Four functions of the family
sexual stabilisation - stable satisfaction of the sex drive
economic stabilisation - meeting its members economic needs
socialisation - socialisation of the young
reproduction - reproduction of the next generation
Criticisms of Murdock
There are other institutions that can fulfil these functions, it does not have to be a nuclear family.
rose tinted glasses
feminist - serves the needs of men but not women
marxists - the family meets the needs of capitailism
pre industrial revolution - extended family
post industrial revolution - nuclear family
As society changed, the ‘type’ of family that was required to help society unction changed. Industrial society has two essential needs which requires a nuclear family to work:
geographically mobile workforce
socially mobile workforce
Parsons also argues that the family in modern society has lost many of its functions as it has become a unit of consumption only (rather than also being a unit of production)
Young and Willmott (1973) & Laslett (1972): the pre-industrial family was nuclear, not extended.
Young and Willmott: hardship of the early industrial period gave rise to a ‘mum-centred’ working-class extended family.
Hareven (1999): extended family not the nuclear was the structure best equipped to meet the needs of early industrial society.
There is some support for the claim that the nuclear family has become dominant but the extended family has not disappeared
The family is a unit of consumption, the family is a prop to the capitalist system. The unpaid housework of women supports future generations of workers. The family consumes the products produced by the bourgeoisie (ruling class) to make profits.
keeping up with the Joneses
pester power
children who lack the newest things often get teased
Marxists assume that the nuclear family is dominant and ignores the wide and increasing variety of family structures in society today.
Feminists: Marxist emphasis on capitalism and social class underestimates the importance of gender inequalities.
Functionalists: Marxists ignore the very real benefits that the family provides for its members, such as intimacy and mutual support.
Zaretsky has been criticised for exaggerating the extent to which the family can escape from alienating work as he ignores the fact that the family can be a place of cruelty, neglect and violence.
changes in policy
dual income
changes in parenting
changes in social attitudes
Family life is becoming more equal.
Socialisation of the young is more neutral.
There has been a changes in social attitudes which have decreased female oppression in the family.
Working culture still exploits and oppresses women.
Government policies have helped to reduce female oppression in the family.
3 ways that the family forces women support capitalism:
Reproduction of the Labour force
Reserve army of cheap labour e.g. WWII
Ansley (1972): women are takers of shit
Only by getting rid of patriarchy and the family in particularly will lead to the end of women's oppression.
Separatism: Women must organise themselves to live independently of men.
Political Lesbianism: heterosexual relationships are inevitably oppressive.
Matrilocal Households: all female households (Greer, 2000)
Child Support Agency 1993
Children's Act 1989
Married Men’s Tax allowance
Section 28
Illegitimate Children given same rights as those who have married parents.
Parenting Order for parents of unruly children.
Longer Maternity leave
Allowed unmarried and same sex adoption.
The New Deal
Working Families Tax Credits.
Civil Partnership Act
Removed couples Penalty from Tax Credits.
Introduced shared parental leave.
Equal Marriage Act
Reintroduction of the Married couples Tax allowance.
2 Child cap on Child tax credits
Civil Partnerships for Heterosexual couples
pre-industrial revolution childhood
Children had similar responsibilities to adults
Work began at an early age
There were no differences in rights
High infant mortality rates meant that parenting attitudes were different
Childhood is the opposite of adulthood
Physical and symbolic separation
Different ‘rights’
found that this reluctance is due to the fact that Police and other state agencies are not prepared to become involved in the family. They make 3 assumptions about the family...
The family is a private sphere so access to it by the state agencies should be limited.
The family is a good thing and so agencies tend to neglect the ‘darker side’ of family life.
Individuals are free agents, so it is assumed that if a woman is experiencing abuse she is free to leave.
Increased involvement in further education
More likely to work, and work full time
Changing attitudes to women’s role in family life
It’s easier and cheaper to divorce, and live independently
Abortion and contraception are less stigmatised and accessible.