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biceps brachii
origin: long head - supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
origin 2: short head - coracoid process of the scapula
insertion: fascia of radial and ulnar bones
action: flexes forearm
triceps brachii
origin: long head - tubercle of scapula
origin 2: lateral head - upper half of the humerus
origin 3: medial head - mid humerus
insertion: olecranon process
action: extends forearm
origin: anterior head - lateral third of clavicle
origin 2: lateral head - acromion process
origin 3: posterior head - spine of scapula
insertion: middle of humerus
action: flexion, abduction, extension
origin: anterior and superior manubrium and superior medial third of clavicle
insertion: mastoid process
action: flexes and laterally rotates head
pectoralis major
origin: clavicular head - medial half clavicle
origin 2: sternocostal head - lateral manubrium and sternum, ribs 1-6
insertion: biceps groove of humerus
action: adducts arm, medially rotates arm, helps with flexion of arm
latissimus dorsi
origin: spinous process, T7-L5
insertion: twists and anchors on groove of humerus (upper end)
action: alarm adductor, extensor, and medially rotates shoulder
origin: occipital bone to T12
insertion: lateral third of clavicle, acromion process and spine of scapula
action: elevates scapula and rotates upwards
rectus abdominis
origin: pubic crest and symphysis pubis
insertion: xiphoid process and costal cartilage
action: compresses abdomen and flexes body at hips
quadriceps: vastus medialis
origin: intertrochanteric line, medial lip of linea aspera (wraps around to anterior surface)
insertion: tibial tuberosity and patella
action: knee extension
quadriceps: vastus lateralis
origin: upper interochanteric line, base of greater trochanteric, lateral linea aspera, lateral supracondylar ridge and lateral intermuscular septum
insertion: lateral quadriceps tendon to patella, via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia
action: extends knee
quadriceps: vastus intermedius
origin: anterior shaft of femur (under rectus femoris)
insertion: tibial tuberosity and patella
action: knee extension
quadriceps: rectus femoris
origin: anterior inferior iliac spine
insertion: tibial tuberosity and patella
action: extends knee, flexes hip (as in kicking a ball)
hamstrings: semimembranosus
origin: ischial tuberosity of coxal bone
insertion: posterior medial condyle of tibia
action: extends hip, flexes knee
hamstrings: semitendinosus
origin: ischial tuberosity
insertion: medial surface of proximal tibia (slightly anterior to the insertion of the semimembranosus)
action: hip extension, knee flexion
hamstrings: biceps femoris
origin: long head - ischial tuberosity
origin 2: short head - posterior midshaft of femur
insertion: head of fibula
action: hip extension, knee flexion, lateral rotation of femur
origin: lateral condyle and medial epicondyle of femur
insertion: calcaneus
action: knee flexion, plantar flexion at ankle (lowering foot)
origin: proximal third of tibia and fibula
insertion: calcaneus
action: plantar flexion at ankle (lowering foot)
gluteus maximus
origin: posterior ilium, sacrum, and coccyx
insertion: gluteal tuberosity of femur
action: extends hip (as in pushing down when climbing stairs) rotates leg laterally
origin: frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes
insertion: coronoid process of mandible
action: elevates mandible
origin: epicranial aponeurosis (tendon on top of head)
insertion: skin of eyebrows
action: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
orbicularis oculi
origin: frontal bone and maxilla
insertion: eyelid
action: closes eye (squints) lowers eyebrows
orbicularis oris
origin: maxilla and mandible
insertion: skin and muscle around the lips
action: closes lips (purses and protrudes)
origin: mandible and maxilla molar regions
insertion: orbicularis oris
action: compresses cheeks (whistling, sucking)
origin: zygomatic bone
insertion: skin and muscles at corner of mouth
action: draws up corners of mouth (as in smiling)
depressor anguli oris
origin: outer surface of mandible posterior to oblique line
insertion: modiolus at angle of mouth
action: depresses and draws angle of mouth laterally
origin: zygomatic arch and bone
insertion: mandible ramus and angle
action: elevates mandible