stanley quotes / stage directions

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“He is of medium height…’

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“He is of medium height…’

“…about five feet eight or nine, and strongly compactly built.” - stage directions, scene one, pg 13

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“Animal joy…”

“…in his being is implicit in all his movements and attitudes.” - stage directions, scene one, pg 13

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“Since earliest manhood…”

“…the centre of his life has been pleasure with women, the giving and taking of it, not with weak indulgence, dependently, but with the power and pride of a richly feathered male bird among hens.” - stage directions, scene one, pg 13

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“He sizes women…”

“…up at a glance, with sexual classifications, crude images flashing into his mind and determining the way he smiles at them.” - stage directions, scene one, pg 13

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“He starts…”

“…to remove his shirt.” - stage directions, scene one, pg 14

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“Have you ever…”

“…heard of the Napoleonic code?” - stanley, scene two, pg 18

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“Since when…”

“…do you give me orders?” - stanley, scene two, pg 19

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“You see, under the…”

“…Napoleonic code - a man has to take an interest in his wife’s affairs - especially now that she’s going to have a baby.” - stanley, scene two, pg 24

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“Aw, for God’s…”

“…sake, go home, then!” - stanley, scene three, pg 28

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“STANLEY gives a…”

“…loud whack of his hand on her thigh.” - stage directions, scene three, pg 29

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“STANLEY stalks…”

“…fiercely […] he tosses the instrument out of the window.” - stage directions, scene three, pg 35

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“STANLEY charges…

“…after STELLA. […] He advances and disappears. There is the sound of a blow.” - stage directions, scene three, pg 35

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“STANLEY is forced…”

“…pinioned by the two men, into the bedroom. He nearly throws them off. […] They speak quietly and lovingly to him and he leans his face on one of their shoulders.” - stage directions, scene three, pg 36

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“There he throws back…”

“…his head like a baying hound and bellows his wife’s name: ‘Stella! Stella, sweetheart! Stella!’ - stage directions, scene three, pg 37

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“… […] I want my baby down here. Stella. Stella!” - stanley, scene three, pg 37

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“[with heaven-splitting…”

“…violence]: STELL-AHHHHH!” - stanley, scene three, pg 38

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“He falls…”

“…on his knees on the steps and presses his face to her belly, curving a little with maternity.” - stanley, scene three, pg 38

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“STANLEY hesitates,…”

“…licking his lips. Then suddenly he turns stealthily about and withdraws through the front door. The women are still unaware of his presence.” - stage directions, scene four, pg 47

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“green and…”

“…scarlet silk bowling shirt.” - stage directions, scene five, pg 50

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“Set down!…”

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“He thought she…”

“…had never been more than kissed by a fellow! But Sister Blanche is no lily! Ha-ha! Some lily she is!” - stanley, scene seven, pg 70

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“Honey, I told you…”

“…I thoroughly checked on these stories! Now wait till I finish.” - stanley, scene seven, pg 71

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“Regarded as…”

“…not just different but downright loco - nuts.” - stanley, scene seven, pg 71

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“A seventeen-year-old boy…”

“… - she’d gotten mixed up with! […] Yep, it was practickly a town ordinance passed against her!” - stanley, scene seven, pg 72

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“She’s not stayin’…”

“…here after Tuesday. You know that, din’t you? Just to make sure I bought her ticket myself. A bus-ticket!” - stanley, scene seven, pg 75

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“Hey, canary…”

“…bird! Toots! Get OUT of the BATHROOM! Must I speak more plainly?” - stanley, scene seven, pg 75

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“Don’t ever talk…”

“…that way to me! ‘Pig - Polack - disgusting - vulgar - greasy!’ - them kind of words have been on your tongue and your sister’s too much around here!” - stanley, scene eight, pg 77

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“You remember the way…”

“…it was? Them nights we had together? God, honey, it’s gonna be sweet when we can make noise in the night the way that we used to and get the coloured lights going with nobody’s sister behind the curtains to hear us!” - stanley, scene eight, pg 79

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“But what I am…”

“…is a one hundred per cent American, born and raised in the greatest country on earth and proud as hell of it, so don’t ever call me a Polack.” - stanley, scene eight, pg 79

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“Sister Blanche, I’ve got…”

“…a little birthday remembrance for you. […] Ticket! Back to Laurel! On the Greyhound! Tuesday!” - stanley, scene eight, pg 81

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“He still has…”

“…on the vivid green silk bowling shirt.” - stanley, scene ten, pg 90

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“Here’s something I…”

“…always break out on special occasions like this! The silk pyjamas I wore on my wedding night!” - stanley, scene ten, pg 92

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“There isn’t a…”

“…goddam thing but imagination! […] And lies and conceit and tricks!” - stanley, scene ten, pg 94

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“I’ve been on…”

“I’ve been on to you from the start! Not once did you pull any wool over this boy’s eyes! […] I say - Ha - Ha! Do you hear me? Ha - ha - ha!” - stanley, scene ten, pg 94

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“[softly]: Come to…”

“…think of it - maybe you wouldn’t be bad to - interfere with…” - stanley, scene ten, pg 96

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“Oh! So you want…

“…some rough-house! All right, let’s have some rough house!” - stanley, scene ten, pg 96

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“Tiger - tiger!…”

“…Drop the bottle-top! Drop it! We’ve had this date with each other from the beginning!” - stanley, scene ten, pg 97

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“Hold this…”

“…bone-headed cry-baby!” - stanley, scene eleven, pg 106

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“[voluptuously, soothingly]: Now,…”

“…honey. Now, low. Now, now love. [He kneels beside her and his fingers find the opening of her blouse.] Now, now, love. Now, love…” - stanley, scene eleven, pg 107

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