a movement that emphasized science and reason as guides to help see the world more clearly
A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country, led to many revolutions
Thomas Hobbes
English philosopher, advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings
John Locke
English philosopher who advocated the idea of a "social contract" (government & people have a contract); also said people have natural rights to life, liberty and property.
A group of French "radicals" who focused on human reason and making critical changes in society
Baron Montesquieu
Enlightenment thinker who supported the idea of separation of powers
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"Social Contract" he explained an ideal society where each community member would vote on issues and majority would become one law.
Adam Smith & Laissez-Faire
Refers to the economic theory of letting owners in industry or business set working conditions without government interference
A popular Enlightenment era belief that there is a God, but that God isn't involved in people's lives or in revealing truths to prophets.
A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production
A belief that limited government insures order competitive markets and personal opportunity.
A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity.
the belief that women should possess the same political and economic rights as men
=English writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women
Movement to end slavery
A policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine.
American Revolution
the revolution of the American colonies against Great Britain
French Revolution
a rebellion of French people against their king in 1789
Haitian Revolution
A major influence of the Latin American revolutions because of its successfulness; the only successful slave revolt in history; it is led by Toussaint L'Ouverture.
Bolivar Revolutions
A revolution against Spain led by Simon Bolivar. It resulted in the creation of multiple independent countries which was not the goal ( one unified country )
Italian Unification
Italy was separated into many states. Cavour unified the North Garibaldi the south. Victor Emmanuel II (King of Sardinia) rule all of the now unified Italy
German Unifications
separate German-speaking states, led by the chancellor of Prussia Otto von Bismarck, unified to create a Germanic state. Unification was complete (1871) with the Prussian king, Wilhelm, named the first leader of Germany.
Balkan Nationalism
movements to create independent states and reunite ethnic groups in the Balkans; provoked crises within the European alliance system that ended with the outbreak of World War I.
concept that believed that it could solve the social issues that the empire was facing, promoted equality among religions. This was a nationalist movement within Islam.
Agricultural Improvements
Crop rotation, seed drill
Growth of Technology
Spinning jenny, water frame, factory system
Factory System
system bringing manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency
Division of Labor
Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers
Specialization of Labor
To train or specialize in certain areas of work so that people can accomplish tasks quicker
Assembly Line
Production method that breaks down a complex job into a series of smaller tasks
Why Britain industrialized first?
Mineral Resources, Resources of Colonies, Capital, Abundant River, Strong Fleet, population, urbanization
Enclosure Movement
practice of fencing or enclosing common lands into individual holdings
Manchester & Liverpool
English towns that boomed because of the railway, mills, canal shipping, & industrial revolution
Where did industrialization spread?
France & Germany
The United States
Company Rule
British East India Company control over the Indian subcontinent from 1757 to 1858, steep tariffs on Indians, led to rebellions
Who produced textiles during the I.R.?
India & Egypt
Water Transportation
Steamships, coal-powered steam engines, coaling stations
Second Industrial Revolution
Steel production, oil, energy, electricity, communications (Alexander Bell), radio signals (Marconi)
Muhammad Ali
seen as the father of modern Egypt and made modernizing reforms in the military, economic and cultural spheres during the 19th century.
Matthew Perry
American naval commander who opened Japan to the West in 1854
Meiji Restoration
the modernization and industrialization of Japan in the 1800's
Stock Market
A system for buying and selling shares of companies
businesses that are owned by many investors who buy shares of stock
Complete control of a product or business by one person or group
Those who operated across national boundaries (ex: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp, Unilever Corp- British & Dutch)
the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers
idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
organizations of workers who bargain with employers as a group
Karl Marx
founder of modern communism
A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.
Self-Strengthening Movement
A late nineteenth century movement in which the Chinese modernized their army and encouraged Western investment in factories and railways
Urban Housing Conditions
Tenement (apartment buildings), slums (low income families), polluted water, open sewers, spread of disease
Working Class
A social class broadly composed of people working in blue-collar, or manual, occupations.
White Collar
salaried professional or a person whose job is clerical in nature
Farm vs Factory Work
Differences: Working conditions, health problems, family life, higher mortality rate
Effects of Industrial Rev on Women
1) connected and supported the feminist movement
2) new jobs for women; the service industry, teachers, nurses, factory workers
3) the idea that women should stay home spread from the Middle and Elite class to the Working class and working class women started leaving work after they got married
Effects of Industrial Rev on Environment
Cities became overcrowded and polluted, not enough housing, garbage, sanitation
Mass Production
Process of making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply