Destination B1

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Tra cứu từ vựng theo từ điển

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Phrasal Verbs - Bảng tra từ và trong quá trình học

1218 Terms


Tra cứu từ vựng theo từ điển

cam = ox = long = studyvn , sbd = sth .

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add up = add up sth = add sth up . Can you add up these numbers for me?/The waiter can't add up./Add up all the money I owe you./We added up the cost of everything we wanted to buy and divided the total between us. /I can add up in my head quite easily./Specialized software adds up the statistics./If you add up these numbers, you'll get the total cost./Please add up all the expenses for the trip./If you add up all the scores, our team is in the lead./Can you add up the numbers in this column for me?/He quickly added up the figures in his head./I need to add up all my receipts to see how much I spent this month./She added up the hours she worked each day to calculate her total overtime./Let's add up the expenses for this project to see if we're within budget./The cashier added up my groceries quickly and gave me the total./Let's add up all the hours we've worked this week to calculate our pay./Could you please add up the prices of these items on the receipt?/I need to add up the costs of the materials before I can give you a quote./After adding up all the numbers, the accountant found a small mistake./The shop assistant added up what I had bought and told me the total .

tính tổng số , tính tổng , cộng ( thứ , cái gì đó ) .

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blow up = blow sth /sbd up = blow up sth/sbd . The plane blew up in midair./Luckily , the bomb did not blow up./The police station was blown up by terrorists./They threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met./He drove over a landmine and his Jeep blew up./Rebels attempted to blow up the bridge./The fireworks blew up in a spectacular display./The fireworks blew up in a spectacular display./The old building blew up when the gas leak ignited./The bomb blew up in the middle of the street, causing widespread panic./The car blew up after colliding with the truck./The experiment went wrong, and the lab equipment blew up./The plane blew up shortly after takeoff./The boiler blew up due to excessive pressure./The chemical factory blew up after a safety violation./The old barn blew up in a massive explosion./They blew up the old building to make way for the new shopping mall./The demolition team will blow up the old building tomorrow./The military is planning to blow up the abandoned warehouse./They had to blow up the boulder blocking the road.

nổ tung , phát nổ ( thứ , cái gì đó ) .

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break down . The car broke down just north of Paris. /The printing machines are always breaking down./The telephone system has broken down./We (= the car) broke down on the freeway./Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road./The car broke down on the way to work./Our washing machine broke down last night./The elevator broke down, so we had to use the stairs./My laptop broke down just before the deadline./The computer system broke down due to a power surge./Their communication system broke down during the storm./The refrigerator broke down, so we had to call a repair technician./"The car broke down on the way to the airport./The printer broke down during the printing of important documents./he dishwasher broke down right before Thanksgiving dinner./The air conditioner broke down in the middle of a heatwave./The generator broke down during the power outage/Her smartphone broke down after she dropped it in water.

hỏng , hỏng hóc , ngừng hoạt động .

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break in/into = break into sth . The police caught the thieves just as they were trying to break in./Someone broke in while we were away on vacation./The burglars broke into the house through a window./Someone broke in while we were on vacation and stole our electronics./The police caught the burglars in the act of breaking in./We had our car broken into last week./Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment./Thieves broke into our office downtown and stole the computers./Thieves broke into the store and stole valuable electronics./She heard a noise like someone was trying to break into her car./The hackers managed to break into the company's database and steal customer information. /Burglars broke into the bank vault and stole a significant amount of cash./The adventurous kids managed to break into the abandoned building to explore./Hackers attempted to break into the government's secure network but were detected before they could access any sensitive data./The thieves broke into the museum and stole a famous painting./It's unsettling to hear about someone trying to break in to your garage./The students tried to break in to the locked classroom to retrieve their textbooks.

đột nhập ( vào cái , thứ , nơi nào đó ) .

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bring up sbd = bring sbd up . She brought up three sons on her own ./She brought up five children./He was brought up by his aunt.//They were brought up in a strict religious household./Parents should bring up their children with love and discipline./She was brought up by her grandparents after her parents passed away. /He was brought up in a strict household where rules were always enforced./They are bringing up their children in a bilingual environment. /He was brought up in a religious household, attending church regularly./She was brought up in a small town but moved to the city for university./She was brought up in a multicultural environment. /He was brought up in a strict military family./He was brought up on a diet of political propaganda from birth./My father was a real authoritarian so we were brought up very strictly./She brought up her children in just the same way her mother did./Ann was born and brought up in Ealing./He's got some funny ideas about how to bring up children.

nuôi nấng , dạy dỗ , nuôi dạy ai đó

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bring sbd up to do sth . In my day, children were brought up to respect the law./They brought her up to be a Catholic./She brought up her children to be respectful and kind./She was brought up to always respect her elders. /Parents should bring up their children to be independent and responsible. /She was brought up to always be polite and considerate towards others./Good parents bring up their children to be honest and trustworthy./His parents brought him up to always tell the truth./She was brought up to appreciate the value of hard work./They were brought up to respect different cultures and traditions. /He was brought up to speak multiple languages fluently. /She was brought up to handle difficult situations calmly. /They were brought up to always help those in need./Her grandparents brought her up to appreciate nature and care for the environment. /He was brought up to manage finances wisely from a young age./They were brought up to believe in the importance of education./David was brought up to respect authority.

nuôi dạy , nuôi nấng , dạy dỗ ai đó để làm gì đó .

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bring sbd up sth/sbd = bring sbd up as sth/sbd . I was brought up a Catholic./He was brought up as a devout Christian. /She was brought up as a strong, independent woman./They brought up their son as a musician./She was brought up as an athlete, participating in sports from a young age. /He was brought up as a scientist, with a strong focus on academic achievement./They were brought up as entrepreneurs, encouraged to start their own businesses./She was brought up as a vegetarian, so she doesn't eat meat./He was brought up as a diplomat's son, attending international schools around the world./They were brought up as environmental activists, participating in protests and awareness campaigns./They were brought up as global citizens, with a strong sense of responsibility towards international issues./He was brought up as an artist, encouraged to explore his creativity./She was brought up as a feminist, advocating for gender equality from a young age./He was brought up as a chef, learning cooking techniques from a young age./She was brought up as a scholar, always excelling in academics./They were brought up as adventurers, exploring different cultures and places.

được dạy dỗ , nuôi nấng , nuôi dạy như ai hoặc cái , thứ gì đó hoặc được dạy dỗ , nuôi nấng , nuôi dạy để trở thành ai hoặc cái gì đó .

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build up = build up sth = build sth up = build up between sth. Her confidence began to build up as she received positive feedback/These exercise are good for building up leg strength ./Tension is building up between the two communities./the rate at which the pension builds up./We tried to build his confidence up./ We need to build up our savings for the future./She's been working hard to build up her endurance for the marathon./Regular exercise helps build up your strength and endurance.

tăng , tăng dần ( thứ , cái gì đó ) và tăng dần giữa cái , thứ gì đó .

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call back = call sbd back .She said she'd call back./ I will call you back later when you are not so busy./I'm waiting for someone to call me back with a price./I missed a call from my boss this morning. I need to call him back as soon as possible./I couldn't answer when my friend called earlier. I'll call her back after lunch./The customer left a message about an urgent issue. Please call them back immediately./The doctor asked me to call him back tomorrow to discuss the test results./Mom called while I was driving. I need to pull over and call her back to see what she needed./I missed my friend's call last night. I'll call her back today to catch up./The technician left a voicemail about the repair. Can you call her back and schedule an appointment?/My colleague called me earlier, but I was in a meeting. I'll call him back after I finish this report./Sarah left a message on my voicemail. I need to call her back to discuss the project details./The client called with a question about the contract. I promised to call him back with the answers./He called me yesterday evening, but I was busy. I'll call him back tonight./The doctor called back to confirm the appointment for tomorrow./My lawyer called with updates on the case. I need to call her back to discuss our next steps./My grandmother called while I was out. I'll call her back to check on how she's doing./The HR department called to confirm my interview time. I'll call them back to confirm my availability./Dad called about the family reunion. I'll call him back to let him know if I can make it

gọi lại ( ai đó )

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call off = call sth off = call sth off . The concert has been called off because of the weather./ Rescuers had to call off the search because of worsening weather conditions./ The trip to Italy might be called off./Tomorrow's match has been called off because of the icy weather./The police have called off the search for the missing child until dawn tomorrow./The union called off strike action planned for today./Union leaders called the strike off at the last minute./The companies called off their merger plans late Monday citing 'adverse market conditions./The coach called off practice because of the heavy rain./They had to call off the meeting due to a sudden emergency./They called off their vacation plans due to illness./The parade was called off because of security concerns./They had to call off their trip to Europe because of the travel restrictions./The outdoor concert was called off due to the thunderstorm./The marathon was called off at the last minute because of safety concerns./They decided to call off the protest after reaching an agreement with local authorities.

hủy ( thứ , cái gì đó ) .

