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San Vitale
526-547 CE
Ravenna, Italy
Early Byzantine Europe
Brick, marble, and stone veneer; mosaic
Patron: Emperor Justinian
Christianity is only legal religion
Emperor Justinian conquered territory
Central plan (not axial plan), octagon
Ambulatory: covered walkway
Choir: central space (roof at its tallest)
Exedra: rooms that stick out
Apse: a large semicircular or polygonal recess in a church, arched or with a domed roof, typically at the eastern end, and usually containing the altar
Hagia Sophia
532-537 CE
Constantinople, Turkey
Architects: Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus (Greeks)
Brick and ceramic with stone and mosaic veneer
Patron: Emperor Justinian
Minarets: a tall, thin tower of a mosque with a balcony from which the people are called to prayer
Domed basilica: circle resting on a square
Pendentive-transition for a dome (circle) on a square
Squinch: transition for a dome on semi circle or circle
Iconoclasm: image breaking
Theotokos Mosaic (mosaic in Hagia Sophia)
867 CE
Aspe of the Hagia Sophia (western wall of the Hagia Sophia)
Deesis mosaic (another mosaic in Hagia Sophia including Christ with the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist)