Ocean currents
________: are movements of water both horizontally and vertically.
________: by adding pollutants to water.
________: water vapour to liquid.
: process of naturally dissolving minerals in the top layer of the soil which makes it too salty () for further agriculture.
________: liquid to water.
Surface currents
________: moved by the wind.
________: occur when it stays in the same state:
________: results in soil degradation especially in dry areas.
Scarcity of water resources
________ can lead to conflict between human populations especially when resources are shared.
Renewable resources
________: atmosphere, rivers.
________: domestic use, irrigation in agriculture and industry.
Hydrological cycle
________: system of water flows and storages that may be disputed by human activity.
Cold ocean currents
________ run from poles to the equator, warm water currents flow from the equator to the poles.
→ irrigation
________: select drought resistant crops.
Deep water currents
________ (thermohaline currents): influenced by the oceanic conveyor belt.
Water budget
________: quantitative estimate of the amount of water in storages and flows of the water cycle.
Hydrological cycle
system of water flows and storages that may be disputed by human activity
Water budget
quantitative estimate of the amount of water in storages and flows of the water cycle
Renewable resources
atmosphere, rivers
Non-renewable resources
oceans, icecaps
Middle group
groundwater aquifers
occur when it stays in the same state
when it changes state to and from water
liquid to water
water vapour to liquid
solid snow to ice
domestic use, irrigation in agriculture and industry
by adding pollutants to water
Ocean currents
are movements of water both horizontally and vertically
Surface currents
moved by the wind
Deep water currents (thermohaline currents)
influenced by the oceanic conveyor belt
results in soil degradation especially in dry areas
process of naturally dissolving minerals in the top layer of the soil which makes it too salty (saline) for further agriculture
→ irrigation
select drought resistant crops
Biochemical oxygen demand
amount of DO required to break down organic material in a given volume of water
when lakes and coastal waters receive inputs of nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) that result in an excess growth of plants and phytoplankton
Indicator species
plants and animals that show something about the environment by their presence, absence, abundance
Biotic index
indirectly measures pollution by assessing the impact on species within the community according the their tolerance, diversity, and relative abundance
amount of dissolved oxygen required to breakdown organic material in a given volume of water
Marine pollution
rivers, human pollution, pipelines
Freshwater pollution
agricultural runoff, sewage, solid domestic waste
Continental shelf
extension of continents under the seas and oceans (creates shallow water)