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Ceteris paribus

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Ceteris paribus

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  • Land

    • Natural resources

  • Labor

    • all human effort

  • Capital

    • tangible facilities

  • Entrepreneurship

    • Risk taker, management

    • Manages the FOP

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Command economies

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Pros, cons of command economies

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Market economies

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pros, cons of market economies

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Subject that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants and needs.

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<p>Economic vs free goods</p>

Economic vs free goods

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Opportunity costs, and importance

the value of the next-best alternative when a decision is made

<p>the value of the next-best alternative when a decision is made</p>
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PPC Assumptions

1. Resources are fixed \n 2. All resources are fully employed \n 3. Only two things can be produced. (of similar production to be realistic) \n 4. Technology is fixed. \n 5. Unrealistic

PPC looka at capacity to produce not price

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points on curve is potential output

<p>points on curve is potential output</p>
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Increasing cost PPC

Opportunity cost increases

<p>Opportunity cost increases</p>
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PPC curve increases

  • increases in Q or Quality of FOP

  • Potential output increase

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homo economics

'Economic man', economic decisions are always made rationally. Rational people maximize utility (being the most useful), for wealth and own interest.

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Moving resources of one to another production

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Changing the levels of output/income

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Price mechanisms

  • Signilling

    • High price

      • signals to consumers to consumer less

        • To producers to produce more-higher profits

  • Rationing

    • More scarce

      • demand exceeds supply

      • Higher price, conserved

  • Incentive

    • Prices incentive certain behaviors

    • high wage = work

    • High price = join market, produce

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PPC - effect of Capital goods (investment)

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Marginal utility

Satisfaction or usefulness obtained from acquiring one more unit of a product. Utility is subjective (meaurement of satisfaction). Helps determines prices.

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Output produced by fewest resources

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<p>Circular flow of income model</p>

Circular flow of income model

mixed economy more gov intervention

Planned economy, no private sector -gov controls resource and product sector

<p>mixed economy more gov intervention</p><p>Planned economy, no private sector -gov controls resource and product sector</p>
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fractional reserve banking

a banking system that keeps only a fraction of funds on hand and lends out the remainder

<p>a banking system that keeps only a fraction of funds on hand and lends out the remainder</p>
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Rational consumer choice assumptions

utility maximization, Perfect information (all info on choices),

Behavioral econ ctritizes this

<p>utility maximization, Perfect information (all info on choices),</p><p>Behavioral econ ctritizes this</p>
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Cognitive biases

systematic influences in thinking

<p>systematic influences in thinking</p>
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Limits to rationality

Bounded rationality - Limits in ability to process all information, thus consumers seek a satisfactory outcome instead of the best

Bounded self-control: People are self contorled only within limits

Bounded selfishness: selfish within limits

Imperfect information

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when have limited finances do

  • Choice architecture

    • framing to influence choice

    • Illusion of free choice

<p>when have limited finances do</p><ul><li><p>Choice architecture</p><ul><li><p>framing to influence choice</p></li><li><p>Illusion of free choice</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Pros of behavioral econ

  • Create more socially responsible outcomes

<ul><li><p>Create more socially responsible outcomes</p></li></ul>
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<p>Cons of behavioral econ</p>

Cons of behavioral econ

  • Like a gov regulation but disguised as choice

  • Unexpected outcomes Electricity neighbours comparison People who spent lower, will spend more

  • Not in individuals benefit

<ul><li><p>Like a gov regulation but disguised as choice</p></li><li><p>Unexpected outcomes Electricity neighbours comparison People who spent lower, will spend more</p></li><li><p>Not in individuals benefit</p></li></ul>
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Growth maximiztion for firms why?

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A decision-making strategy where one chooses the first option that meets the minimum requirements, rather than seeking the optimal solution.

For firm: Instead of maximizing one objective achieve satisfactory result from multiple

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Critiques of rational behavior

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Dual proccess theories

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Law of diminishing marginal utility

the principle that consumers experience diminishing additional satisfaction as they consume more of a good or service during a given period of time

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Veblen goods

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Shifts of demand

  • Income

  • Preference

  • Substitute goods

  • Complementary goods

  • Number of consumers

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Shifts of supply

  • Costs of FOP

  • Quality/efficiency of FOP

    • Tech advancements

  • Price of goods

    • competing for same resources

    • Joint supply - products that result from use of other resources

  • Producer price expectations

    • Rising prices, may withhold supply from market

  • Number of firms

  • Government intervention

    • Subsidies

      • encourage production

    • Indirect taxation

      • decrease supply

      • Taxes paid of G&S

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Allocative Efficiency

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Consumer and producer surplus

When consumers pay price below willing and able to pay

When producers sell at price above willing and able

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  • MSC: the cost that society pays as a result of the production of additional units or utilization of a good or service

  • Demand is MB because as each extra unit consumed, benefit decreases. So the curve shows how customers only willing to pay if price falls.

