us history II final

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The National Security Act of 1947 streamlined the government in matters of security by creating the National Security Council and establishing the…

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The National Security Act of 1947 streamlined the government in matters of security by creating the National Security Council and establishing the…

the central intelligence agency

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Truman opposed __________ plans to demand large reparations from Germany.


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The Federal Republic of Germany joined NATO in _____.


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The idea that neighbors to communist nations were likely to succumb to the same allegedly dangerous and infectious ideology is known as…

domino theory

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U.S. diplomatic activity was in support of unseating __________, including plans to assassinate him if necessary.


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This senator was responsible for leading the charge that communists were hiding in the State Department.

Joseph McCarthy

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The Truman Doctrine offered support to __________ in the form of financial assistance, weaponry, and troops to help train their militaries and bolster their governments against communism.

Greece and Turkey

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The Soviet Union formed the __________ as a counterbalance to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Warsaw Treaty Pact

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Chinese Communist Party leader __________ announced the triumph of the Chinese Communists over their Nationalist foes in a civil war that had been raging since 1927.

Mao Zedong

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The 1948 presidential campaign had Harry S. Truman running against…

Thomas E. Dewey

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The __________ Resolution allowed negotiations to begin for the North Atlantic Treaty.


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The armistice agreement between North and South Korea established a(n) __________ between the two nations that remains today.

demilitarized zone

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Entire industries sprang up to cater to Americans’ needs for clothing, toys, games, books, and breakfast cereals as a result of the…

baby boom

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One of Eisenhower’s campaign promises was to end…

the Korean War

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The Women’s Political Council, a group of African American female activists, organized a boycott of Montgomery’s buses which resulted in…

the city's buses being desegregated

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__________ began to tear down color barriers, as white youths sought out African American musicians such as Chuck Berry and Little Richard.

rock n roll

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Eisenhower supporters used the phrase __________ to support him during the election of 1952.

"we like ike"

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__________ refused to give up her seat to a white man, and the Montgomery police arrested her.

Rosa Parks

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During World War II, the United States suffered from a housing shortage, especially in cities with shipyards or large defense plants which led to the growth of the…

the suburbs

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Under the __________ strategy, Eisenhower embraced nuclear “massive retaliation,” a plan for a nuclear response to a first Soviet strike that would be so devastating that the attackers would not be able to respond.

New Look

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The ruling of the Supreme Court case, Brown v. the Board of Education __________ public schools.


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In response to the lead that the Soviets had taken in the space race when Yuri Gagarin became the first human to successfully orbit the earth, John F. Kennedy urged Congress to…

land an American on the moon

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Ella Baker pushed for a “participatory democracy” that built on the grassroots campaigns of active citizens instead of deferring to the leadership of educated elites and experts which resulted in the formation of the…

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

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Which of these is not a way hippies rejected the conventions of traditional society?

many volunteered to join the army to fight in Vietnam

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The __________ were excerpts from a study prepared during the Johnson administration that revealed the true nature of the conflict in Vietnam to include that his administration had sought to deliberately provoke North Vietnamese attacks in order to justify escalating American involvement.

pentagon papers

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While being transferred from Dallas police headquarters to the county jail, Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed by __________, a local nightclub owner who claimed he acted to avenge Kennedy.

Jack Ruby

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Who was not one of the four sophomores from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro who entered the local Woolworth’s and sat at the lunch counter?

Ceasar Chavez

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In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade invalidated a number of state laws under which __________ obtained during the first three months of pregnancy were illegal.


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__________, suffering health problems and realizing his actions in Vietnam had hurt his public standing, announced that he would not seek reelection and withdrew from the 1968 presidential race.


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Which act provided increased federal funding to both elementary and secondary schools, allocating more than $1 billion for the purchase of books and library materials and the creation of educational programs for disadvantaged children?

the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

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President Johnson’s final piece of civil rights legislation was the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which prohibited…

discrimination in housing

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In 1960, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved __________, freeing women from the restrictions of pregnancy and childbearing.

The Birth Control Pill

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The North Vietnamese launched their most aggressive assault on the South, known as the __________, where nearly 100 cities in the South were attacked, including the capital of Saigon.

