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It is very important for both Christians and non-Christians.
Filipino consider it as part of our life as sources of spiritual strength and hope.
It is a pesonal faith-relating to God.
It is when we connect ourselves to the Divine Being.
Divine Being
He is the author of life and all things around us.
It is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks address to God or another deity.
It develops a conscious awareness of our relationships with God.
Who God Is, Who We Are
Prayer “develops a conscious awareness of our relationships with God. This relationship depends fundamentally ____________ and ____________.
Man is in search of God
God calls man first
These are two most common reasons why man is moved on prayer.
He or she should pray always from the heart.
Christian Prayer
It is always rooted in the heart, and related to the neighbour in loving compassion and service.
Christian Prayer
It must be directly addressed to God, Our Creator and Lord, while involving an intrinsic to one’s neighbour.
Concept of Prayer
It is an activity of the heart and man or woman drawn towards the divine.
Speaking to God
Speaking with God
These are the two classical definitions of prayer.
John Damascene
He said that prayer is raising of the mind to God.
Motive and Content of Prayer
Various Forms of Prayer
It is the two types of nature of prayer.
Motive and Content of Prayer
It contains the most basic types of prayer are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, petition, intercession, and propitiation.
Various Forms of Prayer
This states that prayer may be interior or exterior, individual or common, informal of formal, extra-liturgical or liturgical.
Interior/Mental Prayer
It is the encounter of the heart with God and dwelling of the soul with HIM. This is also associated with mental words and images.
Meditation, Contemplation
These two are prominent forms of interior prayer.
Exterior Prayer
It expresses itself in the external words and rites.
Individual and Common Prayer
It must be mutually complimentary. Eachman and woman is individual and social being.
Individual and Common Prayer
It is when you pray, go into your roomandshut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.
Informal Prayer
It gives spontaneous expression to the thoughts of the mind and the affections of the heart.
Informal Prayer
This type of prayer chooses its words under the inspiration of the concrete moment and after the manner of conversation, where men speak freely with their fellowmen.
Formal Prayer
It transmits the rich treasure of the religious experiences and insights of the past generation, of saints and other inspired people.
Formal Prayer
It is done to stimulate and shape our personal prayer.
Formal Prayer
It is a refuge for those who are less able to formulate personal prayer or are living through a period of spiritual dryness.
Liturgical Prayer
It is a formal prayer destined for worship in common as in the celebration of the sacraments.