  • Supply is MC because extra unit produced, cost increases. So price must increase to cover the costs (curve shows price willing to accept to produce additional unit)

<ul><li><p>MSC: the cost that society pays as a result of the production of additional units or utilization of a good or service</p></li><li><p>Demand is MB because as each extra unit consumed, benefit decreases. So the curve shows how customers only willing to pay if price falls.</p></li><li><p>Supply is MC because extra unit produced, cost increases. So price must increase to cover the costs (curve shows price willing to accept to produce additional unit)</p></li></ul><p></p>
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elastic vs inelastic

  • More responsive to price changes

  • Less responsive

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Elasticity along Demand curve

Higher price, more elastic

Lower price, less elastic - price so low no one cares

<p>Higher price, more elastic</p><p>Lower price, less elastic - price so low no one cares</p>
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PED Determinents

  • Time period

    • More time = more elastic

    • Have more time to respond


    • sub

    • proportion

    • Luxury

    • Addiction

    • Time

<ul><li><p>Time period</p><ul><li><p>More time = more elastic</p></li><li><p>Have more time to respond</p></li></ul></li><li><p>SPLAT</p><ul><li><p>sub</p></li><li><p>proportion</p></li><li><p>Luxury</p></li><li><p>Addiction</p></li><li><p>Time</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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<p>The eagle curve</p>

The eagle curve

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YED on the economy/industries

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YED on recessions

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<p>PES and graph intersecitons</p>

PES and graph intersecitons

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PES determinents

  • Length of time

    • more time higher PES

  • Mobility of FOP

    • Ease of shifting FOP

  • Spare/unused capacity of firms

    • More capacity higher PES

  • Ability to store stocks

    • Quicker to react

  • Rate of input cost increases

    • Higher rate - lower PES

    • Don’t want the costs, harder to get FOP

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<p>PES of primary vs manufactured and PES vs price flunctuations</p>

PES of primary vs manufactured and PES vs price flunctuations

  • Agri has unstable revs

    • so gov will support

<ul><li><p>Agri has unstable revs</p><ul><li><p>so gov will support</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Why govs intervene + Methods

  • Tax revenue

    • low ped good

  • Support for firms

    • Smaller firms to be able to compete with larger

    • Encourage the production of certain good

  • Protect domestic firms

    • tariffs, import quotas

    • Trade protection measures

  • Support low-income households

    • Meet basic needs

  • Decourage production of certain good

    • tax

  • Influence consumption levels

    • Demerit merit goods

    • With subsidies, direct provision of goods, nudges, taxes

    • Command and control methods

      • compulsary education

  • Correct market failure

    • Not allocative efficient

  • Promote equity

    • Fairness

    • Helps redistribute income

<ul><li><p>Tax revenue</p><ul><li><p>low ped good</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Support for firms</p><ul><li><p>Smaller firms to be able to compete with larger</p></li><li><p>Encourage the production of certain good</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Protect domestic firms</p><ul><li><p>tariffs, import quotas</p></li><li><p>Trade protection measures</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Support low-income households</p><ul><li><p>Meet basic needs</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Decourage production of certain good</p><ul><li><p>tax</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Influence consumption levels</p><ul><li><p>Demerit merit goods</p></li><li><p>With subsidies, direct provision of goods, nudges, taxes</p></li><li><p>Command and control methods</p><ul><li><p>compulsary education</p></li></ul></li></ul></li><li><p>Correct market failure</p><ul><li><p>Not allocative efficient</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Promote equity</p><ul><li><p>Fairness</p></li><li><p>Helps redistribute income</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Price ceilings - consequences, how it looks

  • Lower P

  • Lower Qs

  • Lower Rev

  • Higher Qd

  • Disequilibrium

    • Shortage

    • Not enough resources allocated

<ul><li><p>Lower P</p></li><li><p>Lower Qs</p></li><li><p>Lower Rev</p></li><li><p>Higher Qd</p></li><li><p>Disequilibrium</p><ul><li><p>Shortage</p></li><li><p>Not enough resources allocated</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Dealing/effects with/of shortages? - rations

