a country attempt to use military, economic, social, or religious forces to overcome another country .
What was said about England?
“The sun never sets on the British Empire.”
A.T. Mahan writes a book and does what?
gets read by Roosevelt
is about oceanic trade and the Panama Canal
Yellow Journalism:
written about sex, crime, and violence to get viewers
Cuban Revolution was against:
Valerino Weyler is the
What was written about?
Cubans put into camps.
Police Presence at Havana
U.S.S. Main (explodes and blames Spain)
After the explosion,
the US declares war (north and south fight together)
Battle of Manilla Bay
Spanish are easily defeated
1 dead
Roosevelt takes credit for
Win at San Juan Hill
Spanish-American War
3 months and 5000 casualties
Cuba, Guam, Philipines, Puerto Rico
American Empire
large military
companies move overseas
Rough Riders were
a military unit on horseback that charged San Juan
William Randolph Hearst vs Joseph Pulitzer
“William Randolph Hearst, publisher of the New York Journal, and his arch-rival, Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York World, are credited with the creation of yellow journalism.”
War in Philippines
3 years to subdue a revolt in the Philippines
undeclared and away from home
led by Emilio Aguinaldo
How many died in Philippine War?
60,000 Philippines killed
The Philippines were a part of the US until
January 1, 1946
US made camps like
the Spanish against Cubans
The War ends with
the capture of Emilio
Mckinley, president, is
popular and makes the US an empire but dies.
Roosevelt becomes president and is
Great White Fleet
big ships go to other countries ports.
Big Stick Policy
“always have a plan”
Bad Neighbor
against Latin America
Panama Canal
prices of goods will drop
Treaty of Portsmouth
ends Russian-Japanese War and Roosevelt gets the Nobel Prize
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Schools allow Japanese Americans and limit immigration
embrace of government (liked by populists)
Ida Tarbell
journalist who wrote about Standard Oil (Rockefeller Monopoly)
exposes truth
George Wearing
wrote about sanitation and begins sewer system to dispose of caca
Galveston Hurricane
leads to the creation of the US Commission System to put the city back together
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
fire breaks out and traps many people which will lead NY to rewrite labor laws
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
caused the Food and Drug Act to label foods and meat inspections.
Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive President)
will create Hepburn Act, Trust-busting, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act
Square Deal
breaks up monopolies
Gifford Pinchot
tied himself to trees to experience and makes friends with Roosevelt
becomes head of Forestry Dept.
using land sustainably to preserve it for future generations, rather than allowing it to be exploited and lost forever.
Payne, Aldrich Tariff
way to make revenue (allowed by Taft) and splits the parties
William Howard Taft
unwillingly becomes president with a judicial mindset
Who calls out who and gets fired?
Pinchot fights over land and calls out Taft to get him fired.
Taft does what?
undoes everything that Roosevelt did
Roosevelt believed in
the big stick policy
Taft believed in
Dollar Diplomacy
Election of 1912:
big business supports Taft
Commons support Roosevelt
party splits
Bullmore Party is a progressive republican party
Roosevelt gets shot but
lives and continues to campaign
Woodrow Wilson
Underwood Tariff, Federal Reserve Act, Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Underwood Tariff
lowers tariff
Federal Reserve Act
feds control money which controls interest rates and hazards to borrowing
Clayton Anti-trust Act
protects labor unions and allows collective trade bargaining
Roosevelt creates
Hepburn Act which stops railroad corruption
child labor
fair rates, no pods
Reason 1 for WW1
Jackie Fisher renovates the English Navy (Germany vs. England)
Droughnought = SUPER SHIP
A.T. Mahan wants to rule the world and oceans
Reason 2 for WW1
France is defeated in 1871 and divides two possible allies
Germany seizes territory
Reason 3 for WW1
Austria-Hungry has too many ethnic groups which want independence
Serbia just gained independence.
Reason 4 for WW1
Alliances between France and Russia (secret)
Franz Ferdinand
killed and starts WW1
calls men to war
Schlieffen Plan
attack on France which illegally enters Belgium
When Germany enters Belgium
England enters war.
After the Schlieffen Plan fails,
Trench Warfare is created.
New technology:
machine guns, tanks, poison gas, airplane (dog fighting), U-boats, propoganda, and artillary
spotted by German U-boat and torpedoed which kills 128 Americans (yet America stays neutral)
English Propoganda
wins over Germany’s
blockade v. u-boats
U-boats are secret and blockades block entrance
Election of 1916
Wilson’s wife dies and remarries however he still wins
Russia leaves war due to
Bolshevic Revolution
America enters war because of
unrestricted submarine warfare
Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy
14 points (collective security for World) but is ignored
Crucified Canadian
Selective Service Act
draft training of men with few supplies
Creole Committee
propoganda by George Creole which sells the country on the war a little too well
Herbert Hoover
Ford Administration says was is voluntary
ex. meatless monday
Espionage Act
says evading draft is illegal
Sedition Act
can’t publish certain things (works because country is scared)
Shueke Act
“freedom of speech can be limited in times of clear and present danger.”
Great Migration
AA leave south for war jobs in north
Massive Demographic Move
north for jobs and racial tension
German breakthrough
Germany will sue for peace (based on 14 points)
Stab in the Back Theory
believed by German military so military betrays
Versaille Conference
peace conference to end war
Wilson brings 14 points
hate and revenge against Germans
Germans will allow
inflation to pay for war debts