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information overload

the larger a cell gets, the more demands it places on its DNA. Eventaully the cells DNA cant meet the cells needs

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exchange of materials

cells take in nutrients and eliminate waste through the cell membrane

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the larger a cells volume, what does it need more of to function

the more materials it needs to function and the more waste it creates

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a cells volume increases at a faster rate than its surface area. as a cell grows, does its surface-area-to-volume ratio get to big or to small?

its surface area to volume ratio becomes to small

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the larger a cell gets, the (harder/easier) it is for enough materials to move across its cell membrane


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cell division

solves the information overload and material exchange problems

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asexual reproduction does what 3 things

  1. produces genetically identical organisms

  2. occurs in many single-celled organisms and in some multicellular organisms

  3. allows rapid reproduction of organisms in favorable environments

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sexual reproduction does what 3 things

  1. produces organisms with genetic info from both parents

  2. occurs in most plants and animals and in many single-celled organisms

  3. increases genetic diversity, which aids species survival in changing environments

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packages of DNA called ___________ hold off a cells genetic info


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prokaryotic chromosomes consist of a what

a single, circular strand of DNA

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eukaryotic organisms are what

highly organized structures

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the DNA winds around histone proteins forming what


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chromosomes make the precise separation of DNA possible during what

cell division

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what is the series of events in the growth and division of a cell

the cell cycle

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in the prokaryotic cell cycle, what does the cell do?

the cell grows, duplicates its DNA, and divides by pinching in the cell membrane

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the eukaryotic cell cycle has 4 phases (the first 3 are referred to as the interphase), what are they?

  1. in the g1 phase, the cell grows

  2. in the S phase, the cell replicates its DNA

  3. in the g2 phase, the cell produces organelles and materials for division

  4. in the M stage, the cell divides in 2 stages-- mitosis (the division of the nucleus), and cytokinesis (the division of the cytoplasm)

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the division of the nucleus, mitosis, occurs in how many stages

4 (PMAT)

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(1) prophase

a cells genetic material condenses, a spindle starts to form, and the nuclear envelope breaks down

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(2) metaphase

the duplicated chromosomes line up and spindle fibers connect to the centromeres

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(3) anaphase

sister chromatids separate and move towards the centrioles

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(4) telophase

the chromosomes begin to unwind and a nuclear envelope reforms

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division of the cytoplasm differs in what 2 kind of cells

plant and animal cells

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in animal cells, the cell membrane does what

the cell membrane draws in and pinches off

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in plant cells what forms

a cell plate forms, followed by a new cell membrane, and finally a new cell wall forms. (hint: animal cells do not have cell walls)

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proteins that regulate the timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells

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a programmed cell death that plays a key role in the development of tissues and organs

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a disorder in which cells divide uncontrollably, forming a mass of cells called a tumor

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what are cancers caused by

defects in genes that regulate cell growth

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what are treatments for cancer

removal of cancerous tumors, radiation, and chemotherapy

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multicellular organisms produced via sexual reproduction begin life as a what

as a single cell

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early cell divisions lead to the formation of a what


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individual cells become specialized in both form and function through the process of what


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a fertilized egg and the first few cells in an embryo are able to form any kind of cell and tissue, such a cell is called what


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what is an embryonic stage that consists of a hollow ball of cells. these cells are able to become any type of body cell. such cells are termed what.

a blastocyst is an embryonic stage that consists of a hollow ball of cells.

such cells are termed pluripotent

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unspecialized cells that can develop into differentiated cells are called what

stem cells, which are found in embryos and in adults

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embryonic stem cells are are what

the pluripotent cells of an early embryo

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adult stem cells are ________, which means they can produce many, but not all types of, differentiated cells


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potential benefits of stem cell research include what

the repair or replacement of damaged cells and tissues

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why is research with human stem cells controversial

it involves ethical issues of life and death

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Why is it necessary for cells to divide?

Cells need to divide for your body to grow and for body tissue such as skin to continuously renew itself.

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What are the main parts of the cell cycle?

interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.

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What do the spindle fibers do during mitosis?

form a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell.

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How many chromosomes are in a human cell?


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