MGMT 445: Exam 2

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____ was the seminal piece of legislation that shaped and defined employment law rights in the U.S.

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____ was the seminal piece of legislation that shaped and defined employment law rights in the U.S.

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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What was the main motivation of Title VII?

  • Eliminate long-standing racial discrimination in the workplace against African-Americans

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Title VII and other discrimination laws are meant to:

  • Remove matters such as race, etc. from the employment decision-making equation

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True or False: Title VII and related laws are meant to provide “extra” rights or give anyone an advantage in getting/keeping a job, getting promoted/demoted


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Employers are permitted to seek and promote ____ in the workplace

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

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What elements does Title VII covers (5):

  • Race - ethnicity (not necessarily country of origin)

  • Color - skin

  • Gender

  • National origin - country of origin, not citizenship

    • Religion - beliefs or practices

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What is covered under Title VII’s, gender (3)?

  • sexual harassment

  • sexual orientation

  • gender identity

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True or False: can there be “overlap” between types of discrimination

  • True

    • (there can be overlap between race & color, race & national origin, etc.)

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True or False: Title VII only covers employees in corporate + management positions

  • False

    • Covers all levels and types of employees)

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True or False: Title VII does not apply to United States workers when they leave the U.S. for work.

  • False

    • U.S. citizens employed anywhere in the world by American employers are protected by Title VII

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True or False: Non United States citizens employed by American employers are covered by Title VII only in the U.S.


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What are the 2 ways employers can violate Title VII:

  • Disparate treatment

    • Disparate impact

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____ happens when the plantiff is intentionally treated differently based on a reason thar is illegal, under Title VII

  • Disparate treatment

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____ occurs when the plantiff is victim of unintentional discriminationillegal under Title VII

  • Disparate Impact

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What did the McDonell Douglas Corp v. Green case show?

  • About Disparate Treatment

    • Plantiff presents their prima facie (first) case:

        1. plantiff belongs to racial minority

        1. plantiff applied and was qualified

        1. despite qualifications, plaintiff rejected

        1. after plaintiff’s rejection, position remained open & employer continued to seek applicants from persons of plantiff’s qualifications

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What does defense of “valid legal reason” mean?

  • Defendant must show:

    • legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for adverse employment action (ex. termination, not being hired) against plaintiff

      • ** After: plaintiff should present evidence showing defendant’s reason was pretext (an excuse) for discrimination

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In McDonnell Douglas Corp v. Green (1973) what was the 3 step analysis?

  • Step 1: person/employee must show treated unfairly based on protected characteristic

  • Step 2: employer must provide legitimate reason

  • Step 3: must show employers’ reasoning was pretext (an excuse) for discrimination

(plaintiff > defendant > plaintiff)

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What are some ways the defendant can prove the adverse employment action was base on a legiitmate, nondiscriminatory reason (2):

  1. Good Cause

  2. Bona-fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ)

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What is a BFOQ?

  • A potential discriminatory policy or qualification, but is necessary for the job/business

    • A narrow exception to what would otherwise be illegal discrimination

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What is an example of a BFOQ?

  • Not hiring a man to clean/manage a woman’s locker room

  • Lifting a certain amount of weight to the job safely (FedEx, firefighters, etc.)

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How is Disparate impact initiated?

  • Employee/ applicant alleges that the employer’s (on the face) neutral policy/qualfiication has an adverse impact on a protected Title VII group

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What must the employer do to examine potential disparate impact?

  • Look at the real-life effect of a job qualification, company policy, etc

    • (Since no intent is needed for a disparate impact case)

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True or False: A white man can be protected in a race or sex discrimination case

  • True

    • A “protected” group can be any group adversely impacted

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How do you show disparate impact?

  • 4/5ths rule (statistical study)

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What is the 4/5ths rule?

  • Minority group must do at least 80% as well as majority group on job screening device

    • If not: there is a presumption that a disparate impact case can arise

      • BUT can be rebutted by employer’s legitimate business necessity

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What does theGriggs v. Duke Power co. case show?

  • About disparate impact:

    • For years, company able to get away with race discrimination

    • African Americans were only eligible to work in 1 department out of 5 (also lowest paying)

    • Once Title VII was enacted: opened up job to African Americans (in all 5 departments) but required applicants to be a High School graduate

      • This was a problem because: there were white people in other departments and did not have a diploma

        • Expert for plaintiff did a survey - noted: that local population had more black high school drop outs

          • Expert wanted to figure out why: because black students weren’t given adequate resources to be successful in schools

            • Yes, disparate impact was valid

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What must the plantiff prove when the employer tries to retaliate under Title VII (3)?

Plantiff must prove:

  1. Was engaged in activity protected by Title VII

  2. Suffered adverse employment action

  3. Engaging in protected activity caused the adverse employment action

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What counts as an employer retaliating against Title VII? (2)

  1. Opposing anything that violates Title VII (opposition clause)

  2. Taking part in/ assisting any Title VII investigation, proceedings, or hearings (participation clause)

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What did Clark v. Claremont University Center show about racial discrimnation?

  • Racial discrimination violated Title VII

  • Even actions that seem neutral can be discriminatory if they have a disproportionate impact on a certain race

  • Employers have an obligation to prevent racial discrimination, can be held liable if fail to take measures to prevent

  • Racial harassment can be a form of discrimination & employers must prevent + address harassment in the workplace

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According to Ricci v. DeStefano, what must employers do (4):

  1. Employers cannot make employment decisions based on race (even if they think they are doing it for non-discriminatory reasons)

  2. Must have strong basis to justify employment decisions based on race

  3. NOT rely on racial quotas/race-based decisions to achieve a more diverse workforce

  4. NOT act against employees solely based on their race/ethnicity

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What does race discrimination involve according to the EEOC?

(entire “race/color discrimination” section)

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True or False: Discrimination can occur even if the plantiff is the same race as the defendant?


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