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calm down = calm = calm sbd/sth/one’s self = calm sbd/sth/one’s self down = calm down sbd/sth/one’s self . Look, calm down! We'll find her./Calm down, for goodness sake. It's nothing to get excited about!/. He tried to calm the frightened children. /She lit a cigarette to calm herself down./He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down./ She lit a cigarette to calm herself down./She took a few deep breaths to calm herself before giving the presentation./He tried to calm the angry customer by listening patiently to their concerns./The moderator intervened to calm the heated discussion between the two parties./She drank a cup of herbal tea to calm her nerves before the exam./He practiced meditation to calm himself before the job interview./He went for a walk in the park to calm himself after receiving the bad news./Take a deep breath and try to calm down./She tried to calm her baby by rocking him gently./He needs to calm himself before making a decision./She tried to calm herself down before confronting her boss./He calmed the situation down by offering a compromise./She needed to calm down herself before making any decisions./He calmed down the argument by apologizing./She needed to calm down before making any decisions./The teacher asked the students to calm down after the surprise announcement./He needed some time alone to calm himself down after the argument./The therapist helped him calm his anxiety with relaxation techniques./She needed some soothing music to calm her nerves before the big exam./Please calm down and let's talk about this calmly./He closed his eyes to calm himself before speaking in front of the large audience./She took a walk in the park to calm herself after a stressful day at work./The teacher tried to calm down the students after the fire alarm went off unexpectedly./He quickly calmed himself down before confronting the difficult situation./She needed to calm down her dog when it started barking loudly./He tried to calm himself down after receiving disappointing news.

bình tĩnh , trở nên bình tĩnh và làm ai đó hoặc cái gì đó trở nên bình tĩnh , bình tĩnh và làm dịu lại thứ gì đó

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carry on = carry on sth = carry sth on = carry on with sth = carry on doing sth . I'll just carry on till I've got the job finished./You just have to carry on as if nothing's happened./Carry on the good work!/ Sorry to interupt , please carry on (with what you were saying)./Let's carry on with what we agreed for now./Mr Dean carried on his baking business until he retired./ It was so noisy it was hard to carry on a conversation./Daphne is carrying on the family tradition by becoming a lawyer./Carry on with your work while I'm away./Steve just carried on playing on his computer ./He'll finish up dead if he carries on drinking like that!/She'll find herself with no friends at all if she carries on behaving like this./You’ll have an accident if you carry on driving like that./He carried on peeling the potatoes./Please carry on with your work; I'll be back soon./They decided to carry on the project despite the challenges./Let's carry on the discussion tomorrow./He decided to carry on with his studies despite the difficulties./She carried on talking even though no one was listening./Please carry on with your presentation while I set up the projector./Despite the rain, they decided to carry on with the outdoor event./They plan to carry on the renovation of the house next month./She's determined to carry on her father's legacy in the business./Let's carry on the discussion from where we left off yesterday./The school decided to carry on the tradition of celebrating Founders' Day every year./He carried on with his studies despite the distractions./After the break, they carried on with the football match./She carried on singing even though her voice was getting hoarse./He carried on working late into the night to finish the project./Even though it was late, they decided to carry on with their journey./Please carry on with your meal; I'll join you in a moment./The company plans to carry on the expansion despite the economic challenges./She carried on her father's tradition of baking cookies every Christmas./Let's carry on the discussion about our vacation plans./The teacher carried on the lesson after the interruption./He carried on with his studies despite the distractions around him./Despite the rain, they carried on with the outdoor concert./She carried on singing despite the audience's lack of enthusiasm./They carried on working together to finish the project on time.

tiếp tục ( thứ , cái , việc gì đó và làm thứ gì đó ) .

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catch up = catch sbd up = catch up with sbd/sth = catch up to sbd/sth . There is still plenty of time in this race for our athlete to catch up./ I miss so much school that he’s going to find it hard to catch up ./If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to catch up./He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch up./After missing a term through illness, he had to work hard to catch up with the others./Drive faster – they’re catching up with us./Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you./ She only started walking a few minutes ago - you can easily catch her up./At the moment our technology is more advanced, but other countries are catching up with us./Will Western industry ever catch up with Japanese innovations?/Go on to the shops without me, I'll catch you up./I ran after her and managed to catch up with her./It was years before demand for office space caught up with supply./Their newer competitors are threatening to catch them up./We’re a young, growing company, and we’re trying to catch up to the competition./We’re a young, growing company, and we’re trying to catch up to the competition./He studied hard to catch up after missing a week of classes./I need to catch up with the latest news./Despite starting late, he managed to catch up to the leading group./He's lagging behind a bit - I think we'd better wait for him to catch us up./The leader is about 50 yards ahead and I'd be amazed if the others can catch her up./The others ran down the platform and then waited impatiently for me to catch them up, with all the luggage./The team needs to catch up with their competitors in terms of sales./He struggled to catch up with his classmates after being sick for a week./The company is trying to catch up with technological advancements in their industry./Despite the late start, she managed to catch up to the leading runners./The country is working hard to catch up to its neighbors in economic development./The company struggled to catch up with its competitors' technological advancements./She's trying to catch up with her older siblings in terms of career achievements./Despite the late start, the team managed to catch up to the leading group in the race./The company is striving to catch up to market leaders in terms of product innovation.

bắt kịp , đuổi kịp , theo kịp ( với ai đó ) .

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cheer up = cheer up sbd/one’s = cheer sbd/one’s self up. You'd better get dressed and cheer up. The guests are coming any minute./They cheered up when they saw us coming along./Cheer up! Things aren’t really that bad.Give Mary a call; she needs cheering up./They cheered up when they saw us coming along/I cheered her up with a trip to the zoo./I cheered her up with memories of our holidays together./Talking to Jane cheered me up a lot./All my attempts to cheer her up proved futile./Nothing I could say would cheer her up./My dog came and nuzzled my foot to try and cheer me up./He tried to cheer her up but found himself unequal to the task./She plays music to cheer her husband up./As a clown he visits local hospitals to cheer up sick children./I have to cheer myself up with a holiday trip because I have been working without a single break in my life. There is a lot of pressure that needs to be reduced./She went shopping to cheer herself up./She tried to cheer up her friend who had a bad day at work./He cheered up the children with funny stories./The surprise party really cheered up Sarah./She tried to cheer herself up by watching a comedy movie./He cheered himself up by going for a long walk in the park./I bought her flowers to cheer her up after a rough day./His friends tried to cheer him up by taking him out for dinner./The puppy's playful antics cheered up everyone in the room./She cheered up her sister with a heartfelt letter./After the exam, he cheered himself up by treating himself to his favorite dessert./She cheered herself up by listening to her favorite music./She was feeling down, so her friends decided to throw a surprise party to cheer her up./Just seeing his favorite team win cheered him up instantly./The comedian's jokes cheered up the entire audience./He cheered up his mother by cooking her favorite meal./She sent him a funny video to cheer him up after a stressful day./His friends cheered him up with a surprise birthday party./She cheered herself up by listening to her favorite music./She bought him his favorite ice cream to cheer him up after a bad day./The children drew colorful pictures to cheer up their grandmother in the hospital./Her friends cheered her up by organizing a movie night./He cheered his brother up by telling him funny jokes./She cheered herself up by going for a walk in the park./He cheered himself up by watching funny cat videos online./She received a bouquet of flowers to cheer her up after a difficult week./Watching a comedy show always cheers him up when he's feeling down./Her friends cheered her up by throwing a surprise birthday party./He cheered his sister up by singing her favorite song./She cheered herself up by baking cookies, her favorite comfort food./He cheered himself up by spending time with his pets./She was feeling down about not getting the job, but her friends took her out to dinner to cheer her up./A heartfelt apology can sometimes be enough to cheer someone up after an argument./His friends decided to cheer him up by throwing a surprise party for his promotion./I cheered my mom up by making her favorite dessert after a stressful day at work./She cheered herself up by spending the afternoon gardening, her favorite hobby./He cheered himself up by listening to upbeat music on his way to work./When she saw the sun shining outside, it cheered her up immediately./After hearing the good news, everyone in the office seemed to cheer up./When she saw the sun shining outside, it cheered her up immediately./After hearing the good news, everyone in the office seemed to cheer up./He cheered his team up with a motivational speech before the big game./The colorful decorations cheered up the entire room for the holiday party./She cheered herself up by treating herself to a spa day./After a long week, he cheered himself up by going out for a nice dinner.

trở nên vui vẻ , vui lên và làm ai đó , trở nên vui vẻ , vui lên

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clear up = clear up sth = clear sth up = clear up after sbd . I don’t mind you using the kitchen as long as you clear up afterwards./Dad was clearing up in the kitchen./It's time to clear up./Clear up your own mess!/I want you to clear all this mess up./ I'm tired of always having to clear up after you./ I get really tired of clearing up after you/I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time ./I need to clear up the mess in my room./Let's clear up the kitchen after dinner./After the party, we all helped to clear up the mess./Clear up your room before your friends come over./We should clear up the garage this weekend./Clear up your desk before you leave for the day./We need to clear up the garden before winter arrives./Please clear up the dining table after you finish eating./We spent the entire afternoon clearing up the garage./Make sure to clear up your workspace before leaving./I'm tired of always having to clear up after you. Please clean up your own mess!/The office was a mess, and I had to clear up after everyone left./The students left their papers everywhere, and the teacher had to clear up after them./The janitor clears up after the employees every evening./Parents often have to clear up after their children when they play with toys./She always clears up after her husband cooks dinner./It's frustrating to clear up after colleagues who don't clean up their own workspaces./The teacher had to clear up after the students left the classroom in a mess./At the end of the day, the janitor clears up after all the students./The busboy cleared up after the diners left the table./After a busy lunch rush, the staff had to clear up after many customers./The hosts had to clear up after the party guests./Volunteers stayed late to clear up after the charity event.

dọn dẹp ( thứ , cái gì đó ) và dọn dẹp cho ai đó .