Tet offensive

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Russia and the United States signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), which limited each side to deploying only two…

antiballistic missile systems

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The Religious Right regarded HIV/AIDS as a form of divine retribution meant to punish gay men for their “immoral” lifestyle, despite…

it affecting heterosexual individuals

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Jimmy Carter’s dedication to peace and human rights significantly changed the way that the United States conducted its…

foreign affairs

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The idea that tax cuts for the wealthy would eventually translate into more jobs further down the socioeconomic ladder is known as…

trickle-down economics

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The head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, __________, argued that to continue to attack a defeated army would be “un-American,” and he advocated for ending Operation Desert Storm without removing Saddam Hussein from power.

General Colin Powell

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The health crisis that was plaguing young gay men in large cities was initially named, “Gay Related Immune Deficiency” (GRID), but was later renamed…


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Jimmy Carter was an engineer, a former naval officer, and…

a peanut farmer

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The economic policies that were key to Reagan’s success were known as…


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Gorbachev and Bush signed the __________, which committed their countries to reducing their nuclear arsenals by 25 percent.

Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty

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Prior to running for president, Nixon ran for the governorship of…


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The __________ had lent considerable support and encouragement to the conservative dialogues that helped carry Ronald Reagan into office in 1980.

Heritage Foundation

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One of the reasons President Carter’s reelection campaign was hurt was his inability to…

secure the release of hostages in Iran

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Reagan’s presidential victory was the result of dissatisfaction with the presidential leadership of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter in the 1970s and the growth of the…

New Right

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The Bush administration announced a bold military intervention in __________ in December 1989, claiming to act on behalf of human rights.


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Despite his promise to end the 50-year ban on homosexuals serving in the military, Clinton amended his promise in order to appease conservatives by instituting a policy of…

don't ask, don't tell

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How did hip hop and rap culture change in the 1990s?

they expanded beyond urban black centers into suburban america

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Why was 1992 considered the Year of the Woman?

a record number of women were elected or appointed to political offices

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Labor unions feared __________ as a result of globalization.

the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs overseas

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Regarding the 9/11 terrorist attacks, why did the fourth aircraft crash in rural Pennsylvania?

the passengers stormed the cockpit

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How had George H. W. Bush seemingly alienated conservatives?

he raised taxes

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What bill did President Bill Clinton pass in 1993 to create the largest free trade zone in the world?

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

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In which city did the Million Man March take place?

Washington D.C.

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What benefit did globalization bring to developing nations?

higher literacy rates

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Osama bin Laden originally learned to fight as an insurgent against what nation?

the Soviet Union

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President Clinton strongly supported ratification of the __________, a treaty that eliminated tariffs and trade restrictions among the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Internet access in the country increased from __________ to __________ between 1998 and 2000?

18%; 41%

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What requirement did the Immigration Reform Act of 1990 remove from the naturalization process?

passing an English language test

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How did the protests against globalization end in the 1990s?

protesters turned to violence

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Who became the primary villains in action movies in the 2000s?

Arab terrorists

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The belief that the United States has the right to protect itself from terrorist acts by engaging in preemptive wars or ousting governments deemed hostile to the United States in favor of more supportive, preferably democratic, regimes is referred to as…

the Bush doctrine

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How did the U.K. respond to the Great Recession?

with austerity measures

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Before the 2012 election, at a fundraising event, Mitt Romney said that he would not attempt to reach what percentage of the population?

the lower 47%

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In Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the Court ruled that "closely-held" for-profit corporations could be exempt on religious grounds under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act from regulations adopted under the Affordable Care Act that would have required them to pay for insurance that covered…


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Based on current trends, it is estimated that the current white majority will…

eventually become a minority

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The United States invaded __________ soon after 9/11 in order to find the terrorists responsible.


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How high was total credit card debt by 2008?

$1 trillion

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Who ran against Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election?

John McCain

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How much was President Obama's original plan going to invest over 10 years to create a competing healthcare option to private insurance?

$900 billion

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Which country did Osama bin Laden escape to?


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In 2007, which executive’s Ponzi scheme was uncovered?

Bernard Madoff

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In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama received what percentage of the African American vote?


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During the George W. Bush Administration, social security was under threat of derailment by…


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