Psychological qualities that make an individuals behavior consistent in different situations and different times.
Freud’s system of treatment for mental disorders. The term is also used to refer to psychoanalytic theory as well.
psychic domain where you are not aware of but holds info/memories that the conscious is not aware of, but they will influence our behavior.
energy that drives us to experience pleasure
thanatos vs. eros
death instinct that drives aggressive and destructive acts that humans commit against each other and themselves. VS…. “mental steam”of the sex drive, can be expressed directly through sexual activity or indirectly through joking or creative pursuits.
Primitive, unconscious, houses basic drives, instinctive desires, acts on impulses, want immediate gratification, only part of personality present at birth.
Values, morals, conscience, should and should nots
conscious, rational, actions gratify ID but do not violate superego
oral stage
pleasure associated with the mouth. sucking, eating
Problems can include smoking, nail-biting
anal stage
pleasure comes from stimulating parts of the body associated with elimination
Problems: messiness, excessive cleanliness, destructiveness, cruelty, coldness
phallic stage
pleasure comes form ”immature” sexual expression such as masturbation
latency stage
quiet period, repression of sexual and aggressive desires, including those involved in theoepedius
genital stage
Final stage, puberty and adulthood, brings mature sexual relationships
oedipus complex
Boys attracted to mother then females their own age, and simultaneously start to develop an identification with their fathers.
Mental process where an individual tries to become like another person
penis envy
female desire to have a penis, because they don’t resulting in an attraction to males.
occurs when psycho-sexual development is arrested at an immature stage
ego defense mechanism
unconscious mental strategies employed to reduce the experience of conflict or anxiety. Deals with conflict between ID and superego.
This ego defense mechanism involves shifting your reaction from the real source of your distress to a safer individual of object.
When we are upset or aroused, we may use the defense of ______ to attribute our own unconscious desires to other people or objects
people using this defense mechanism give socially acceptable reasons for actions that are really based on motives that they believe to be unacceptable
reaction formation
This ego defense mechanism occurs when people act in exact opposition to their true feelings.
unconscious process that excludes unacceptable thoughts and feelings for awareness and memory.
projective tests
personality assessment instruments based on Freud’s ego defense mechanismofprojection
collective unconscious
involves a reservoir for instinctive ‘memories’including archetypes.
memory images in the collective unconscious. Appear and reappear in art, literature, and folktales around the world.
basic anxiety
An emotion proposed by Karen Horney, that gives a sense of uncertainty and loneliness in a hostile world and can lead to maladjustment.
neurotic needs
Normal desires taken to extremes
inferiority complex
feeling of inferiority that is largely unconscious. Comes from childhood.
making up for one’s real or imagined deficiencies
central traits
traits that form the basis of personality
secondary traits
preferences and attitudes
cardinal traits
personality components that define people’s lives, very few individuals have them.
self-actualizing personalities
healthy people who have met basic needs and are free to be creative and fulfill their personalities
reciprocal determinism
a concept that opposes exclusive emphasis on environmental determination of responses and asserts that a reciprocal relationship exists among environment, behavior, and the individual. That is, instead of conceptualizing the environment as a one-way determinant of behavior, ________________ maintains that the environment influences behavior, behavior influences the environment, and both influence the individual, who also influences them. This concept is associated with social learning theory.
fully functioning person
self-actualizing individual, who has a self-concept that is both positive and congruent with reality
locus of control
An individual’s sense of where his or her life influences originate
the basic and pervasive personality dispositions that are apparent in the early childhood and that establish the tempo and mood of the individuals behavior.
five-factor theory (the big five)
trait perspective suggests that personality is made of 5 fundamental personality dimensions: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
psycho-dynamic theories
call attention to motivation, especially unconscious motives, and the influence of past experiences on our mental health
humanistic theories
emphasize our present, subjective reality; what we believe is important now and how we think of ourselves in relation to others.
social-cognitive theories
research experiments, personality is influenced by learning, perception and social interaction.
system of treatment for mental disorders
psychoanalytic theory
theory of personality
psychosexual stages
successive instinctive patterns of associating pleasure with stimulation of specific bodily areas at different times of life.
Rorschach inkblot technique
projective test requiring people to describe what is seen in a series of ten inkblots.
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
projective test requiring an individual to make up stories to explain ambiguous pictures.
psychic determination
acts that are determined by unconscious processes involving traumas, desires, or conflicts.
theorists that broke from Freud but their theories retain a psycho-dynamic aspect
personal unconscious
corresponds with ID
stable personality characteristics, guide thoughts and actions under various conditions
phenomenal field
our psychologic reality, composed of one’s perceptions and feelings
positive psychology
focuses on desirable aspects of human functioning as opposed to an emphasis on psychopathology
observative learning
the process of learning new responses by watching others behavior
personality assessment instrument that gives scores on important clinical traits
attribute of a psychological test that gives consistent results
attribute of a psychological test that actually measures what it is being used to measure
personality test based on Jungian types
switching theories to explain different situations or building one’s own theory of personality from pieces borrowed from many perspectives.
psychic determinism
the position, associated particularly with Sigmund Freud, that mental (psychic) events do not occur by chance but always have an underlying cause that can be uncovered by analysis.
yellow bile balck bile phlegm blood
Four Humors