They agreed on Germany's division
They disagreed on Poland
Truman joins and does not like Stalin = tension
Increased tensions over Germany's reparations
Hardened Stalins attitude towards USA
Worsened relations
USA saw this as an attempt to spread communism
Yugoslavia did not accept Stalins communism
USA now committed to European affairs
Easter European countries had help from USA if wanted it
Tensions increased
Europe became more firmly divided
A propaganda victory for the West
Stalin was humiliated
Increased tensions
Stalin believed it was aimed against the USSR
Now two opposing alliances in Europe
It gave USSR direct control over eastern Europe's armed forces
Showed that the West would not intervene in eastern European countries
worsened relations
West given a propaganda victory
Wall became symbol of East
Families split
Cannot travel across for work etc.
It was an expression of solidarity with the people of West Berlin
He came personally = showed that USA was prepared to defend West Berlin
Improved relations
Victory for Kennedy
Strengthened detente
Led to further arms control negotiations
Greater cooperation between the superpowers
Represented high point of detente
Led to the Carter Doctrine
Ended detente
Showed the weakness of the Soviet economy
Increased tensions
It made USSR realise they could not compete in arms race
Led to the signing of the INF treaty
improved relations
angered Soviet Union
Improved relations
Signalled the end of he arms race
Eases tensions
Helps with collapse of Warsaw pact
Confirmed collapse of communism in eastern Europe
Reunification of Germany