ca. 200-400 CE
scenes related to Christianity
tombs for Christians in Rome
Christianity was not popular at the time
ca 432 CE
Features an apse, columns on inside to shape the nave, clerestory
Christians needed to adapt their churches for their needs.
Previous roman churches held services outside but Christian churches were held inside.
early 6th century
tempera, gold, and silver on purple vellum
Writing done in molten silver
velum was originally purple - very expensive dye
the naked woman is the personification of the river
these types of books were extremely expensive to make
continuous narration: same character appears within the same page/frame to show movement
Anachronism: the city in the background doesn’t fit within the time frame
Ravenna, Italy
circular/central plan
top dome is a clerestory
inside is decorated with colorful paintings or arches
apse has a mosiac that uses real gold and different colored stones/glass/pearls
early churches were plain on the outside
Isodorus of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles
Istanbul (Byzantium)
Funded by Emperor Justinian
held a contest for best architects in his empire
dome, windows on bottom w/ thin verticle supports
dome was revolutionary at the time; slightly smaller than the dome of Pantheon
1453: Converted into a mosque
1935: Deconsecrated as a religious building, became a museum
2018: Reconsecreated as a mosque
encaustic on wood
sixth or seventh century
from Saint Catherine’s Monastary
Mount Sinai, Egypt
Melted beeswax w/ paint (tempura)
Hand of god reaching down (top of painting)
ca. 700 (early medieval)
tempera on vellum
“Carpet” pages
some pages w/illustrations in between chapters
features four books in the New Testament
Carpet design influenced by Middle Eastern carpets/art
Patterns were time-consuming and complex
paintings these was an exercise in intense focus
9th and 10th century
filled w/ columns, fountain, orange grove, symmetrical arches, stone and red brick
characteristics of western islamic architecture
Conques, France
c. 1060 - 1130
Medieval Romanesque
Features Last Judgement Tympanum and Reliquary Statue of Saint-Foy
c. 1070
230 ft x 20 in high
Embroidered wool on linen
continuous narrative with text
Made entirely by women as sewing was exclusively done by women
Scenes of Norman invasion of Britain
Chartres, France
c. 1145 - 1155 CE
Reconstructed c. 1194-1220 CE after a large fire
Limestone and stained glass
Jamb figures near entrance
pointed arches
utilizes old and new gothic styles
houses Virgin Mary’s Tunic
c. 1230
Medieval Period
Abstract architecture in background
Moralized Bible: a medieval Bible w/ many more illustrations than others sacred books; included commentary
C. 1300 - 25
Painted Wood
Pieta: a picture or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus on her lap or in her arms
Northern artists focused on intense emotion and gore in order to inspire faith and piety in viewers
Architect: Giotto
c. 1305
Frescos inside tell biblical stories
Depictions of those going to hell and heaven
Commissioned by a wealthy man
Much of Europe was illiterate, art helped tell biblical stories
Called Arena Chapel bc it is on the site of an ancient Roman arena/amphitheater
Doing commissioned art for churches was seen as a way to get into heaven
C. 1320
Northern Spain
Scenes related to Passover
Scenes related to Passover; plaques and escape of Hebrews from Egypt
Haggadah: A text used in the Jewish faith, especially during the rituals around the Passover holiday
At the time this was made, there was a large Jewish community in Spain
Some of the wealthiest people were Jewish - they could afford to make these expensive books
Anachronism: Figures look too much like contemporary people, not accurate to the time period
Nasrid Dynasty
Granada, Spain
Multiple buildings connected by paths, gardens, and gates
ornate interiors
4 palaces
Brightly colored facade
double arched windows
Some of the rooms were used to host visitors
Some rooms were used as residential apartments
workshop of Robert Campin
Tempera and oil on panel
Triptych that could be open and closed
Patrons of the artwork are featured on left panel
Lots of symbolism such as white flower that represents purity of Mary
Filippo Brunelleschi
Florence, Italy
Began in 1420s completed 1460s
Built in between other buildings
facade of chapel inspired by Roman arches
Features a dome that was inspired by Pantheon and Hagia Sophia
Commissioned by Pazzi Chapel
Jan Van Eyck
Tempera and oil on wood panel
Man’s clothes are dark purple/black
Black clothes were dyed with purple multiple times
Shows wealth
Dog is a symbol of faith between husband and wife
Late 1420s to 1460s
David is shown stepping over Goliath’s head
Goliath’s beard - that shows his age/maturity - juxtaposes David’s youthfulness
David looks androgynous
5.5 - 6 ft tall
Return to classical
Contrapposto pose
Nudity (to show vulnerability
first full length freestanding bronze statue since the fall of Rome
Commissioned by Medici family - richest family in Florence
Fra Filippo Lippi
c. 1445 - 1460
Tempera on wood
No halos to make Mary and Jesus more huma
Foreshortening to give the painting 3 dimensionality
More naturalistic than pr3evious depictions from medieval period
Image of Mary was based on nun who Lippi had an affairt with and angel is based on his son
Sandro Botticelli
ca 1482
Tempera on panel
rare nudity of a woman
Two figures on the left are wind
Right figure is a season
Leonardo Da Vinci
Oil, tempera, fresco
Scene of last supper before crucifiction
Oringinally in a convents dining room in a church
Leonardo experimented by painting on dry plaster
As a result the color didnt bond with the wall and the painting has faded over the years
Albrecht Durer
Northern Renaissance
lots of animals throughout scene
Vatican City, Rome
Pieces of architecutre are actually painted on
Michelangelo used male models even for women - everyone is buff!
1509 - 1511
High Renaissance
painting features important figures from Ancient Greece
statues of greek/roman gods feautred
in the center are Plato and Aristotle
Direct observation of nature
Matthias Grunewald
c. 1510-15
Oil on Wood
Northern Renaissance
Scenes of crucificion
surrounded by mary, mary magelene, and one of the apostoles
panels show different saints
bottom panel shows the lamentation
function: to educate people who could mpot read and inspire feelings of piety
tempera on panel
ambigiouty about what is going on
pastel color palette
in a small chapel
Late renaissance
oil on canvas
direct observation of nature
two servant women in the background
dogs are used as a symbol of faith in a marriage
flowers are alluding to a wedding ceremony
hairsttyle is typical for engaged women in the Renaissance
Commissioned by woman’s fiance