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a stalemate
a situation in which nothing can change or no action can be taken
a war of attrition
long period of war during which each side seeks to gradually wear down the other
a trench warfare
a type of war in which each side occupies a system
an infantryman
foot soldier
at dawn
the first light of day
dirty or unhealthy and therefore likely to cause disease
a penalty
a punishment
a firing squad(ron)
a group of soldiers who are ordered to shoot and kill a prisoner
to patrol
keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or traveling around or through it.
the area or strip of land that no one owns or controls
a truce
A temporary agreement to stop fighting
an ordeal
a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience
a latrine
a simple toilet such as a hole in the ground
at dusk
the period of partial darkness between day and night
the upkeep of property or equipement
sentry duty
the duty to guard a place
an offence
an illegal act; a crime
the repeated shooting of one or more guns
to club
to beat with heavy stick or object
to get rid of
to send away someone annoying or to make them to leave
the young of an animal
to estimate
to guess or calculate
to be afflicted with
to suffer from a problem or illness
a louse
a small insect, plural lice
to breed
to reproduce
to seam
a line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together
very dirty
to delouse
to remove lice
to itch
to cause a desire to scratch
a slug
animal, a snail without a shell
animals that are believed to be harmful or which carry disease
a beetle
an insect with a hard shell-like back
shocking and very bad
a stench
a strong, unpleasant smell
the soft part of a person's or animal's body
omnipresent; felt or smelled everywhere
an odour
a smell, often one that is unpleasant
a substance that contains chemicals that kill bacteria
to endure
to suffer something difficult or painful
the firing of artillery shells
a prisoner
a person kept in prison
kindness that makes you forgive someone
to wipe out
to destroy something completely
a retreat
a quiet safe place where one can escape from fighting/danger
too strong or violent to be controlled
a war experience
the circumstances you go through in war
an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often
extremely determined; never weakening
a feeling of fear and worry
a tic
a sudden and uncontrolled small movement
a facial muscle
a muscle of the face
to knife
to attack someone using a knife
a foe
an enemy
an abdomen
the part of the body that contains stomach, bowels, and other organs
a slaughter
to cruelly and unfairly kill a lot of people
a combatant
a person who fights in a war
a strain
pressure, tension
the activity of fighting in a war
a breaking point
the moment you collapse
to frighten
to make someone feel fear
to expose
not shielded or protectet
an attack by dropping bombs
to recognise
to accept that something is legal, true, or important
a breakdown
failure, collapse
repulsive, morally wrong and evil
the mind
a person's ability to think and reason; the intellect
to execute
to kill someone as a legal punishment
opposite of bravery
an armistice
an agreement at war to stop fighting for a period of time
to commemorate
to show honour to the memory of an important person or event
a sacrifice
the act of giving up something that is valuable to you to help somebody else
a poppy
a wild or garden plant, with a large delicate flower that is usually red, and small black seeds.
in memory of
as a way of remembering someone who has died
in comrade
a friend, a fellow soldier
to vow
to promise to do something
the act of remembering and showing respect for someone who has died or a past event
a wreath
a ring made of flowers and leaves
war memorial
an object made in order to honour a person or event
an anniversary
the day on which an important event happened in a previous year
civilian life
not part of the armed forces
civilized mind
betrayal of one's country
court martial
a court for the military
to stop fighting
a long steel knife attached to the end of a gun
a marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place
barbed wire
strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage
listening post
station for intercepting
soldier who guards post
A person killed or injured in a war or accident
a sudden short attack
group of soldiers, vehicles, etc. that go around an area to check that it is safe and that there is no trouble