  • The neural impulses registered by the sensory cells are then analyzed by the brain– The external earzed by the brain

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<p><strong><span style="color: red">**Label the ear structure</span></strong><span style="color: red">**</span></p>

**Label the ear structure**

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The external ear consists of:

  • Everyday use of the word “ear” means technically the external ear

  • External ear consists of:

    • Auricle (pinna)

    • Meatus (ear canal)

    • Tympanic membrane (ear drum)

  • Task of the auricle: localize the sound source (important: evolution)

  • Tympanic membrane works like a loudspeaker or microphone membrane

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Whats the external auditory meatus

  • External ear canal

  • 7 mm in diameter and 2.5 cm long

  • this generates resonance frequencies at 3400 Hz.

  • From an acoustic point of view: ear canal is a filter that amplifies frequencies between 2kHz and 5 kHz.

  • Terminates at the tympanic membrane

    • Two-thirds of ear canal housed in bone (osseous portion)

    • One-third of ear canal composed of cartilaginous parts

  • Resonating cavity that contributes to hearing

    • Determine resonant frequency

  • Outer third- line with hair cells and cerum (ear wax)-protects by trapping dirt and insects

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Whats the tympanic membrane?

  • Also known as the eardrum

  • Separates the middle ear from the outer ear

  • Oval shaped, 10 mm in diameter

  • Thin three layered sheets of tissue

  • Landmarks:

    • Umbo - point of attachment for malleus, middle ear bone- location is cone of light (reflects light from otoscope)

  • Responsible for initiating mechanical

    impedance-matching process of middle ear

    • First layer: outer (cuticular) layer

    • Second layer: Intermittent (fibrous) layer

    • Third layer: inner (mucous) layer

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The middle ear consist of:

  • The middle ear consists of the tympanic cavity

    • This cavity contains the smallest moving bones of the human body – the ossicles:

      • Malleus (hammer): touches the tympanic membrane and transmits to

      • the Incus (anvil) which transmits to the

      • Stapes (stirrup) which transmits to internal ear (oval window)

    • Malleus and stapes are attached to muscles (may attenuate to transmission of sound by these bones)

  • The stapes connect directly to the internal ear through the oval window → transmission of stapes movement to the lymphatic fluid inside the internal ear

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What is the malleus?

  • Largest of the ossicles

    • Nine mm long and weighs only 25 mg

  • Provides point of attachment with tympanic membrane

  • Bulk of bone is the head or caput

<ul><li><p>Largest of the ossicles</p><ul><li><p>Nine mm long and weighs only 25 mg</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Provides point of attachment with tympanic membrane</p></li><li><p>Bulk of bone is the head or caput</p></li></ul>
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What is the incus?

  • Shaped like an anvil

  • Weighs 30 mg and is around 7 mm long

  • Provides intermediate link of ossicular chain

  • Incus and malleus articulate by means of a saddle join

<ul><li><p>Shaped like an anvil</p></li><li><p>Weighs 30 mg and is around 7 mm long</p></li><li><p>Provides intermediate link of ossicular chain</p></li><li><p>Incus and malleus articulate by means of a saddle join</p></li></ul>
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What is the stapes (stirrup)?

  • Third bone of ossicular chain

  • Weighs 4 mg with an area of 3.5 mm 2

  • Helps to transmit sound vibrations from eardrum to oval window

  • Articulation of the incus and stapes of ball and socket type

  • Ossicular chain is held in place by ligaments

<ul><li><p>Third bone of ossicular chain</p></li><li><p>Weighs 4 mg with an area of 3.5 mm 2</p></li><li><p>Helps to transmit sound vibrations from eardrum to oval window</p></li><li><p>Articulation of the incus and stapes of ball and socket type</p></li><li><p>Ossicular chain is held in place by ligaments</p></li></ul>
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What are the Tympanic Muscles? (2)

  • Muscles of middle ear attached to ossicles

  • Smallest muscles of human body

    • Stapedius muscle

      • Imbedded in posterior wall of middle ear

      • Pulls stapes posteriorly

    • Tensor tympani

      • Pulls malleus anterior and medial

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What’s the sound attenuation in the middle ear?

  • The middle ear performs a kind of “volume control” → the muscles of malleus can be tensed, resulting in a low frequency damping

  • It MUST be activated though by neural impulses to activate these muscles → in order to be activated as noise control, the noise has to be processed by the internal ear → damage could have been occurred already

  • Additionally, these muscles are activated just before a person starts to speak → damping mechanism to protect against own voice

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How does pressure increase in the middle ear form?

