What are the correct headings of these chapters?
Chapter 1:1-17
Chapter 1:18-2:29
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Downward spiral of sin
Universal sin and guilt, with emphasis on the Jews
Justification pictured by baptism
Carnal Nature vs. Spiritual Nature
Life in the Holy Spirit
God’s Sovereignty
Jewish Unbelief
Grafting of the Gentiles
Where did Paul usually go when he entered a new city?
a synagogue
What did Moses do in Exodus 32:32?
He prayed to be punished in place of his people
Who did God elect to carry Abraham's seed of promise?
the characteristic of being supreme in rank and authority
To decree beforehand is to _____.
What two prophets did Paul often quote to show God's prophecy of Gentile inclusion into the plan of salvation?
Eight advantages given to the Israelites in order of appearance
glory or God's abiding presence
the covenants
the giving of the Law
the service of God or worship
promises to Abraham and others concerning Israel
patriarchal heritage
the Messiah, Jesus Christ
God has ________ believers to be _________ the image of His Son.
transformed to
List Paul's "human qualifications" for being righteous.
circumcised on the eighth day
of the people of Israel
of the tribe of Benjamin
a Hebrew of Hebrews
in regard to the law, a Pharisee
as for zeal, persecuting the church
as for righteousness based on the law, faultless
What experiences does God predestine and call us to?
to be transformed and become like Jesus, to be justified, and to be glorified
According to Romans 10:2, the Jews had a zeal for God but lacked
Instead of seeking righteousness by faith, Israel insisted on pursuing righteousness according to _____.
the Law
The Law could only be fulfilled by completely ________ it.
The only one(s) who fulfilled the law was/were _____.
Jesus Christ
Jesus was sent primarily for "the lost sheep” of the house of:
According to Romans 10:8, God has placed the word of faith in our _____ and _____.
According to Romans 10:9, to obtain salvation we must _____ and _____ that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead.
Who complained of being the only faithful man toward God?
How did God temporarily cast the Israelites aside?
He caused them not to see or hear.
Why did God allow the Jews to be set aside?
to bring salvation to the Gentiles
Paul told the Gentiles that it is all right to boast against the Jews, since they are no longer God's chosen people. True or False?
The Jews cannot be restored to the Gospel. True or False?
How did Paul act as a bridge between Jews and Gentiles?
Jew by birth yet grieves at the Jews' unbelief
Christianity grew in the Gentile world
Paul calls the Jews to repent
Paul reminds the Gentile Christian to be humble
What does this symbol represent? root
the covenant promises of God
What does this symbol represent? branches broken off
Jews, excluding the faithful remnant
What does this symbol represent? wild branches
What does this symbol represent? olive tree
the nation of Israel