  • Non-Price rationing

    • Divide up resources

      • no longer use price

  • Underground markets

    • Buying/selling that isn’t recorded

    • illegal

    • Those willing to pay more

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Price ceiling welfare impacts


Consumers gaining more benefit than cost of society to produce

  • Consumers partially gain and lose

    • Those buying lower price win

    • Cannot then lose

  • Producers are worse off

<p>MB&gt;MC</p><p>Consumers gaining more benefit than cost of society to produce</p><ul><li><p>Consumers partially gain and lose</p><ul><li><p>Those buying lower price win</p></li><li><p>Cannot then lose</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Producers are worse off</p></li></ul>
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How gov reduce shortage

  • Demand left

    • Reduce price for substitute goods, using subsidies

    • Or rationing good

  • Shift s curve right

    • Subsidies, less tax

    • Direct provision

      • Buffer stock

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Calculating surplus, and loss of trapezium

  • Sum of Vertical parallel lines

<ul><li><p>Sum of Vertical parallel lines</p></li></ul>
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Price floors

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Why price floors

  • Protect resource markets

  • Protect product markets

  • Minimum wages

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Price floors and surplus

  • Gov must buy off

  • Dispose surplus through

    • Exports

    • Storing

    • Or just pay them the money but don’t produce good

<ul><li><p>Gov must buy off</p></li><li><p>Dispose surplus through</p><ul><li><p>Exports</p></li><li><p>Storing</p></li><li><p>Or just pay them the money but don’t produce good</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Consequneces of price floor

  • Firm inefficiency

    • No incentive to reduce costs

  • Overallocation

  • Welfare impacts

    • Consumers: a

    • Producers gain from S above to Qs, below Pf

      • F is not welfare loss bcs it’s gained through this

    • Gov must buy the excess supply from Qs to Qd rectangle

      • Welfare loss = rectangle-f

  • Other countries

    • Worse off for them bcs selling at lower price so may lower market price in world

<ul><li><p>Firm inefficiency</p><ul><li><p>No incentive to reduce costs</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Overallocation</p></li><li><p>Welfare impacts</p><ul><li><p>Consumers: a</p></li><li><p>Producers gain from S above to Qs, below Pf</p><ul><li><p>F is not welfare loss bcs it’s gained through this</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Gov must buy the excess supply from Qs to Qd rectangle</p><ul><li><p>Welfare loss = rectangle-f</p></li></ul></li></ul></li><li><p>Other countries</p><ul><li><p>Worse off for them bcs selling at lower price so may lower market price in world</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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  • Increase prices

<ul><li><p>Increase prices</p></li></ul>
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Why govs impose tax

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Consequences of taxation

  • Underallocation'

  • Tax burden

    • shared by consumers and producers

<ul><li><p>Underallocation&apos;</p></li><li><p>Tax burden</p><ul><li><p>shared by consumers and producers</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Why subsidies

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Impacts of susbidies

  • Producer surplus gained is bcs of the subsidy they get

    • Producer rev = Pp x Qsb

  • Consumer surplus gained bcs of lower price

  • Calculating

    • just add on the surplus

    • Producer: ((Pp - S1 int) x Qsb)/2

    • Consumer: ((D int-Pc) x qsb)/2

  • Foreign producers cannot compete with lower price

<ul><li><p>Producer surplus gained is bcs of the subsidy they get</p><ul><li><p>Producer rev = Pp x Qsb</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Consumer surplus gained bcs of lower price</p></li><li><p>Calculating</p><ul><li><p>just add on the surplus</p></li><li><p>Producer: ((Pp - S1 int)  x Qsb)/2</p></li><li><p>Consumer: ((D int-Pc) x qsb)/2</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Foreign producers cannot compete with lower price</p><p></p></li></ul>
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Command and control regulations - limitations

an approach to protecting the environment that sets strict legal limits and threatens punishment for violations of those limits

  • No incentive to improve quality beyond standard

  • Not applicable for all firms

    • smaller firms cannot handle

  • Large firms can lobby

  • Sacrifice quality/effectiveness

  • Not the most efficient in reducing environemental impacts

    • Taxes better

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Comand and control pros

  • Used when strong compliance is needed

  • solutions to problems are well-known

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Perfect comp Characteristics (HL)

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Monopoly (HL)

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Monopolistic competition (HL)