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come across sbd/sth . He came across some of his old love letters in his wife's desk./I came across an old diary in her desk./ I’ve never come across anyone quite like her before. /We’ve come across a few problems that need resolving./I came across children sleeping under bridges./She came across some old photographs in a drawer./She came across some interesting books while browsing online./I came across an old friend at the supermarket yesterday./He came across some interesting facts while researching for his thesis./During my trip, I came across a quaint little café that served amazing pastries./While cleaning the attic, I came across some old photographs./She came across a valuable antique while browsing through flea market stalls./While reading the book, I came across a passage that really resonated with me./They came across an abandoned cabin while hiking in the woods./She came across a handwritten letter from her grandmother tucked away in an old book./While researching for her article, she came across an interesting study about sleep patterns./He came across a rare coin collection at a local auction./During their travels, they came across many fascinating landmarks./He came across an old journal in the attic that belonged to his great-grandfather./She came across an old photo album while cleaning out her grandmother's attic./During the hike, they came across a beautiful waterfall hidden deep in the forest./She came across some fascinating historical artifacts during her visit to the museum./While browsing the internet, I came across an interesting article about space exploration.

tình cờ gặp , gặp phải ai hoặc cái , thứ gì đó hoặc tình cờ tìm thấy , phát hiện ra , khám phá ra ai hoặc cái , thứ gì đó .

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come back = come back from sth = come back to do sth = come back to sth . Once you've been in France a few days, your French will soon come back./Come back and see us again sometime./You came back very late last night./The pain in her arm came back again. /It took a while for my confidence to come back./I'll come back and pick you up in half an hour./We've just come back from Amsterdam./When is Tom coming back from Ireland?/She will come back home after finishing her studies abroad./He came back from his trip to Asia with lots of souvenirs./The team came back stronger than ever after their defeat last season./He came back from his business trip feeling refreshed and ready to work./She went on vacation for two weeks and just came back yesterday./After a long day at work, I look forward to coming back home./He promised to come back and visit us next summer./I have to come back to the office tomorrow after my vacation./She came back from her trip to Europe with amazing stories and experiences./He came back from his injury stronger and more determined than ever./They came back from the brink of defeat to win the championship./She finally came back to her studies after taking a break./He came back to his original plan after considering other options./After years of studying, she finally came back to her hometown to start a business./After many years abroad, she decided to come back to her roots and reconnect with her family./They just came back from a business trip to Asia./He went on vacation for a week, but he came back home feeling refreshed./He went on a long vacation but came back home feeling homesick./The actor took a break from acting, but he eventually came back to star in a new movie./She left her hometown to pursue her dreams, but she always knew she would come back one day./After a year abroad, he finally came back from studying in Europe./They just came back from their honeymoon in the Caribbean./The team came back from a huge deficit to win the championship./After the accident, it took him a while to come back to his normal routine./She left her job to raise her children, but she plans to come back to work once they are older./He had to come back to fix the mistakes he made in his project./He had to come back to reality after the vacation./She left her hometown to pursue her education, but she always planned to come back to help her community./The artist came back to painting after a long hiatus./The company faced challenges but managed to come back to profitability./S/After years of traveling, he decided to come back to settle down in his hometown./Let's come back to the point at issue./It all comes back to a question of money./We need to come back to the issue of employee morale./Now, let's come back to the main point we discussed earlier./Let's come back to the budget proposal after we discuss the marketing plan./The article will come back to this topic in more detail later./After discussing the new product launch strategy, let's come back to the budget allocation for advertising./We've covered several topics today. Now, let's come back to the proposal for restructuring the sales team./You mentioned your experience in project management earlier. Can you come back to how you handled a challenging project?/Having discussed the theoretical framework, the study will come back to empirical findings in the next section

quay trở lại , trở lại ( từ nơi nào đó hoặc sau thứ , cái gì đó và để làm gì đó và thứ , cái gì đó ) .

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come on .  Come on, we’ll be late!/Come on, you can do it!/Come on, then, hit me!/Oh, come on. You have no evidence whatsover./Oh come on, Kylie, you made the same excuse last week!/Oh, come on—you know that isn't true!/Come on! We don't have much time./Come on! Try once more./Come on, we’ll be late!/Come on, you can do it!/Come on, cheer up!/Oh come on, don’t lie!/Come on, then, hit me!/Come on, we're going to be late!/Oh, come on! That's not fair./Come on! You can't be serious./Come on, don't be so hard on yourself. You did your best./Come on, follow me. I'll show you where it is./Come on, let's go to the movies tonight.

nhanh lên , thôi nào , lại đây , dù sao đi nữa , thôi được rồi .

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come out. When does their new album come out?/When is the new edition coming out?/When is her new novel coming out?/When does their new album come out?/The new book will come out next month./The movie will come out next week. /The new iPhone is coming out in September./Her new book will come out next month. /When does the latest issue of the magazine come out?

được xuất bản , được sản xuất , được ra mắt .

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cross sth out/through = cross out/through sth. If you think it's wrong, cross it out and write it again./Just cross it out and rewrite it correctly ./Please cross through the items on the list that are no longer needed./She crossed out her mistake and rewrote the sentence correctly./He carefully crossed the incorrect answer out on his exam paper. /Could you please cross out the old prices and write the new ones on the price tags?/She crossed out the wrong phone number and wrote the correct one./Don't forget to cross through the items you've completed on the checklist. /The editor crossed out unnecessary paragraphs to tighten the article./She crossed through each item on her to-do list as she completed it./He crossed his old address out and wrote the new one on the envelope./Please cross these errors out with a red pen so they're easy to spot. /He crossed through the names of the people who had already RSVPed for the event./The teacher crossed out the incorrect answers on the test paper. /She crossed her old phone number out of her address book./Please cross out the incorrect information and write the correct details next to it./Before submitting the form, please cross out any sections that do not apply to you. /He asked me to cross his name out of the list of attendees because he couldn't make it to ./The editor crossed through the unnecessary paragraphs to improve the flow of the article. /She crossed out the wrong date on her calendar and circled the correct one./She carefully crossed out the incorrect address on the package and wrote the correct one./The teacher crossed through the mistakes in red ink to help the student understand where corrections were needed./Could you please cross out the items that are no longer available on the menu? /After signing the contract, she realized a mistake and had to cross the wrong date out and write the correct one.

gạch bỏ , gạch đi thứ gì đó

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cut down sth = cut sth down = cut down on sth/doing sth = cut down sth to sth = cut sth down to sth . Seat belts have cut down the number of injuries in car accidents./This new system should cut down the time spent in meetings./I won't have a coffee, thanks—I'm trying to cut down/ She used to work 50 hours a week, but recently she's cut down./Patients were asked if they had cut down their use of painkillers./Your essay’s too long – it needs cutting down a little./I won't have a coffee, thanks—I'm trying to cut down/I'm trying to cut down on caffeine./I’ve decided to cut down on snacks./I'm trying to cut down on fatty foods/I’ve always smoked, but I’m trying to cut down./The supermarket chain has promised to cut down on packaging./We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words./ I need to cut this section down to 500 words./They decided to cut down their spending on unnecessary items./She needs to cut down on caffeine because it affects her sleep./They cut down their expenses to $200 per week to save for the upcoming holiday./They had to cut their vacation time down to just two weeks due to work commitments./They decided to cut down their meat consumption to reduce their carbon footprint./The company plans to cut down its workforce by 10% due to financial difficulties./He needs to cut down on smoking for the sake of his health./They decided to cut down on their use of plastic bags by switching to reusable ones./They managed to cut down their monthly expenses to $1000 to save for their children's education./She reduced her speech to five minutes by cutting down unnecessary details./They had to cut down their holiday plans to a weekend getaway due to unexpected work commitments./The chef cut down the recipe to serve just two people instead of four./They decided to cut down expenses by eating out less often./She decided to cut down on sugar to improve her dental health./He needs to cut down on smoking if he wants to improve his lung function./They cut down their expenses to $100 a week by cooking at home./They managed to cut their project timeline down to three months with better planning./They decided to cut down their electricity usage to save money./He needs to cut down his workload to reduce stress. /We're trying to cut down on sugar in our diet. /He needs to cut down on spending if he wants to save for a vacation./She decided to cut down on watching TV to have more time for hobbies./He's trying to cut down on drinking coffee after dinner to sleep better. /They cut down their monthly expenses to $500 by budgeting carefully./She managed to cut down her presentation time to 15 minutes without losing important points./They cut down the number of applicants to five finalists for the job position./She managed to cut down her weight to 60 kilograms through exercise and diet./They decided to cut down their daily coffee consumption to one cup in the morning./The company needs to cut down its production costs to remain competitive in the market./He needs to cut down on fast food if he wants to improve his health./They decided to cut down on household expenses by switching to a more budget-friendly grocery store/She promised to cut down on spending hours on social media every day./He's trying to cut down on using his car for short trips to save on fuel costs./They managed to cut down their monthly expenses to $100 by eliminating unnecessary subscriptions./They cut down the list of potential candidates to three finalists for the job position./She managed to cut down her marathon time to under four hours with rigorous training.

cắt giảm , cắt bớt , giảm bớt , giảm thứ , cái gì đó và cắt giảm , cắt bớt , giảm , giảm bớt thứ , cái gì đó xuống thứ , cái gì đó .

