Behavior modification

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The differential reinforcement of successive approximations to a target behavior.

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differential reinforcement

one particular behaviour is reinforced, whereas all other behaviours are not

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successive approximations

each consecutive behaviour more closely resembles the target behaviour in a series of shaping steps

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quantitative shaping

Setting criteria to increase or decrease the amount of behaviour (duration, latency, frequency, magnitude)

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qualitative shaping

degree to which successive behaviours resemble the target behaviour

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giving stimuli before (or during) performance of a behaviour to increase the likelihood that a person will engage in the target behaviour at the correct time

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response prompt

the behavior of another person that evokes the desired response in the presence of the SD

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Verbal prompt

hints, instructions, commands, or other spoken words used to guide or direct behaviour

Ex: clean that up

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Gestural prompt

A physical movement or gesture of another person that leads to the correct behavior in the presence of the discriminative stimulus.

Ex: cupping hand behind eat to signify to other person to speak louder

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modelling prompt

demonstration of the entire target behaviour by another person

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Physical guidance prompt

another person physically assists in the execution of the target behaviour

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three-step prompting

use prompts progressively, starting with verbal, then modelling, and finally physical guidance prompts

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Stimulus prompt

SD is changed (within-stimulus), or stimulus is added

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Within -stimulus prompt

involves changing the SD in some way

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Extra-stimulus prompt

Involves adding a stimulus to the SD

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Auditory prompts

Sounds outside of words

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Environmental prompts

Alterations or additions to the physical surroundings in which the SD is presented

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Transfer of stimulus control

Prompts are faded, reduced, or eliminated so that target Behavior occurs to the normal SD alone; Behavior continues to be reinforced

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Gradual elimination of prompting so that eventually it is no longer needed; stimulus control is transferred from prompts to SD

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Response prompt fading

Response prompt is gradually lessened

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Fading within prompt

Same prompt is used, but is decreased in magnitude

Ex:teacher shows flash cards of the word “blueberry” and says “blueberry”, then she says “blue”, then she says “b”, then she simply shows the flashcards and the kids know what the word says

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Fading across prompt

Prompt is changed, according to prompting hierarchy

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Decreasing assistance

Prompts change from more intrusive to less intrusive

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Increasing assistance

Prompts change from less to more intrusive until behavior is performed

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Graduated guidance

Used in fading physical guidance prompts; teacher provides as much physical guidance as required

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Teacher's hand follows learner's movement without contact

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Spatial fading

Focus on guidance (teacher's hand contact) changes from fingers, to hand, to wrist, to elbow

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Stimulus prompt fading

Stimulus prompt is decreased in magnitude or frequency

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Prompt delay

Present SD, wait a certain number of seconds, and if target behaviour does not occur, provide the prompt

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Behavioural chain

Complex Behavior comprised of several component Behaviors that occur together in a certain order

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Task analysis

Identifying all antecedent stimuli and responses in the sequences that comprise a behavior chain

Conducted in diff ways:

  1. Observe someone else who is competent at the task while behavior analyst records all SD and responses

  2. Recruit an expert, who describes all SD's and responses, recorded by Behavior analyst

  3. Behavior analyst performs the task themselves, recording all SD's and responses

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Total task presentation

-Individual attempts all links in the chain from beginning to end

-Prompting is provided for each link as required

-natural reinforcement is given only after test link

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Backward chaining

Prompting and fading are used to teach a complex behaviors starting with the final link

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Forward chaining

Prompting and fading are used to teach a complex behavior starting with the first link

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Self-prompting methods

Person prompts self in order to learn the chain; does not require much supervision from a teacher

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Written task analysis

Learner uses a List of instructions that comprises the behaviour chain

Ex: recipes in a cookbook

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Learner reels a series of verbal prompts overtly or covertly to guide their behaviors through the chain

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Picture prompts

Learner uses photos or pictures of the product of each behavior through the chain

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Video modelling

Learner watches a video of a model performing a link in the Behavior chain before attempting it, or watches entire video all the way though before attempting the whole chain

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stimulus variation

All possiple stimulations of sD’s likely to encounterd should be included in the training regimen

Ex: for PBJ sandwich, present diff bread, jam, jars, etc

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Response variation

Variation in sD’s often require some change in response to produce the same effect

Ex: varying stimulus by presenting jelly instead of jam requires different responses to get it out of the jar and onto the bread

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Indirect methods

Data in antecedents, behaviors, and consequences are collected from the target person or others who know them well

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Direct observation methods

Data on antecedents, behaviors, and consequences gathered as the behavior occurs in its natural environment

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Scatter plot analysis

Recording period is divided into intervals every half hour, if the Behavior has occurred, one cell of the grid is shaded

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Functional analysis

Experimenter systematically manipulates antecedents and consequences to determine their effect on target behavior

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To determine patterns of relationships that are not clear yet

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Hypothesis testing

To confirm predictions from informant or descriptive assessment

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Whole-time DRO

Reinforcer delivered if problem behaviour is absent during the entire interval

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Momentary DRO

Reinforcer delivered if problem behaviour is absent at the end of the interval

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Procedure in which a lower rate of a Behavior is reinforced to decreased the rate of that Behavior

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Procedure for decreasing a problem behaviors by reinforcing a functionally equivalent alternative behavior to replace problem behavior

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functional communication training

Type of DRA procedure in which a communication response is reinforced to replace the problem Behavior

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A physically incompatible Behavior is reinforced to replace the problem Behavior

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Reinforcer is delivered after intervals of time in which the problem Behavior does not occur

Involves reinforcing absence of Behavior

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Full-session DRL

Reinforcer is delivered if fewer than a specified number of responses occur in a specific period

Used to decrease rate of Behavior

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Interresponse time

Time between occurrence of consecutive responses

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Interval DRL

Dividing session into consecutive intervals or time and providing the reinforcer if no more than one response occurred in each interval

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Multiple stimulus assessment

An array of potential reinforcers is presented to the individual, and the researcher records which potential reinforcer the individual approaches first

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Paired stimulus assessment

Two potential reinforcers are presented to the individual and the researcher records which stimulus the individual approaches

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Preference assessment

Process of identifying reinforcers for an individual that involves presenting potential reinforcers and measuring whether the individual approaches, manipulates or consumes the item

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Reinforcer assessment

Process in which an item from a preference assessment is delivered contingent on a Behavior to see if the behaviour increases

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Spaced-responding DRL

Procedure in which the reinforcer is delivered when responses are separated by a specific time interval

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Single stimulus assessment

Each potential reinforcer is presented one at a time to see whether the individual approaches the stimulus or not

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Antecedent intervention

Procedures in which antecedents are manipulated to influence the target behavior

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Behavioral momentum theory

When a Behavior is reinforced repeatedly in a particular context, that Behavior and similar behaviors are likely to persist in that context

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Noncontingent reinforcement

Form of antecedent intervention in which stimuli that are known reinforcers are delivered on a schedule independent of behavior, not dependent on responses

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Discriminative stimulus

Stimulus presented when Behavior is reinforced

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Stimulus presented when Behavior is not reinforced

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