Chapter 2: Radiation Physics

Radiation Physics

Chapter 2

Radiation Physics

  • Define the key terms associated with radiation physics
  • Review fundamental concepts of atomic and molecular structure
  • Describe the process of radiation Identify x-ray machine components
  • Describe how x-rays are produced

Fundamental Concepts

  • Matter- anything that occupies space and has mass. When matter is altered; energy results
  • All matter is composed of atoms


Atomic Structure

  • The atom consists of 2 parts:
  • Central nucleus
  • Orbiting electrons



  • Nucleus consists of:
  • Protons (positive electrical charge)
  • Neutrons aka nucleons (no electrical charge)
  • The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus determines its atomic weight
  • The number of protons inside the nucleus equals the number of electrons outside the nucleus and determines its atomic number
  • Periodic table of elements arranges atoms according to their atomic number



  • Electrons are negatively charged particles that travel around the nucleus in well-defined paths known as orbits or shells
  • An atom contains a maximum of 7 shells
  • The shell that is closest to the nucleus is the K shell and the furthest is Q shell
  • Each shell is located at a specific distance from the nucleus and represent different energy levels
  • Electrons are maintained in their orbits by the electrostatic force, or binding energy
  • K shell has the strongest binding energy only 2 can exist in the K shell


Molecular Structure

  • Atoms are capable of combining with each other to form molecules

  • Molecule- two or more atoms joined by chemical bonds

  • A molecule is a state of equilibrium when the number of protons equals the number of electrons


  • Neutral atom- contains an equal number of protons and electrons

  • Ion- an electrically unbalanced particle; an atom that gains or loses an electron

  • Production of ions, or the process of converting an atom into ions

  • An ion pair is formed when an electron is removed from an atom. The atom becomes the positive ion, and the ejected electron becomes the negative ion

Ion Pair

  • The ion pair reacts with other ions until electrically stable, neutral atoms are formed



  • Emission and propagation of energy through space or a substance in the form of waves or particles



  • Process by which certain unstable atoms of elements undergo spontaneous disintegration, or decay, in an effort to attain a more balanced nuclear state


Ionizing Radiation

  • Radiation that is capable of producing ions by removing or adding an electron to an atom
  • 2 types:
  • Particulate
  • *Electromagnetic *

Particulate Radiation

  • Tiny particles of matter that possess mass and travel in straight lines at high speeds
  • Transmit kinetic energy by means of their extremely fast-moving, small masses
  • Examples:
  • Alpha particles
  • Beta particles
  • Cathode rays
  • Protons
  • Neutrons


Electromagnetic Radiation

  • Propagation of wave-like energy (without mass) through space or matter. Oscillating electric and magnetic fields
  • Examples:
  • Cosmic rays (from the sun)
  • Gamma rays
  • X-rays
  • Visible light
  • Microwave
  • Radar



  • Electromagnetic spectrum
  • Most electromagnetic radiations are nonionizing; only very high energy radiations are capable of ionization. EMR are believed to move through space as both a particle and a wave
  • Particle concept
  • Photons or quanta
  • Wave concept
  • Velocity
  • Wavelength
  • Frequency
  • Velocity- speed of the wave 186,000 miles/second
  • Wavelength- distance between the crest of one wave and the crest of the next
  • Wavelength determines the energy and penetrating power of the radiation
  • Shorter the wavelength the greater potential to penetrate
  • Measured in nanometers, or meters



  • Frequency- refers to the number of wavelengths that pass a given point in a certain amount of time
  • Measured in Hertz
  • Frequency and wavelength are inversely related



  • High energy, ionizing electromagnetic radiation
  • Weightless bundles of energy (photons) without an electrical charge that travel in waves with a specific frequency at a speed of light (360,000 miles per sound)

Properties of X-Rays

  • Appearance- X-rays are invisible
  • Mass- X-rays have no mass or weight
  • Charge- X-rays have no charge
  • Speed- X-rays travel at the speed of light
  • Wavelength- X-rays travel in waves and have short wavelengths with a high frequency
  • Path of travel- X-rays travel in straight lines and can be deflected, or scattered
  • Focusing capability- X-rays cannot be focused to a point and always diverge from a point
  • Penetrating power- X-rays can penetrate liquids, solids, and gases
  • The composition of the substance determines whether x-rays penetrate or pass through, or are absorbed
  • Absorption- X-rays are absorbed by matter; the absorption depends on the atomic structure of matter and the wavelength of the x-ray
  • Ionization capability- X-rays interact with materials they penetrate and cause ionization
  • Fluorescence capability- X-rays can cause certain substances to fluoresce or emit radiation in longer wavelength
  • Ex. Visible light, ultraviolet light
  • Effect on receptor- X-rays can produce an image on a receptor
  • Effect on living tissue- X-rays can cause biological changes in living cells