New cards

cut sth off = cut off sth = cut sth off sth. She cut off a piece of cake for each of us./Remember to cut off the fat before you fry the steak./One of his fingers was cut off in the accident../Cut the fat off the meat./ ./He cut off his hair for charity./I cut the peel off the orange./Keep your roses healthy by cutting off any dead flowers./He cut off a piece of cake for himself./He cut a slice off the loaf of bread. /She cut a piece off the fabric to make a patch./The carpenter cut a length off the wooden board to fit the measurement/She cut off a piece of cake for each of us./He cut off a branch from the tree./He cut off a piece of cheese and offered it to me./She cut off a lock of hair from her daughter's head as a keepsake./ The chef cut off a slice of bread from the loaf to serve with the soup./The sculptor cut off a piece of marble from the block to start shaping the statue./She carefully cut off the damaged part of the fabric before sewing the dress./He cut off a piece of wire from the roll to repair the fence./She cut off a piece of cake for each guest./He cut off a few inches from the end of the wooden plank to make it fit in the car./He cut a piece off the cake and gave it to his friend. /She cut off a corner of the paper to make it fit in the envelope./The tailor cut a strip off the fabric to use as a belt./The artist cut off a corner of the canvas to create a smaller painting./The carpenter cut a section off the wooden beam to adjust its length. /He cut a piece off the cloth to use for making a patch on his jeans./She cut a slice off the pizza and handed it to her friend. /She cut a chunk off the block of cheese to serve with crackers./He cut a paragraph off the end of his essay to meet the word limit./The editor cut a subplot off the movie to streamline the storyline./The sculptor cut a piece off the marble block to create a smaller sculpture.

cắt bỏ , cắt đứt , cắt ra , cắt , một cái gì đó ( ra khỏi , khỏi hoặc từ cái , thứ gì đó ) .

New cards

get cut off = be cut off . I don’t know what happened – we just got cut off./We got cut off before she could give me directions. /We could get cut off - the battery in my phone is low./We were cut off in the middle of our conversation because of a bad signal./We were cut off in the middle of our conversation./She was in the middle of explaining her idea when she was cut off by the meeting ending./The radio station's signal got cut off during the storm./I was talking on the phone when I suddenly got cut off./His internet connection frequently gets cut off during bad weather./The live broadcast got cut off due to technical difficulties./While driving through the tunnel, their phone call suddenly got cut off./She was cut off in the middle of her sentence by the sudden power outage./As they approached the mountains, their radio signal got cut off./During the interview, the candidate's microphone kept getting cut off, making communication difficult./She got cut off in the middle of her sentence when her phone battery died./During the conference call, he kept getting cut off because of the poor reception in his area./During the storm, the phone lines got cut off, and we couldn't reach anyone for hours./He got cut off in the middle of his presentation due to a sudden power outage./The livestream kept getting cut off because of unstable internet connection./While discussing their plans, the phone call suddenly got cut off, leaving them frustrated./The internet connection kept getting cut off during the online class, disrupting the students' learning

bị ngắt kết nối , bị mất kết nối .

New cards

do sth up =do up sth. Do up your coat or you’ll get cold./He never bothers to do his jacket up./These trousers must have shrunk - I can't do them up./Can you help me to do up my dress?/This watch strap is very fiddly - can you do it up for me?/Do your shoes/laces up before you trip over./If you don't do up the cage properly the hamster will escape./She did up her hair for the party./Do up your shoelaces before you trip./She did up the buttons on her blouse before leaving for work./The child couldn't do up the zipper on his jacket by himself./Do up your coat or you’ll get cold./He never bothers to do his jacket up./She quickly did up her shoelaces before running out the door./He couldn’t do up the zipper on his suitcase because it was stuck.

kéo khóa thứ gì đó lên , kéo lên thứ gì đó , kéo lại thứ gì đó , cài thứ gì đó hoặc buộc , buộc chặt thứ gì đó , kéo khóa thứ gì đó .

New cards

do up. The skirt do up at the back./These trousers won't do up./Does this skirt do up at the side or at the back?/He's put on so much weight that his best trousers won't do up any more.

được kéo khóa lên , được kéo lên , được cài , được buộc , được kéo khóa .

New cards

eat out . Do you eat out a lot?/Do you feel like eating out tonight?/When I lived in Spain, I used to eat out all the time./We eat out all the time./We don't eat out very often./She didn't eat out yesterday./He said that he wanted to eat out tonight./They rarely eat out./We used to eat out every Friday./I think I can out-eat anyone when it comes to popcorn - it's just so delicious./The film features a notorious scene with an extreme eating competition where the participants try to outeat one another./It was a big night out where I was out-eaten and out-drunk by all the others./They decided to eat out tonight because they didn't feel like cooking./We usually eat out on Fridays as a treat after a long week.

ăn ở ngoài , đi ăn ở ngoài .

New cards

fall out = fall out with sbd = fall out over/about sth . John and Mike were roommates for years, but they've fallen out recently because of conflicts over household chores./The teammates used to celebrate victories together, but they've fallen out recently due to disagreements over team strategy./ Jenny and Lisa used to share everything, but they've fallen out recently because Jenny forgot Lisa's birthday./ They used to study together every day, but they've fallen out recently because of a misunderstanding about a project deadline./Jack and Mark were best friends since childhood, but they've fallen out recently over a business deal gone wrong./The neighbors used to have barbecues together every weekend, but they've fallen out recently due to a dispute over property boundaries.Sarah and Jane used to be inseparable, but they've fallen out recently over a disagreement about vacation plans./They used to be close friends, but they've fallen out recently./Have you two fallen out?/I fell down with An last week./He left home after falling out with his parents./ Carrie’s always falling out with people./ She'd fallen out with her boyfriend over his ex-girlfriend./They fell out over a misunderstanding./They fell out over who should take responsibility./They fell out over money issues./The two fell out over coaching tactics a long time ago./She fell out with her best friend over a misunderstanding./They fell out over money issues./Tom fell out with his best friend over a misunderstanding./ They fell out with their neighbors because of the noise./They fell out over who should pay for the damage./ The team fell out about the strategy for the project. /Sarah fell out with her sister after they argued about borrowing clothes without asking./They fell out with their business partners over disagreements about the future direction of the company./ The siblings fell out over who should inherit their parents' house./They fell out about the allocation of funds for the project, leading to delays in progress./Tom and his best friend fell out over a misunderstanding about borrowing a car without asking./ Sarah fell out with her sister after a heated argument about household responsibilities./The team fell out about how to allocate the budget for the upcoming project./ The siblings fell out over who should inherit their parents' antique furniture./The colleagues fell out with each other over a promotion that only one person could get./ Emma fell out with her roommate after they disagreed on how to split the rent./The siblings fell out over how to care for their aging parents./The neighbors fell out about the noise levels during late-night parties.

cãi cọ , nghỉ chơi ( với ai đó và về hoặc vì việc , thứ , cái gì đó ) .

New cards

fall down. Our apple tree fell down in the storm./He stumbled and fell down./Our mango tree fell down in the storm./She slipped on the ice and fell down./I fall down and hurt my knee ./She tripped on the sidewalk and fell down./He slipped on the wet floor and fell down in front of everyone./The elderly man lost his balance on the icy sidewalk and fell down.

ngã xuống đất hoặc ngã , vấp ngã .

New cards

fill in/out sth = fill sth in/out . Please fill in your name and contact details on the registration form./Make sure to fill out all the required fields in the application form./ She filled in the missing information on the report before submitting it./ They filled out the survey to provide feedback on the new product./ Don’t forget to fill in your boarding cards./Companies will encourage customers to fill in questionnaires about themselves./Please print off a copy of the agreement, fill it in, sign it and send it back./Fill in the registration form with your personal details./Make sure you fill in all the required fields before submitting the application./Fill out this survey to give us feedback on our services./Please fill in your name and address on the registration form./Don't forget to fill in the dates of your vacation on the leave request form./ He filled out the application form for the job carefully./We need to fill out these expense reports by the end of the week./: Could you please fill in the details about your previous work experience?/ I'll fill in the missing information once I get all the necessary data./ I'll fill in the missing information once I get all the necessary data./The accountant filled out the tax forms for the company./Students were asked to fill in the blanks with the correct answers./Could you please fill in the date and time of your appointment on this form?/She filled out the membership application form and submitted it./Don't forget to fill out your contact information at the bottom of the page./Before sending the email, he filled in the subject line and added an attachment./The teacher asked the students to fill in the missing words in the passage./They needed to fill out the form completely before they could proceed./ Please fill out this questionnaire and return it to us by next week./Could you please fill out this feedback form to let us know about your experience with our service?/They were instructed to fill out the form and sign it before submitting it to HR./The editor asked the journalist to fill in the gaps in the story with additional interviews./Before submitting the report, make sure to fill in the missing data in the financial section./She filled out the survey with her opinions on the new company policies./Don't forget to fill out your contact information and emergency contacts on the registration form./ Can you please fill in the details about your recent travel history on this health declaration form?/He carefully filled in the application form for the scholarship.

