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acertar (ie)
to hit the mark, do _ right
to acclaim, hail
to explain, clarify
to accompany
to advise, counsel
acordar (ue)
to agree (upon)
a eso de
at about (time)
a espaldas
behind one’s back
a falta de
for want of
a fin de cuentas
after all, in the final analysis
a fines de
late, toward the end of a period (week, etc.)
a fondo
fully, thoroughly
acordarse (ue)
to remember
acostarse (ue)
to go to bed, lie down
to be accustomed, in the habit of
to go, come to the rescue
to accuse
a la fuerza
by force
a la larga
in the long run
a la moda
up-to-date, in the latest fashion, in style
a la vez
at the same time, together
a (la) manera de
like, in the style of
a mano
by hand, hand-made