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Who issued the Newcastle Propositions?

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Who issued the Newcastle Propositions?


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What were the terms of the Newcastle Propositions?

  • Abolition of bishops power 

  • Religion to be settled by Parliament 

  • Parliament to control monarchy advisors 

  • Parliament to control army for 20 years 

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What did Scotland want out of the war?

The establishment of strict Presbyterianism in England

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What did Charles want out of the war?

  • His full power restored

  • Himself back on the throne

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What did parliament want out of the war, before December 1647?

The king to agree to their terms and resume his place on the throne with:

  • a stronger army

  • a reformed church

  • parliament has the final say on all decisions

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What did parliament want after December 1647?

For the king to recognise their authority as legal counsel and give in completely to their orders

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Who were the Levellers?

A group of political radicals who were committed to popular sovereignty

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What was Charles’ answer to the Newcastle Propositions?

  • The 20 year parliamentary control over the militia to be reduced to 10

  • His supporters not to be persecuted

  • Discussions about a Presbyterian church

  • To retain his ability to chose his advisors and military appointments

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What was the ‘Declaration of Dislike’?

declared any campaigning against the disbandment of the army without pay or immunity were ‘enemies of the state and disturbers of the public peace’

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Why did the army become a more political force in 1647?

parliament were attempting to disband them unfairly and without their opinions valued

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What did the army do to prevent a settlement being made between king and parliament?

captured the king and negotiated with him directly

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Who were the army divided between?

Moderates and Radicals

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Who presented the ‘Heads of Proposals’?

The newly established head army council

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What were the terms of the Heads of Proposals?

  • Biennial parliaments

  • Elections in Commons to be representative of the wealth of taxable counties

  • The militia to be under control of parliament for 10 years

  • Authority of bishops to be removed

  • Royal family to be restored without any other restrictions 

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How did ordinary officers feel about the Heads of Proposals?

it was too accommodating for the king, who should pay for his crimes throughout the civil war

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Why was Charles not wanting to accept any settlement?

he assumed his divided enemies would destroy themselves and he could easily retake his throne after

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What was ‘The Case of the Army Truly Stated‘?

an aggressive document attacking senior army officers for proposing the heads of proposals

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What was ‘The Agreement of the People’?

An outcome of the Putney Debates, detailing the Leveller stand against Charles I, a settlement between him and parliament, and advocacy for individual liberties and equal democracy

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Who presented ‘The Agreement of the People’?

the Levellers

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Who made up a large portion of the levellers?

rank and file NMA soldiers

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Why did Charles accept a settlement with Scotland, and not with parliament or the NMA?

Charles accepted Scotland as a legal political provision where he saw parliament and the NMA as his subjects and his to command, not the other way around

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Who issued the ‘Engagement’?


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What were the terms of the Engagement?

  • Presbyterian worship for 3 years, followed by a debate on how the church should be governed

  • The suppression of radical religious and political groups

  • All English armies would be disbanded, and the Scottish army would be sent to protect the monarchy

  • No other restrictions upon the monarchy

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Which settlement did Charles accept?

The Engagement

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How did the NMA view Charles’ agreement with the Scots?

as an indicator that Charles was not willing to negotiate and a republican state was now a possibility

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