American Coot, Gruiformes Rallidae
black strip on beak, all black, lobed toes. REDDISH SPOT ON TOP OF BEAK
Annas Hummingbird, Apodiformes Trochilidae
Develops a red patch aropund head in adult males Females have red flecks on throat area but not when immature Immature males show some red coloration
Black OysterCatcher, Charadriiformes Haematopodidae
Orange red bill. Black head. Dark brown body
Caspian Tern, Charadriiformes Laridae
Long orange bill with dark tip.
Common Nighthawk, Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae
distinct whitebars on wings brwon modeling with white call: one simple note + roar liek wing sound
Glaucous Winged Gull, Charadriiformes Laridae
Red spot on lower bill in breeding adults. White head Brown with black bill in winter
Greater Yellowlegs, Charadriiformes Scolopacidae
longer beak, 1.5x head and slightly upturned bill
Killdeer, Charadriiformes Charadriidae
2 necklaces, dark bill
Lesser Yellowlegs, Charadriiformes Scolopacidae
Beak a little longer than 1x head. Note long rectrices (tail)
Marbled Murrelet, Charadriiformes Alcidae
White scapular patch in non-breeding adults. Breeding adults are brown.
Mourning Dove, Columbiformes Columbidae
beige coloration, black wing tips
Parasitic Jaeger, Charadriiformes Stercorariidae
Dark brown dorsal side. Most ahve grayish brown breast band rufous cast pale primary tips
Pigeon Guillemot, Charadriiformes Alcidae
Dark covert bar on wing. Non breeding adults retain this area of wing but not the overall black coloration.
Red Necked Phalarope, Charadriiformes Scolopacidae
Female- bigger than male dainty, slender neck, thin sharp bill. rusty neck, white under-neck patch, and dark gray cap (specimen)
Red Necked Phalarope, Charadriiformes Scolopacidae
Male- bigger than male dainty, slender neck, thin sharp bill. rusty neck, white under-neck patch, and dark gray cap (specimen)
Ring Billed Gull, Charadriiformes Laridae
Black ring around bill tip
Rock Pigeon, Columbiformes Columbidae
Color Pattern Broad but pointed wings 2 black bands on wings and dark tipped tail Green iridescent throat Behavior Ground forager for seeds Often gather in flocks Walk or run on the ground, pecking for food. When alarmed, the flock may fly into the air, circle several times, then come down again. Habitat - Towns
Rufous Hummingbird, Apodiformes Trochilidae
Orange coloration develops over time into adulthood White collar around neck area in adult females
Sandhill Crane, Gruiformes Gruidae
Adults have gray dull red skin on crown Juveniles lack the red skin on crown but have mottled brownish red patches on feathers.
Short Billed Gull, Charadriiformes Laridae
Spotted Sandpiper, Charadriiformes Scolopacidae
orange bill with black tip. spotted chest. ORANGE OR DARK BROWN BEAK
Vauxs Swift, Apodiformes Apodidae
Brown coloration, broad wings relative to body Light brown patch under head Cigar shaped body.
Virginia Rail, Gruiformes Rallidae
Red beak and legs, gray face with Rusty chest
Western Sandpiper, Charadriiformes Scolopacidae
Slender decruved bill Arrow shaped spots extend to flanks on ventral side. BLACK BILL
Wilsons Snipe, Charadriiformes Scolopacidae
long beak. squat. strip below eyeline, pale strip down middle of crown. LARGER BILL= 2x length of head