điền vào thứ , cái gì đó hoặc điền thứ , cái gì đó .

New cards

fill sth up = fill sth up = fill up sth with sth = fill sth up with sth = fill up with sth . Shares on the Stock Market began to rise, and industry reported order books filling up/Too many spam emails are filling up our inboxes./He filled up the tank with petrol./The waiter immediately filled my glass up again./Fill the bucket up with warm soapy water./Don't fill the cup up so full next time./The sales pipeline for his facility is starting to fill up with clients./The Antrim Technology Park is filling up with high technology software companies./This container fills up with rainwater and we use it to water the houseplants./I'm glad to see that our charity collection boxes are filling up nicely./Shall I fill the car up ?/Shall I fill the car up with petrol ?/ fill up the tank with oil./Please fill the tank up with gas./She filled up the bottle with water./He filled his car up before the long trip./She filled the cup up with hot tea./Please fill up the bucket with ice./He filled up with joy when he saw his family./I need to fill up the gas tank before we leave./She filled the bathtub up with warm water./She filled the bathtub up with warm water./The room quickly filled up with people./Please fill up the bucket with sand./He filled up his plate with delicious food./She filled the vase up with fresh flowers./The stadium filled up with excited fans before the game./I need to fill up the car with gas before we go on the trip./She filled up her glass with water from the pitcher./He filled the pool up with clean water for the children./The air quickly filled up with the scent of freshly baked bread./Don't forget to fill up the bird feeder with seeds./They filled up their backpacks with snacks for the hike./She filled the bathtub up with hot water and took a relaxing bath./The concert hall quickly filled up with eager music fans./He needs to fill up the water tank before the drought hits./Could you please fill up my coffee cup with more milk?/She filled the basket up with fresh vegetables from the garden./The classroom quickly filled up with eager students ready to learn./He filled up the car with petrol at the gas station./She quickly filled up her shopping cart with groceries./The chef filled the pastry bag up with cream for decorating the cake./The theater filled up with laughter as the comedian performed.

lấp đầy thứ gì đó ( với hoặc bằng thứ , cái gì đó ) hoặc làm thứ gì đó đầy ( với hoặc bằng thứ , cái gì đó ) và đầy , tràn đầy thứ , cái gì đó .

New cards

fill up = tank up = fill sth up= fill up sth = tank sth up. We need to fill up./He tanked up and drove off./We stopped to tank the car up.

đổ xăng ( cho thứ gì đó ) .

New cards

find out = find out sth = find sth out = find out about sbd/sth = find sth out about sbd/sth = find out sth about sbd/sth = find out who/what/how/wh và how question = find out if/whether = find out that = find out from sth . She'd been seeing the boy for a while, but didn't want her parents to find out./I must find out the train times./Can you find out what time the meeting starts?/We need to find out who broke the window./He wondered whether his boss was involved, but he saw no way of finding that out./Did you find out whether there are any seats left?/I'm trying to find out if the store is open tomorrow./I found out that my parents had never been married./She found out that he'd been cheating on her./She found out that her flight was delayed/It was when we started living together that we found out that we just weren't compatible/ I found out that my parents had never been married./I need to find out more about the new project../I need to find out more about these night courses./The holiday was a complete surprise - I only found out about it the day before we left./I need to find out more about the new project. /We could find out from the local council./I found out from my friend that the concert was canceled.

tìm hiểu , phát hiện ra ( về ai hoặc cái gì đó ) và tìm hiểu , phát hiện ra ai/cái gì/làm sao và tìm hiểu liệu và tìm hiểu , phát hiện ra rằng .

New cards

find out for one’s self = find out for one’s self wh and how question /if/whether . I thought it best to let you find out for yourself./Don't just rely on what others say, find out for yourself whether it's true./She wanted to find out for herself if the rumors were accurate./Instead of asking for directions, he preferred to find out for himself how to get to the new restaurant./They encouraged their children to find out for themselves which sport they enjoyed the most./Instead of asking for directions, he preferred to find out for himself how to get to the new restaurant./She decided to find out for herself how difficult the job really was./He wanted to find out for himself whether the rumors were true.

tự mình khám phá , tìm hiểu hoặc tự trải nghiệm ( liệu , cái gì , làm sao , ở đâu ) .

New cards

find sbd out . He thought he could lie his way through, but his parents found him out./She tried to hide her involvement, but eventually they found her out./Susan was stealing office supplies, but her colleagues found her out./The detective was determined to find the criminal out and bring him to justice.

phát hiện , tìm ra ra ai đó , thường là liên quan đến việc , hành vi phạm pháp , không đúng đắn , không trung thực .

New cards

get found out = be found out . What happens if we get found out?//He lived in fear of being found out./He lived in fear of being found out./She thought she could keep the secret forever, but eventually she got found out./The thief tried to hide his identity, but he got found out when his fingerprints matched those at the crime scene./He was cheating on the exam, but he got found out when the teacher caught him looking at his neighbor's paper./He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out.

bị bắt , bị phát hiện , bị lộ ra thường là liên quan đến hành vi , việc phạm pháp , không đúng đắn , không trung thực .

New cards

find out how the land lies = see how the land lies . Before making any decisions, it's important to find out how the land lies with our competitors./She wanted to find out how the land lies in the office before discussing the new project./Before we make any decisions, let’s see how the land lies./We'll wait and see how the land lies before committing to any new investments./Let's see how the land lies with the new project before making any further plans.

xem xét tình hình , quan sát tình hình , tìm hiểu tình hình

New cards

find out/discover/know/learn/discover to sbd cost = find out/discover/know/learn/discover to sbd cost that . Driving fast in wet conditions is dangerous, as my brother discovered to his cost!/She discovered to her cost that trusting him was a mistake./He found out to his cost that procrastination leads to missed opportunities./She found out to her cost that trusting the wrong person can lead to betrayal.

trả giá , học được bài học đắt giá rằng

New cards

find out/see what sbd is made of = find out/see what sbd is really made of . Come on then! Let’s see what you’re made of./The intense training camp will help us find out what the new recruits are really made of./After the crisis hit, we found out what our team members were really made of./During the final exam, the students will see what they are really made of./The new job will be tough, but it will be a good opportunity to see what you are made of

tìm hiểu , khám phá , xem xét hoặc nhận ra khả năng thực sự , sức mạnh , tài năng , bản chất hoặc độ can đảm , dũng cảm , gan dạ , mạnh mẽ , thông minh của ai đó .

New cards

get away = get away from sth/sbd .The three men got away in a stolen car/ The meeting dragged on, and I didn’t get away until seven./By the time the police arrived, the robbers had got away./We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds./I'll get away from work as soon as I can./I won't be able to get away from the office before 7./I finally got away from work at eight o'clock./I'll get away from work as soon as I can./I needed to get away from the pressures of work. /She wanted to get away from the traditional ideas of what theatre is about./We knew it wouldn’t be easy to get away from the police./I had to get away from the party. It was awful./They got away from burning car before it exploded./The thief managed to get away from the police.

rời đi hoặc trốn thoát , bỏ trốn và rời khỏi , thoát khỏi ( ai hoặc thứ , cái gì đó )

New cards

get away from sth .  I think we’re getting away from the main issue.

nói , thảo luận lạc đi khỏi điều gì đó hoặc lạc đi khỏi điều đó .

New cards

get away = get away to sth . We're hoping to get away for a few days at Easter./Will you manage to get away this summer?/We’re hoping to get away to Scotland for a few days./I just need to get away for a few days./We're getting away in January for a skiing holiday./We need to get away for a few days to relax./Wouldn’t it be nice to get away for a weekend?

đi nghỉ dưỡng , đi nghỉ , đi nghỉ mát , đi chơi , đi nghỉ lễ , đi du lịch ( ở đâu đó ) .

New cards

get away with sth . The thieves got away with jewellery worth over £50,000./We should get away before the traffic gets wworse;/Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000./The thief got away with the stolen money./Do you think she could get away with just one coat of paint on the wall?

trộm thứ gì đó và bỏ trốn , trốn thoát với nó hoặc bỏ trốn , trốn thoát với thứ gì đó .

New cards

get away with sth/doing sth= get away with it .Watch Frank – he’ll cheat if he thinks he can get away with it./No one insults my family and gets away with it!/She thought she could get away with cheating on her taxes./They have repeatedly broken the law and got away with it./Nobody gets away with insulting me like that./She lied to her boss and got away with it./If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay my taxes at all./That's such an old trick. I can't believe he gets away with it./Everyone thinks he's guilty of the robbery, but it looks like he's going to get away with . /It is time they put a stop to his bad behaviour. /He's been getting away with it for too long./She's determined that her students will not get away with plagiarism./Don't be tempted to cheat—you'll never get away with it.

thoát tội ( gì đó hoặc làm gì đó ) hoặc không bị bắt , không bị trừng phạt , không bị phát hiện , đề cập đến việc thành công trốn tránh trách nhiệm và hậu quả gây ra , gây nên.