  • Sound waves are mechanically transmitted by ossicles of the middle ear to the internal ear, which is filled with watery liquid

  • Ossicles perform conversion of pressure changes from an elastic medium (air) to pressure changes of an incompressible liquid (water)

  • Ossicles function like a cone: from large surface (tympanic membrane) to smaller surface (stapes)

    • This leads to a pressure increase -> pressure variations at the internal ear are about 20 times stronger than original air pressure variation

    • This pressure increase is necessary to generate the necessary activation of the liquid (otherwise reflection would occur)

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How does pressure equalization in the tympanic cavity form?

  • The middle ear is not completely airtight, a connection with the Eustachian tube allows for pressure equalization (e.g. meteorological pressure changes)

    • The Eustachian tube leads from the middle ear to the nasopharynx

    • Without pressure equalization, the meteorological changes would “push” the ear membrane inwards → feeling of “pressure on the ear” (felt e.g. when going downhill, or in airplane, or fast elevator)

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The internal ear consists of:

  • Cochlea: part of the inner ear relevant for hearing-> sound waves are transformed into neural impulses

    • is shaped like a snail shell

    • contains two passages, separated by basilar membrane:

      • Upper: scala vestibul

      • Lower: scala tympani

      • These two passages meet at the apex (the tip) in the helicotrema

  • Scala vestibuli connects to middle ear (stapes) through the oval window

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What’s the physiology of hearing

  • The pressure waves from the middle ear (stapes) reach the cochlea through the oval window -> longitudinal pressure waves are generated in internal ear fluid through scala vestibuli to the apex

  • These pressure waves return via scala tympani to the round window

  • Round window serves as pressure release, since the fluids are incompressible

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The basilar membrane: How does frequencies occur on different locations?

  • The travelling (longitudinal) wave meets differing conditions along the basilar membrane:

  1. Cochlea is thinner (i.e. fluid is less deep) near the apex

  2. Basilar membrane is softer near the apex

  • These two conditions are responsible for a mechanical frequency transformation:

    • High frequencies reach high displacement (of the transversal wave) near the base (just behind the stapes and oval window)

    • Low frequencies reach high displacement (of the transversal wave) near the end of the basilar membrane (apex)

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What’s the structure of the Basilar membrane? pt1

  • The basilar membrane contains the organ of Corti, which is linked to the auditory nerve.

  • The organ of Corti consists of the tectorial membrane

    • Unlike the basilar membrane, the tectorial membrane does not cover the whole width of the cochlea, but only partly overlaps the basilar membrane the hair cells a number of additional supporting cells

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Explain the edges of the tectorial membrane? pt2

  • One edge of the tectorial membrane is attached to the basilar membrane, close to the point of attachment of Rossner’s membrane

  • The other edge is supported by about 20000 outer hair cells, which are coded into three rows along the basilar membrane

  • These outer hair cells rest upon the basilar membrane at their lower end, with, at their upper end, the stereocilia, reach into the tectorial membrane

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What are outer hair cells?

  • Outer hair cells add another mechanical source of frequency differentiation: Stiffer, shorter hair cells at the base are more responsible to high frequencies, while the long, more flexible hair cells at the apex bend more easily to low frequencies

  • The outer hair cells have only few neural pathways to the brain (and these are slow) → it is assumed that they do not transmit any detailed information about the sound signal to the brain

  • The actual transmission of information to the brain is done by the inner hair cells

  • Outer hair cells can be controlled by the brain via a feedback loop (see explanation oto-acoustic emissions), it is assumed that outer hair cells help to control the movement of the basilar membrane, e.g. for damping or frequency amplification purposes

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What are inner hair cells?

  • Around 3500 inner hair cells are responsible for the conversion of the mechanical movement of the basilar membrane into neural impulses

  • The inner hair cells are grouped in a single row inside the organ of Corti

  • About 30000 nerve fibers lead from the inner hair cells into the brain → each inner hair cell is linked to about 10 nerve cells

  • The inner hair cell consist of a main cell body with thin stereocilia on top

  • The upward movement of the basilar membrane causes the inner hairs cells to fire when touching the tectorial membrane

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Where is frequency information encoded along the basilar membrane?

  • in the tonotopic location along the basilar membrane:

    • displacements at the base correspond to high frequencies,

    • displacements at the apex correspond to low frequencies

  • In other words, different areas of the basilar membrane reach their maximum displacement for different frequencies → causing the nerve cells to fire at different frequencies

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What is Auditory Mechanism

  • Processes the acoustic signals of speech

  • Has an amazing range of sound pressures

  • Has a frequency range of around 10 octaves spanning 20 to 20,000 Hz

    • An octave is a doubling in frequency

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Organize the Physiological Principles of the Auditory System

  1. Outer ear: Collects sound; “shapes” frequency components

  2. Middle ear: Matches airborne acoustic signal with fluid medium of cochlea

  3. Inner ear: Performs temporal and spectral analysis on ongoing acoustic signal

  4. Auditory pathway: Conveys and further processes the signal

  5. Cerebral Cortex: Interprets the signal

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What’s the function of the Outer Ear?

