What is work?
Work and Energy
Power: the amount of work done in one second.
What is a machine?
Machine: a device that makes doing work easier.
Machines can be simple.
Some machines, such as knives, scissors, and doorknobs, are used every day to make doing work easier.
Making Work Easier
of work. Doing the work over a longer distance allows her to use less force.
The Work Done by Machines
the claw exerts the output force.
Mechanical Advantage: The ratio of the output force to the input force
Efficiency: a measure of how much of the work put into a machine is changed into useful output work by the machine.
Types of Simple Machines
Lever: a bar that is free to pivot or turn around a fixed point.
Pulley: a grooved wheel with a rope, chain, or cable running along the groove.
Wheel and Axle: a simple machine consisting of a shaft or axle attached to the center of a larger wheel, so that the wheel and axle rotate together.
Inclined Plane: a sloping surface, such as a ramp, that reduces the amount of force required to do work.
Screw: an inclined plane wrapped in a spiral around a cylindrical post
Wedge: an inclined plane with one or two sloping sides.
Compound Machine: Two or more simple machines that operate together