New cards

get away with sth/doing . In these fraud cases , prosecutors can't get away with going only for the mid-level guys, they have to go to the top./ At school he had always got away with doing the bare minimum amount of work./The colour’s not quite right, but I think you’ll get away with it./After the first month, you should be able to get away with one lesson a week.

làm điều gì đó thành công , không trải qua bất kỳ vấn đề hay khó khăn .

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get away with sth . The charge was reduced to manslaughter, and she got away with three years in prison./He was lucky to get away with only a fine./The charge was reduced to manslaughter, and she got away with three years in prison./She managed to get away with only a warning instead of a fine

bị , nhận được thứ gì đó , thường là một hình phạt nhỏ .

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get away ( with you ) = get out ( with you ) . ‘These tickets didn't cost me a thing.’ ‘Get away!’/"Ralph painted that, you know." "Get away!"

thật không thể tin được .

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there is no getting away from sth = you can’t get away from sth . There is no getting away from the fact that climate change is a pressing issue/There is no getting away from the fact that we need to improve our efficiency./If there’s COVID in the community, there’s likely going to be COVID in the prison, she added. And once it’s in the prison, there’s no getting away from it./There is no getting away from the fact that exercise is important for maintaining good health./There is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party./She can't get away from her past mistakes; they continue to affect her/. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get away from the fact that he owes money.

không thể tránh khỏi , không thể né tránh , không thể tránh , không thể trốn tránh thứ gì đó .

New cards

there is no getting away from the fact that + clause = can’t get away from the fact that .There is no getting away from the fact that exercise is important for maintaining good health./There is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party./There is no getting away from the fact that climate change is a pressing issue/There is no getting away from the fact that we need to improve our efficiency./ No matter how hard he tries, he can't get away from the fact that he owes money

không thể tránh khỏi , không thể né tránh , không thể phủ nhận thực tế , sự thật rằng .

New cards

get away from it all . People go fishing to get away from it all./We've decided to go hiking in the mountains to get away from it all./You need to get away from it all for a couple of weeks./Coe, on the other hand, is getting away from it all with a weeks holiday in Helsinki.

thoát khỏi cuộc sống bận rộn và căng thẳng, tránh xa mọi áp lực và xáo trộn của cuộc sống hàng ngày bằng cách có một kỳ nghỉ thư giãn , đi nghỉ ngơi , đi nghỉ dưỡng , đi du lịch và tận hưởng cuộc sống.

New cards

get away with the murder. He'so charming that he really does get away with the murder./They let their children get away with murder!/ She lets those kids get away with murder./He's the boss's favorite; he could get away with murder in this office. With her charming smile, she could get away with murder in front of a judge.

phá phách hoặc làm điều gì đó sai trái , không đúng đắn , cực kỳ nghiêm trọng , sai trái mà không bị trừng phạt .

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the one that got away = the one who got away. She was the one that got away; I still think about her sometimes./I regret not investing in that startup years ago; it was the one that got away.

người yêu cũ hoặc cơ hội quan trọng đã bỏ lỡ hoặc đã không thể thực hiện được .

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be carried away = get carried away = be/get carried with sth = be/get carried by sth . It’s easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software./There's far too much food - I'm afraid I got a bit carried away./The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion./Apologies - I just got carried away by the excitement of the game./The country was carried away by national sentiment following the war./Against her better judgment, she was carried away by his charisma and left home to be with him./I got carried away and started shouting at the television./During the speech, he got carried away and spoke longer than planned./ She was carried away by the beauty of the sunset./ She got carried away with excitement and bought more clothes than she needed./Against her better judgment, she was carried away by his charisma and left home to be with him./The country was carried away by national sentiment following the war

bị mất kiểm soát , mất tự chủ , quá đà , thường là do sự hào hứng , phấn khích , hưng phấn hoặc bị cuốn hút , bị cuốn theo , bị cuốn đi ( bởi cái gì đó ) .

New cards

get sbd end away = have sbd end away . Did you get your end away last night, then?

làm tình , quan hệ tình dục , thường được sử dụng trong các tình huống không chính thức hoặc khi nói đùa.

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get away scot - free = get off scot - free . He committed the crime but got away scot-free./Despite causing the accident, she managed to get off scot-free.

thoát khỏi sự trừng phạt hoặc không bị trừng phạt , thường là sau khi làm điều gì đó sai trái hoặc vi phạm pháp luật.

New cards

getaway ( noun ) . The gunmen made a getaway on foot./The two masked men made their getaway in a stolen van.

một sự , một dịp trốn thoát , sự bỏ trốn , thường là sau khi phạm tội .

New cards

make a getaway ( verb + noun ) = make sbd getaway ( verb + noun ) . The protesters created a diversion to help their leader make a getaway./The distraction allowed the thief to make his getaway./The thieves made a quick getaway after robbing the bank./The suspect tried to make a getaway, but the police caught him.

trốn thoát , bỏ trốn , thường là sau khi phạm tội .

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getaway car/vehicle/van ( noun + noun ) .Two men were waiting outside the bank in a getaway car./The robbers fled the scene in a getaway car waiting nearby./The police are searching for the getaway vehicle used in the bank robbery.

xe ô tô /phương tiện/xe ô tô cỡ trung dùng để trốn thoát , bỏ trốn ,thường là sau khi phạm tội .

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getaway ( noun ). We're planning a weekend getaway to the beach./They booked a romantic getaway in the mountains./Big Bear Lake is a popular weekend getaway./a romantic weekend getaway in New York/ the popular island getaway of Penanga./ a shortlist of things that most people look for when planning their summer getaway.

một nơi đi nghỉ dưỡng , đi nghỉ , đi nghỉ mát , đi chơi , đi nghỉ lễ , đi du lịch hoặc một kỳ , một chuyến đi nghỉ dưỡng , đi nghỉ , đi nghỉ mát , đi chơi , đi nghỉ lễ , đi du lịch

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get in sth = get into sth . I hurt my head as I was getting into/in the car./She got in the car and drove away

vào trong , thường là xe hoặc một phương tiện nào đó.

New cards

get in = get in sth = get into sth . They must have got in through the bathroom window./The theatre was already full, and we couldn’t get in./We managed to get in through a window./The door was locked and we couldn’t get in the house./The door was locked and we couldn’t get into the house./They got into the concert just before it started

vào , đi vào ( nơi nào đó ) .

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get in = get in to sth = get into sth . What time does the bus get in?/What time is the plane expected to get in?/We get in to Heathrow at ten o’clock./What time do we get into New York?/The train got in late./What time do you get into Heathrow?/What time is the plane expected to get in?/What time did you say his plane gets in?/What time do we get into New York?

đến ( nơi nào đó ) .

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get in . We didn’t get in until late./What time do the boys get in from school?/What time did you get in last night?/

về đến nhà

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get in = get into = get in office = get into office = get in as sbd = get into office as sbd . The Conservatives have promised to increase spending on health and education if they get in./He promised to bring about significant changes when he got in office./If Archer gets in as mayor he’s likely to raise taxes./He first got into Parliament in 1982./Will the politician keep his promises when he gets into office?/The Labour party got in by a landslide at the last election.

đắc cử ( như ai đó ) .

New cards

get into/in = get in sth = get into sth . He wanted to go to Cambridge, but he didn't get in./I applied to Bristol University, but I didn’t get in./She got into UCLA./She's got into Durham to study law./He got into the university of his choice./It is very difficult to get into that law school./She got into the county squad after attending a trial./She's got into Durham to study law./She got into UCLA.

được nhận vào ( cái gì đó ) , thường là trường học , đại học , cao đẳng , …

New cards

get sth in = get in sth . I must remember to get some food in for the weekend./We'll have to get some food in for the weekend if we're having visitors./Remember to get in some beers for this evening.

mua thêm , mua thứ gì đó .

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get sth in = get in sth .The whole village was involved with getting the harvest in.

thu thập , thu hoạch cái ,thứ gì đó , liên quan đến đồng ruộng

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get the crops/harvest in = get in the crops/harvest .  The whole village was involved with getting the harvest in./Farmers work hard to get the harvest in before the rain comes./They hired extra help to get the crops in on time.

thu thập , thu hoạch vụ mùa , bao gồm cả việc thu gom và mang vào một nơi có mái che , thường là kho hoặc bãi , liên quan đến đồng ruộng

New cards

get sbd in = get in sbd . We will have to get some plumbers in to look at that water tank. / We’ll have to get a plumber in./We need to get a plumber in to fix the leak.

mời , nhờ , yêu cầu một ai đó để làm gì đó , thường là sửa chữa hoặc kiểm tra , xem xét thứ gì đó

New cards

get sth in = get sth in. Please can you get your essays in by Thursday./I have to get my application in by Thursday./It’s best to get your insurance claim form = đơn đòi bồi thường bảo hiểm/khai trình tai nạn bảo hiểm in as quickly as possible.

gửi hoặc nộp cái gì đó .

