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Structures built to convey water from one location to another.
Underground layers of water-bearing rock that can yield groundwater.
Artesian well
A well in which water rises under pressure from a confined aquifer.
Cone of depression
A downward slope in the water table created by water withdrawal.
Confined aquifers
Aquifers that are surrounded by impermeable layers of rock.
A barrier that holds back water, creating a reservoir.
The process of removing salt from seawater to produce fresh water.
Earthen or concrete barriers built to prevent flooding.
Eutrophic lake
A lake rich in nutrients but often suffering from low oxygen levels.
Fish ladder
A structure that allows fish to pass over or around barriers like dams.
Flat land adjacent to a river that is subject to periodic flooding.
Groundwater recharge
The process by which water refills an aquifer.
Hydroponic agriculture
Growing plants in water instead of soil.
Impermeable surfaces
Materials that do not allow water to pass through them.
An embankment built to prevent the overflow of a river.
Mesotrophic lake
A lake with moderate nutrient levels and productivity.
Oligotrophic lake
A lake with low nutrient levels and high oxygen content.
The process of water moving back into an aquifer.
A large natural or artificial lake used to store water.
Saltwater intrusion
The movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers.
A natural source of groundwater that flows to the surface.
Unconfined aquifers
Aquifers that are open to the surface and can recharge freely.
Water table
The upper boundary of groundwater in an aquifer.