  • “Collector” of sounds

  • Shapes frequency components of sound

    • Enhances certain midrange frequencies

  • Pinna of outer ear

    • Funnels acoustical information to the external auditory meatus; localizes sounds

  • External auditory meatus

    • Funnels sound to the tympanic membrane

    • Acts as a resonator to amplify frequencies between 2kHz and 4kHz

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What’s the function of the Middle Ear?

  • Increases the pressure arriving at the cochlea

    • Cochlea is a fluid-filled cavity

  • Acts to overcome impedance

    • Impedance is resistance to the flow of energy

  • Designed as an impedance-matching device

    • Increases pressure of signal arriving at cochlea

Primary function:

  • Match the impedance of two conductive systems

    • The outer ear and the cochlea

  • Three impedance-matching mechanisms

    • Area ratio provides a 25 dB gain

      • From tympanic membrane to small oval window

    • Lever advantage provides a 2 dB gain

      • Ossicular chain

    • Buckling effect of tympanic membrane provides a 4-6 dB gain

  • These three impedence matching devices combined cause a signal gain of around 31 dB.

  • Disorders that impede middle ear function reduce audition

    • Otitis media, otosclerosis, glomus tumors

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What’s the function of the Inner Ear?

  • Performs frequency and temporal acoustic analysis of incoming acoustical signal

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Inner Ear Function: The cochlea

  • Establishes first level of auditory processing of incoming acoustic signals

    • Determines frequency components of signal

    • Determines amplitude of signal

    • Identifies temporal aspects of signal

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Inner Ear Function: The traveling wave (4)

  • Wave-like action of basilar membrane

    • Determines frequency data going to brain

    • Arises from stimulation of perilymph of vestibule

    • Moves along basilar membrane until it reaches point of maximum growth

    • Wave damps after reaching maximum growth

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Inner Ear Function: Basilar membrane

  • Basilar membrane

    • Determination of ability to analyze frequency

  • Characteristics

    • Thicker, stiffer, and wider at base than at apex

    • Traveling wave always travels from base to apex due to impedance gradient of basilar membrane and then quickly damps

    • High frequency sounds are processed at the base whereas low frequency sounds are processed at apex-tonotopic representation

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Inner Ear Function: Excitation of hair cells

  • Hair cells displaced as traveling wave moves along basilar membrane

  • Excitation of outer hair cells displaced relative to tectorial membrane

    • Result of shearing effect on cilia

    • Important for coding intensity in intensity less than 40 dB

  • Excitation of inner hair cells

    • Results from fluid flow and endolymph turbulence

    • Essential for coding frequency

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What’s the Auditory loudness scale?

  • A normal acoustic scale weights all frequencies equally strong, i.e. assumes a linear frequency scale

  • Psychophysical experiments have shown that humans perceive very low and high frequencies not as well as frequencies in the range of 2-4kHz

    • The lower frequencies are damped by the middle ear

    • The higher frequencies are attenuated by the resonance characteristics of the ear canal (or rather the lack of resonances)

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What’s the phon-scale (and also dBA- weighting)

  • Was developed to solve this problem:

    • 0 phon are defined as having the same dBSPL value as the hearing threshold at 1kHz (sine tone)

    • Loudness at other frequencies is related to this perceived loudness at 1kHz → the hearing threshold at other frequencies

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What are Audiograms?

  • Registration of patient’s hearing threshold over (selected) octave frequencies (i.e. doubling of frequencies)

  • Sine waves are (traditionally) used between 250 Hz and 8kHz

  • Determines hearing loss (deviation from “normal” threshold) for certain frequencies, the most common is hearing loss in high frequencies (with age) or mid frequencies (due to noise exposure)

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What are Oto-acoustic emissions

  • It is generally assumed that the nerves first transmit the sound stimulus (the impulse projected into the ear) to the brain → the brain then tells the outer hair cells to react

  • As a result, the basilar membrane produces oto-acoustic emission the change of shape of the outer hair cells results in a specific movement of the basilar membrane

  • Discovered by Kemp (1978) who projected short signal impulses into the ear → with some delay the ear produced an echo of the impulses

  • The echo occurred much later and much stronger (higher amplitude) than expected by the reflective loop of the ear (external ear → internal ear → external ear) → OAE’s are a reaction of the ear itself (including the brain)

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What’s spontaneous OAE’s

  • Spontaneous OAE’s were discovered (i.e. no stimulus sound needs to be present) → the basilar membrane may move by itself, even without being stimulated by a sound

  • Spontaneous OAE’s are seen as a kind of “convulsion” of the outer hair cells → OAE’s provide evidence that the basilar membrane is actively controlled (and does not only passively react to external sound input)

  • Apparently the movements of the basilar membrane can be actively controlled by a feedback process from the brain

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