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Oligopoly (HL)

  • homo or hetero

<ul><li><p>homo or hetero</p></li></ul>
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Competition and market power (HL)

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Theory of firm (HL)

Firms acts in interest of maximizing profits

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Calculating costs of firms (HL)

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Perfect competition price and revenue graph (HL)

  • No influence on price

    • So must accept the market

<ul><li><p>No influence on price</p><ul><li><p>So must accept the market</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Non-Perfect competitiion revenue graph (HL)


<p>MR. DARP</p>
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explicit vs implicit costs (HL)

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MC vs AC (HL)

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<p>Long run AC curve - short vs long (HL)</p>

Long run AC curve - short vs long (HL)

  • Long run = normal profit in PC and MPC

<ul><li><p>Long run = normal profit in PC and MPC</p></li></ul>
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Economies of scale (HL)

the property whereby long-run average total cost falls as the quantity of output increases / FOP increases

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Profit (HL)

  • Short run only can have abnormal profit in Mon Comp and Perfect comp

<ul><li><p>Short run only can have abnormal profit in Mon Comp and Perfect comp</p></li></ul>
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<p>Profit max output (HL)</p>

Profit max output (HL)

For non-perfect, need to go up to D

<p>For non-perfect, need to go up to D</p>
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Normal profit meaning (HL)

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Common pool resources

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The use of resources in a way that does not result in fewer or lower quality of resources for future generations

<p>The use of resources in a way that does not result in fewer or lower quality of resources for future generations</p>
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Renewable vs non

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Market failure

  • The failure to allocate resources efficiently

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MPB and MPC meaning

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Negative production externalities

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Welfare loss in negative production externalities

  • Only need to know about the welfare loss

  • It is a loss of social benefits due to overproduction of the good caused by the externality.

<ul><li><p>Only need to know about the welfare loss</p></li><li><p>It is a loss of social benefits due to overproduction of the good caused by the externality.</p></li></ul>
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<p>Policies to correct negative production externalities (market-based)</p>

Policies to correct negative production externalities (market-based)

  • indirect/piguevian taxes

  • Carbon taxes

    • Taxes on emissions

    • Firms are incentivized to switch to greener sources

  • Tradable permits

    • Permits to pollute issued to firms

      • over particular time period

    • Traded in market

    • Firms can sell the permits unused

      • Incentivizes to switch

      • MSC decrease

<ul><li><p>indirect/piguevian taxes</p></li><li><p>Carbon taxes</p><ul><li><p>Taxes on emissions</p></li><li><p>Firms are incentivized to switch to greener sources</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Tradable permits</p><ul><li><p>Permits to pollute issued to firms</p><ul><li><p>over particular time period</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Traded in market</p></li><li><p>Firms can sell the permits unused</p><ul><li><p>Incentivizes to switch</p></li><li><p>MSC decrease</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
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<p>Pros and cons of market-based policies to correct NPE</p>

Pros and cons of market-based policies to correct NPE

  • Tradable permits

    • need to determine cap

      • cap too high, no effect

      • too low, hardships for firms

    • How to distribute fairly

      • Big firms won’t feel cost of permits

    • requires strong gov to uphold

  • Taxes

    • politically difficult

    • How will it affect consumers

      • low income cannot pay a higher price

    • Large firms can just pay tax

    • Identifying which pollutant is harmful and how to value the harm

  • Countries

    • Disadvantaging themselves against other countries

      • Output will decrease

      • If other country doesn’t use

    • Malaysian haze, indo

<ul><li><p>Tradable permits</p><ul><li><p>need to determine cap</p><ul><li><p>cap too high, no effect</p></li><li><p>too low, hardships for firms</p></li></ul></li><li><p>How to distribute fairly</p><ul><li><p>Big firms won’t feel cost of permits</p></li></ul></li><li><p>requires strong gov to uphold</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Taxes</p><ul><li><p>politically difficult</p></li><li><p>How will it affect consumers</p><ul><li><p>low income cannot pay a higher price</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Large firms can just pay tax</p></li><li><p>Identifying which pollutant is harmful and how to value the harm</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Countries</p><ul><li><p>Disadvantaging themselves against other countries</p><ul><li><p>Output will decrease</p></li><li><p>If other country doesn’t use</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Malaysian haze, indo</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Gov regulation to correct NPE

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Pros, Cons of gov reg on NPE

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Collective self-governance

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<p>Education on NPE</p>

Education on NPE

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