3 types
-Wechsler Audlt Int. Scale (WAIS-R)
-Wechsler lint. Scale for Children (kids 6-16) WISC-lll
-Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Int. (WPPSI-R) 4-6 ½
% scores in many areas
-Computer differ scores in each area= more detailed picture of strengths and weakness
Score abt 100
95% 70-130
Most useful in school prediction
Nature- heritability
-Amt that genetics has to do with your chars
-How much the environment has to do with intelligence
567 t or F cannot say
Reveal habits, fears, delusions, sex attitudes, psych disorders
Look for patterns of responses
Checking for accuracy
-Rephrasing of ?
Most frequently used
Revised to include type A personalities, intro and extroversion
The CA psychological inventory
More general use
No questions for psychiatric illnesses
Measures traits
-Predict adjustment to stress
The thematic apperception test
20 cards w/ vague but suggestive situations
Tell a story about the picture