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get sth in = get in sth . I’d like to get in some skiing while we’re in Colorado./We’re hoping to get in a game of golf over the weekend./I want to get a little bit more work in before I leave the office./They got in a lot of work before the deadline./I got in an hour's work while the baby was asleep.

làm điều gì đó hoặc xoay sở làm điều gì đó .

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get sth in = get in sth . He couldn't get a word in because she was talking so much./I'll try to get my suggestion in at the start of the meeting./She talks so much it's impossible to get a word in.

nói ra , đưa ra điều gì đó .

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get/be in with = get in with sbd = be in with sbd . He reckoned he'd a right to nice things the same as this bad company he'd got in with./He's trying to get in with the teachers./He's trying to get in with the boss to get a promotion./She's been getting in with the new team members to build rapport./He got in with the local art community and started exhibiting his paintings./She got in with the new group of students and quickly made friends./She's in with the boss, so she might get promoted soon./He's in with the team captain, which gives him an advantage on the field.

trở nên thân thiện và cởi mở với , tạo thiện cảm với , tạo mối quan hệ , thiện ý với ai đó hoặc kết bạn với , làm thân vơi ai đó , thường là hoặc đặc biệt với mục đích có được sự ủng hộ hoặc lợi ích từ họ.

New cards

get/be caught with sbd hand in the cookie jar = get/be found with sbd hand in the cookie jar = have sbd hand in the cookie jar . He was caught with his hand in the cookie jar when the audit revealed the financial discrepancies./She always manages to find out when someone has their hand in the cookie jar./He always seems to have his hand in the cookie jar when it comes to office supplies./The company's CEO was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, embezzling funds./He only returned the money when he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar./A lot of people had their hands in the cookie jar at the company./The politician was found with his hand in the cookie jar after the corruption scandal broke./She was caught red-handed, with her hand in the cookie jar, stealing from the cash register./The banker had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Had my client not been aggressive he would have lost 35,000 dollars.

ai đó bị bắt quả tang , bị bắt gặp , bị phát hiện , thường là liên quan đến việc làm gì đó không đúng , phạm pháp hoặc ăn cắp .

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be/get/keep/stay in touch = be/get/keep/stay in touch with sbd .

giữ liên lạc hoặc tiếp tục liên lạc với ai đó

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get in on sth = be in on sth . I want to get in on the new project at work./They invited us to get in on the investment opportunity./Quite a few companies would like to get in on the project./A Japanese company tried to get in on the deal/If you'd like to get in on this offer, call now./He's hoping to get in on any discussions about the new project./Though funds are scarce, conservation teams from around the world compete to get in on this important and prestigious project./ I think you ought to be in on this discussion, Ted.

tham gia vào , liên quan đến thứ gì đó và hưởng lợi từ nó .

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get in on sth = be in on sth . Is she in on the secret?

biết về hoặc chia sẻ về điều , thứ gì đó ,

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get in on the act = be in on the act = muscle in on the act . When they saw how much money he was making, everyone wanted to get in on the act./Other manufacturers are getting in on the act, creating their own versions of the popular toy./The new company quickly got in on the act and started offering similar services./As soon as the bakery started selling those delicious cupcakes, other local bakeries tried to get in on the act by offering their own versions./When she heard about the charity event, she wanted to get in on the act and help raise funds./The new movie was a huge success, so naturally, other filmmakers wanted to get in on the act and create similar films./After seeing the popularity of the new fitness trend, several companies are trying to get in on the act./When John saw how much money his friends were making from the stock market, he decided to get in on the act./Everyone wanted to be in on the act when they heard about the profitable business deal./The kids saw the fun their friends were having and wanted to be in on the act./When the company started making a lot of money, other investors wanted to be in on the act./The new company is trying to muscle in on the act by offering lower prices./ Every time we start a project, he muscles in on the act and takes credit for our work ./I was planning the party, but my sister muscled in on the act and started making all the decisions./Established companies are worried that startups will muscle in on the act and take away their market share

tham gia vào , liên quan đến , can thiệp và hưởng lợi từ một hoạt động , việc hoặc tình huống , cơ hội , thường là một cách không mời mà đến hoặc không được hoan nghênh .

New cards

get/be in on the floor = get/be in on the floor of sth . If you get in on the ground floor, you can help shape the direction of the project./Investors who got in on the ground floor of the company have seen their investments grow significantly./He got in on the ground floor of the new tech startup and now he's a millionaire.

tham gia từ giai đoạn đầu , ban đầu , lúc đầu , buổi đầu ( của cái , thứ gì đó ) .

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get caught up in sth = be caught up in sth . They were having an argument and somehow I got caught up in it./The danger is that innocent people will get caught up in it./It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activity./I think we all got caught up in the excitement of the moment./I don't know quite what happened but he got caught up in a brawl outside the bar./I try not to get caught up in the madness./He got caught up in the excitement of the festival and lost track of time./She got caught up in the traffic and was late for the meeting./He was caught up in the excitement of the game and forgot about the time./She got caught up in the middle of a protest on her way home./They were caught up in a legal dispute for several years.

tham gia vào , liên quan đến , bị cuốn vào thứ gì đó , thường là ngoài ý muốn hoặc ngoài dự tính ban đầu .

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get/be dialed in = be/get dialed in sth = be/get dialed into sth . After a few weeks of training, she finally got dialed in and performed exceptionally well in the competition./He spent hours studying the project details to get dialed in before the presentation./The team needs to be dialed in for the upcoming negotiations to ensure success./After a few weeks of training, she finally got dialed in and started performing well in competitions./He needs to be dialed in during the meeting to make sure he understands all the details./The team is dialed in and ready for the upcoming match./He needs to get dialed into the project to understand its complexities./She got dialed into the new system quickly and became proficient in using it./They are getting dialed into the local community to build stronger relationships.

tập trung ( vào việc việc gì đó ) hoặc làm quen ( thứ gì đó ) .

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get off sbd arse = get sbd arse in gear = get sbd ass in gear = move sbd arse = move sbd ass ( ass , arse chia theo chủ ngữ ) . If you get your arse in gear, we can make it out of here tonight./You’d better get your ass in gear – you’re late./If he doesn't move his arse, he's going to miss the train./I told him to move his ass if he wants to catch the bus./They need to move their asses and get the job done before the end of the day./If she doesn't move her ass, she'll be late for the meeting./She told him to move his arse and finish the project on time./Come on, move your arse! We've got a deadline to meet./He needs to get off his arse and start looking for a job./If she doesn't get off her arse, she'll never finish her assignments on time./They told him to get off his arse and help with the chores./Tell him to get off his arse and do some work for once./He needs to get his arse in gear if he wants to finish the project on time./I told her to get her arse in gear and start studying for the exam./The team leader told everyone to get their arses in gear and meet the deadline./He needs to get his ass in gear if he wants to pass the exam./She told him to get his ass in gear and finish the report by tomorrow./They need to get their asses in gear and prepare for the upcoming competition.

nhanh lên ( ai đó ) hoặc hành động nhanh chóng ( ai đó ) .

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get back in . The party worked hard to get back in and regain the majority in parliament. After years in opposition, they finally got back in with a strong electoral campaign. They are determined to get back in at the next election./The candidate worked hard to rebuild trust with voters and eventually got back in with a narrow margin.

tái đắc cử , đắc cử lại .

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get sbd panties in a bunch = get sbd knickers in a twist . Don't get your panties in a bunch over a little criticism./She got her panties in a bunch because he was late for the meeting./He tends to get his panties in a bunch about minor details./Ah, don't get your panties in a bunch, I'll have the car back by tomorrow morning!/In my opinion, people are getting their panties in a bunch over this election./She got her knickers in a twist because he forgot her birthday./Don't get your knickers in a twist over a little criticism./He tends to get his knickers in a twist about minor inconveniences.

trở nên tức giận hoặc trở nên quá tức giận ( ai đó )

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don’t get sbd panties in a bunch = don’t get sbd knickers in a twist .

đừng trở nên tức giận hoặc trở nên quá tức giận .

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get a word in = get a word in edgeways = get a word in edgewise . Whenever they get together, it's hard to get a word in edgeways./He talks so much that I can never get a word in edgeways./Once George starts talking it’s difficult to get a word in edgeways./He told her it had not been easy to get a word in./Brad talked so much that nobody could get a word in edgewise.

có cơ hội để nói , có thể nói một từ hoặc đóng góp vào cuộc trò chuyện .

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not get a word in = not get a word in edgeways = not get a word in edgewise .She was talking so fast that I couldn't get a word in./During the debate, I couldn't get a word in to express my viewpoint./He kept telling stories and I couldn't get a word in to ask a question. She was talking so fast that I couldn't get a word in edgeways./During the argument, I couldn't get a word in edgeways to explain my side./He kept talking and talking, and I couldn't get a word in edgeways to ask a question./She talked so much that I couldn't get a word in edgewise./During the meeting, I couldn't get a word in edgewise because my colleague dominated the conversation./He was so excited about the topic that I couldn't get a word in edgewise to share my opinion.

không có cơ hội nói , không thể nói một từ hoặc đóng góp vào cuộc trò chuyện .

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get by in/on/with/without sth . He can get by in Spanish, enough to order food and ask for directions./She managed to get by in the meeting with her basic knowledge of the topic./They learned enough to get by in the new job, but they still need more training./How does she get by on such a small salary?/It’s tough to get by on minimum wage./They manage to get by on a small income./She gets by on just a few hours of sleep each night./He can get by on his basic knowledge of the language./ We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive./There is tremendous pressure on families trying to get by without health insurance./When we were students we got by on very little money.

xoay sở để sống , để tồn tại ( với thứ gì đó và không có thứ gì đó ) hoặc đủ khả năng , có khả năng làm điều gì đó với mức độ cơ bản .

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get stuck in = get stuck into sth/doing sth . Take your jacket off and get stuck in!/Mum brought in the sandwiches and told us to get stuck in./We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway./Let's get stuck in and finish this project before the deadline./She got stuck in and helped organize the event./When you start a new job, it's important to get stuck in and learn quickly./Take your jacket off and get stuck in!/She got stuck into her studies and graduated top of her class./They got stuck into renovating the house over the weekend./He decided to get stuck into writing his novel during his vacation./I want to get stuck into the job as soon as possible./She got stuck into her new project immediately, working late into the night to meet the deadline./He got stuck into studying for his exams as soon as he realized how close they were./After weeks of planning, they finally got stuck into renovating their house over the weekend./I want to get stuck into the job as soon as possible.

bắt đầu làm việc nhanh chóng và quyết đoán, hăng hái và tập trung , thường là với tinh thần quyết tâm và sự nỗ lực cao hoặc bắt đầu ăn đi và làm một việc gì đó một cách nhanh chóng và quyết đoán, hăng hái và tập trung , thường là với tinh thần quyết tâm và sự nỗ lực cao .

New cards

get sbd eye in = keep sbd eye in . I try to play regularly to keep my eye in./He practices his golf swing every weekend to keep his eye in./She reads academic journals regularly to keep her eye in on the latest research./To keep his eye in, he plays the piano every day even though he no longer performs professionally./He practices his golf swing every weekend to keep his eye in./Even though she doesn't play competitively anymore, she still plays tennis regularly to keep her eye in./The artist sketches daily to keep her eye in and maintain her artistic skills.

duy trì kỹ năng hoặc khả năng để trở nên tốt hơn , thường bằng cách luyện tập thường xuyên

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get in sbd hair. My flatmate has been getting in my hair a lot recently./The children have been getting in my hair all afternoon./The kids were getting in her hair while she was trying to work./Can you take the dog for a walk? He's getting in my hair while I cook dinner./I need some quiet time. Can you go play outside and stop getting in my hair?/The kids have been getting in their mother's hair all day./Can you take the dog for a walk? He's really getting in my hair./He loves his little sister, but sometimes she really gets in his hair.

làm phiền hoặc quấy rầy ai đó và khiến họ bực bội , khó chịu , thường là bằng cách luôn ở gần họ và có mặt mọi lúc hoặc hỏi những câu hỏi , .. .

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get it in the neck = get it in the neck for sth/doing sth = get it in the neck from sbd/sth . He got it in the neck from his boss for missing the deadline./She really got it in the neck from her parents when they found out she had skipped school./Poor old Bob got it in the neck for being late./The team got it in the neck after losing the match due to poor performance./ If we don’t make some changes we’ll all get it in the neck.

bị trừng phạt nặng nề ( vì thứ , cái gì đó hoặc làm gì đó và từ ai hoặc cái gì đó ) hoặc bị chỉ trích nặng nề , bị trách mắng nặng nề ( vì thứ , cái gì đó hoặc làm gì đó và từ ai hoặc cái gì đó ) .

New cards

get in a sweat = get in a sweat about/over sth . She got in a sweat trying to finish her assignment before the deadline./He gets in a sweat whenever he has to speak in public./He tends to get in a sweat about flying./Don't get in a sweat over small mistakes; it's not worth it./She's getting in a sweat about the upcoming exam./He's getting in a sweat over the upcoming presentation.

lo lắng , căng thẳng , lo sợ ( về điều gì đó ) .

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get in the groove = be in the groove . "It always takes me a bit to get in the groove on Monday mornings, but after a cup of coffee, I'm ready to go/The musicians took a little time to get in the groove, but once they did, the concert was fantastic./The runner needed the first few laps to get in the groove, but after that, he maintained a steady pace./It took me a few hours to get in the groove, but once I did, I was able to finish the report quickly./It took him a while to get in the groove, but now he's working smoothly./She is in the groove now, completing tasks quickly and accurately./Now that I've established my morning routine, I'm in the groove and start my day productively./Once the band is in the groove, their performance becomes truly electrifying./After a few days of getting used to the new project, Sarah is now in the groove and completing her tasks efficiently.

bắt đầu tập trung và đang ở trạng thái tập trung .

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be on the groove = be back in the groove . The team is in the groove this season, winning most of their matches with ease/Alex Popov proved he was back in the groove by winning the 100 metres freestyle.

đang ở phong độ tốt và lấy lại phong độ , thường dùng trong thể thao .

New cards

get sth in perspective = keep sth in perspective . You must keep things in perspective - the overall situation isn't really that bad. I get stressed about work but my family helps me keep things in perspective. There is some risk but it's important to keep it all in perspective. Having children helps you get life in perspective. Look, let's get this in perspective: it was a bit reckless but nobody got hurt./To manage stress effectively, it's crucial to get your problems in perspective and not let them overwhelm you./When writing an essay, it's important to get the historical events in perspective to understand their true significance./After talking to my friend, I was able to get my concerns in perspective and realize they weren't as bad as I thought./We need to get this problem in perspective before making any major decisions.

hiểu rõ , nhìn nhận cái , thứ gì đó một cách toàn diện và đúng đắn .

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get/be/fall behind = get/be/fall behind in sth = get/be/fall behind on sth = get/be/fall behind with sth = get/be/fall behind by sth. Jack's ranking this semester is falling behind compare to other classmates./You shouldn't spend all day on social media and not doing anything else. If you spend too much time on it, I wouldn't be surprised that your life will fall behind and never succeed./This life is constantly changing every day, if you stomp on the spot, do not make efforts to develop yourself, you will be more and more fallen behind and possibly eliminated./In recent years, Sony has increasingly fallen behind compare to other phone companies./I'm behind on my rent payments./He fell behind in his studies after missing several classes./They offer advice to people who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments./He lost his job and fell behind with his rent./The company is an unacceptable six months behind in paying suppliers and vendors./Because of the prolonged storm, the school construction project was fallen behind by more than two months./She fell behind in her electricity bill, so the utility company cut off the electricity to her apartment.

bị chậm trễ hoặc bị thụt lùi .

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get sbd in line . The drill sergeant quickly got the new recruits in line with strict training./She struggled to get her children in line when they started misbehaving/The teacher worked hard to get the students in line after the break./The new manager had to get the team in line to meet the project deadlines.

khiến , làm cho ai đó tuân theo tuân theo quy tắc , quy định , kỷ luật , trật tự của ai đó

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get in/into a lather = be in/into a lather = be/get in/into about/over sth = get one’s self in/into a lather = be in/into a state = get in/into a state = be/get in/into a state about/over sth = get one’s self in/into a state = get one’s self in/into a lather/state over/about sth . She was into a lather over the smallest details of the event planning./She got in a lather over the upcoming exam./She got into a lather before her job interview./Don't get into a lather about the exam; just do your best./She was in a lather over the upcoming presentation./He's always in a lather about something./Don't get yourself in a lather; everything will be fine./He always gets himself in a lather when he has to speak in public./She got herself in a lather about the deadline and stayed up all night working./Don't get yourself in a lather over the meeting; everything will be fine./He always gets in a state before important meetings./She got in a state when she couldn't find her keys./Don't get in a state over the small things; everything will work out./She was in a state after hearing the bad news./He's in a state because of the approaching deadline./They were in a state when they realized they had lost their tickets./Don't get yourself in a state over the party; it will be fine./He got himself in a state worrying about the presentation./She always gets herself in a state before exams./Mum and Dad were in a right state when I got in./She got herself in a state before the big exam, worrying about the difficult questions./He tends to get himself in a state whenever he has to speak in public./Don't get yourself in a state over the presentation; just take deep breaths and stay calm./She got herself into a state worrying about the upcoming exam./He got himself into a state over the presentation, even though he had prepared thoroughly./Don't get yourself into a state about the interview; just be yourself and do your best./She got into a real lather before her big presentation./He's in a real lather about the upcoming exam./They were in a real lather trying to meet the project deadline./She got herself into a real state before the interview.

trở nên lo lắng hoặc trở nên căng thẳng( về thứ gì đó ) và tự làm bản thân ai đó lo lắng hoặc căng thẳng , thêm real vào real state hoặc real lather thì rất lo lắng hoặc căng thẳng

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be in/into a state = get in/into a state . What a state this place is in!/How did the carpet get into that state?/The carpet got into a state because the dog tracked mud all over it./The carpet got into a state because of the children playing with paints./The carpet got into a state because of a spill during a party.

trở nên bẩn thỉu hoặc trở nên bừa bộn .

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