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involves teacher decisions about student needs, goals and objectives, content, instructional strategies, lesson delivery techniques, instructional media, classroom climate, and student assessment
involves the actual enactment of the instructional plans concerning lesson delivery and assessment
involves determining the level of student learning
Different ways to assess students
portfolios, projects, journals, models, reports
What are the essential teacher characteristics?
Knowledge, skills and dispositions
needed about the content, foundational information about teaching and learning, information about teaching methods in general, and information about teaching techniques unique to particular subjects
needed to plan, implement and access
the necessary values, commitments and professional ethics that influence teacher behavior
What does InTASC stand for?
Interstate New Teacher Assessment Support Consortium
What are InTASC Standards?
A framework for teaching; principles of learning and teaching
includes differences in student characteristics
Students with disabilities
visually, hearing, speech, or physically impaired; emotional disorders; intellectual disabilities; autism; and other classifications
how people teach/how students learn
Standard 1
Learner Development - the teacher understands how each student learns while considering their differences
Standard 2
Learning Differences - Teachers should accommodate student differenecs
Standard 3
Learning Environments - Teachers should work with other significant parties to make sure the learning environment is safe, supportive and positive.
Standard 4
Content Knowledge - Teachers should understand the material they’re teaching
Standard 5
Application of Content - Making connections between the material and the real world
Standard 6
Assessment - Asses your students in a variety of ways to cater to different learning stylesS
Standard 7
Planning for Instruction - Plan something that’s relatable, engaging, and follows standards
Standard 8
Instructional Strategies - Teachers should understand the lesson and apply it within the lesson
Standard 9
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice - Educators must remain informed about new methods and strategies for student learning
Standard 10
Leadership Collaboration - Teaching is a joint effort between learners, families, school professionals, etc.