The X-Ray Machine

  • Control panel
  • Extension arm
  • Tubehead


X-Ray Tube

  • Cathode- Negative electrode supplies electrons necessary to generate x-rays
  • Tungsten filament
  • Molybdenum cup



  • Anode- Positive electrode, converts electrons into x-ray photons
  • Tungsten target
  • Copper stem



  • Electrons move from the cathode to the anode
  • Cat -> Nap
  • Cat- cathode
  • N- negative
  • A- anode
  • P- positive

X-Ray Generating Apparatus

  • Electricity- used to produce x-rays; electrical energy flows through a conductor, this flow is known as electric current



  • Amperage- measurement of the number of electrons moving through a conductor; current is measured in *amperes *or milliamperes (mA)
  • Voltage- measurement of electrical force that cause electrons to move from a negative pole to a positive pole; measured in volts, or kilovolts (kV)
  • Circuit- path of electrical current
  • Low-voltage circuit or filament circuit- 3-5 volts, controlled by mA
  • Regulates the flow of electrical current to the cathode filament and works with step-down transformer
  • High-voltage circuit- 65,000-100,000 volts, controlled by kV
  • Force behind the electrons that move from the cathode to anode this is hooked up to the step-up transformer



  • Transformer- Increases or decrease the voltage in an electrical circuit
  • Step-down transformer
  • The step-down transformer decreases the voltage in the low-voltage circuit
  • Step-up transformer
  • The step-up transformer increases the voltage in the high-voltage circuit
  • Auto transformer


Production of X-Radiation

  • 1.) When the filament circuit is activated, the filament heats up, and thermionic emission occurs
  • Thermionic emission occurs in the negative cathode inside the x-ray tubehead
  • 2.) When the exposure button is activated, the electrons are accelerated from the cathode to the anode
  • 3.) The electrons strike the tungsten target, and their kinetic energy is converted to x-ray and heat
  • Less than 1% converted to x-rays
  • Remaining 99% lost as heat


Types of X-Rays Produced

  • Electrons strike the tungsten target in the X-ray tube
  • The kinetic energy of the electrons is converted into x-ray photons though one of two mechanisms:
  • Characteristic radiation
  • 30%



  • General radiation
  • Also know as Bremsstrahlung radiation
  • 70%



  • Primary
  • The type of radiation that exits the tubehead
  • Secondary
  • Scatter
  • Leakage
  • Radiation that exits the PID (defect)

Interactions of X-Radiation

  • When the x-ray photons exit the PID and strike the patient one of the following events may occur…
  • X-rays can pass through the patient without any interaction
  • X-ray photons can be completely absorbed by the patient
  • X-ray photons can be scattered



  • No interaction- When an X-ray photon passes through an atom unchanged, no interaction, no loss of energy



  • Photoelectric effect

  • 30%


  • Compton Scatter
  • 62%



  • Coherent Scatter
  • 8%


Photoelectric Effect

  • When an x-ray photon collides with an inner shell electron giving up all of its energy to eject the electron
  • The photon is absorbed and ceases to exist
  • The ejected electron is referred to as photoelectron and has a negative charge
  • Ionization occurs


Compton Scatter

  • When an x-ray photon collides with an outer shell electron and ejects the electron from its orbit
  • The photon is scattered in a different direction at a lower energy
  • The ejected electron is referred to as a Compton Scatter and has a negative charge
  • Ionization occurs


Coherent Scatter

  • When an x-ray photon is scattered with no loss of energy, no ionization
  • The scatter is termed coherent or unmodified scatter



  • An atom consists of a central nucleus composed of protons, neutrons, and orbiting electrons
  • Most atoms exist in a neutral state and contain equal numbers of protons and neutrons
  • When unequal numbers of protons and electrons exist, the atom is electrically unbalanced and is termed an ion
  • The production of ions is termed ionization; an ion pair (a positive ion and a negative ion) is produced. The atom is the positive ion, and the ejected electron is the negative ion
  • Ionizing radiation is capable of producing ions and can be classified as particulate or electromagnetic
  • Electromagnetic radiations (e.g., x-rays) exhibit characteristics of both particles and waves and are arranged according to their energies
  • The energy of an electromagnetic radiation depends on wavelength and frequency
  • A low-energy radiation has a low frequency and a long wavelength; a high-energy radiation has a high frequency and a short wavelength
  • X-rays are weightless, neutral bundles of energy (photons) that travel in waves with a specific frequency at the speed of light
  • X-rays are generated in an x-ray tube located in the x-ray tubehead
  • The x-ray tube consists of a leaded-glass housing, a negative cathode, and a positive anode. Electrons are produced in the cathode and accelerated toward the anode; the anode converts the electrons into x-rays
  • After x-rays exit the tubehead, several interactions are possible: The x-rays may pass through the patient (no interaction), may be completely absorbed by the patient (photoelectric effect), or may be scattered (Compton scatter and coherent scatter)
