The benchmark index of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) that reflects the price movement of 30 actively traded stocks.
Financial Market
A market for the creation and exchange of financial assets, facilitating the mobilization of funds between savers and investors.
Money Market
A market for short-term funds dealing in monetary assets with maturity of less than one year.
Capital Market
A market where long-term funds are raised and invested, consisting of both debt and equity securities.
Primary Market
The market where new securities are issued for the first time directly to investors.
Secondary Market
The market where existing securities are traded among investors, providing liquidity and marketability.
Stock Exchange
An institution providing a platform for buying and selling existing securities, facilitating capital formation.
Securities and Exchange Board of India, the regulator for the securities market in India, established to protect investor interests.
The process of converting physical share certificates into electronic form to facilitate easier transactions.
The ease with which an asset can be converted into cash without affecting its market price.